It's Lonely to Be Invincible

Chapter 784

At the moment when the golden cancan paper was taken out, the voice of zhizhiniao reviewer was ringing in the secret room, which was about to collapse.

"Master, where have you been? I haven't updated it for several days."

"Brother, I call your brother is not good, you continue to update it."

"If you can't do it, you can call your father. You don't know. They are going to rebel. More than a dozen strong men forced the palace together and asked us to give up your identity."

"Please, you can update it. You can't do it every day, at least once every two days."

Knowbird reviewers are about to collapse and have never experienced such a thing.

In the past, not only were those writers unpopular, they were often spurted.

For example, if you don't write well, you will be spurted "can you change someone? What's this special writing about?".

It happens a lot, but now it's different.

The master level writer's hand, earth shaking, shocked the world, caused countless people's attention.

The content of the writing is even more popular.

Now a day's writing is a kind of torture for people who know and know birds.

"Hello, what are you talking about? Who's your father? Don't get involved. " Lin Fan scolded that what he hated the most was these random relationships.

I don't know what I'm talking about.

Sincerity is hard to understand.

"Master, I don't want to climb the relationship, but can you update it? It's been a long time this time." Zhizhiniao reviewers are anxious to cry, do not know what to say.

"What's the hurry? You just said that a dozen strong people want my identity." Lin fan asked.

Zhizhiniao reviewer Leng God, and then assured: "master, you can rest assured that we know bird is a principle, will never disclose your identity."

They know that knowbird will never disclose the author's identity.

If it is published, then they will not be written.

Lin fan doesn't care, but he can't be too arrogant when he thinks about the situation of the clan. If a strong man comes and he is not there, something will happen.

"We'll update it later. That's it."

After breaking off contact with zhizhiniao, he sat cross legged and took a look at the hanging girl. "Wait a minute, I have to finish my work."

I'm a little busy today.

It's the busiest time he's ever been.

Hanging woman sitting opposite Lin fan, face expressionless, motionless, gently nodded, "good."

Lin Fan closed his eyes and began to conceive, of course, not the Lord of Dan, but the content of the Lord of the right way.

Now that you have offended me, you should hold on to hatred and have a good fight next time.

After a long time, he had a way of thinking, took out the golden paper and began to write.

The title is simple.

"Yuan Zhen, the Lord of justice, why did he raise a butcher's knife in front of me?"

This title belongs to the general, but I have to say, the attraction is still very strong.

After that, all the contents are written and transmitted directly.

Zhizhiniao reviewers are waiting with hope. When they see the content coming, they are excited to jump up.

"Finally, something will happen if you don't come."

He never thought that zhizhiniao would have such a great master writer.

Then I'll have a look at the latest content.

"Oh, my God." Zhizhiniao reviewer is about to collapse. Do you want to do this? When you see the most wonderful place, it's gone.

Itching in the heart, it's hard to read the whole story.

But then he saw the following.

"Lord of righteousness?"

The title is a bit surprising, and then I look at the content carefully, but I am shocked.

"True or false, the leader of the right way cultivates evil skills, slaughters countless people, and even cuts himself and hangs himself, won't he..."

The reviewers of zhizhiniao are shocked. The leader of the right path belongs to the pyramid of the strong and the highest figure.

However, it doesn't matter. They know that the birds only need to be exposed. As for other things, it has nothing to do with it.

When he was ready to contact the master, he found that he could not contact him.

In the chamber of secrets.

Lin Fan stares at the hanging girl, and the other party is also staring at Lin fan.

"I want to hear stories." The hanging woman said.

"Well, the story, now tell the story, but you have to change, your clothes and shoes, look like some infiltration, you have to change Lin Fan said.

In the past, when I saw this hanging girl in the village, I felt that the other party would not be intimidated. Therefore, I would tell the other party what clothes or shoes to wear to increase the atmosphere of terror.

But I didn't expect that the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp, there is a big secret.


At this time, the hanging woman stood in front of Lin Fan and took off her clothes. Unexpectedly, the figure inside was so perfect that the white blood vessels of her skin emerged."What are you doing?" Lin fan asked calmly.

What the hell does this girl want.

Or, now people have forgotten what they like best.

"If you don't like it, I'll take off my clothes." The hanged woman blinked and asked in some confusion.

Lin Fan stares at the hanging girl, "if I don't like it, you'll take off your clothes. If others say they don't like you, you're not going to commit suicide?"

The hanged woman shook her head. "She won't commit suicide. Other people don't like it. If I kill him, he won't dislike it."

"Good. You have a lot of ideas." Lin Fan feels that he has met his opponent. This hanging girl is a bit interesting.

He looked at it carefully, at a glance, and then waved, "you can change clothes at will in the village. Now change clothes quickly."

"I will not." The hanged woman shook her head.

"Please change into your old clothes." Lin Fan's squeaky fingers have begun to have the impulse to smash each other.

But hold on, at least not yet.

"Oh The hanged woman nodded and the clothes she had taken off reappeared on her body.

Lin Fan no longer said anything more. He had to solve the hanging girl. "OK, start telling stories. Today's first story is ugly duckling."

"It is said that a long time ago, a swan left an egg in a flock of ducks. When it broke its shell, it was discriminated and ridiculed by ducks because of its ugly appearance. One day, he asked the duck mother who raised him. Why didn't they like me?"

"Mother duck said that it is necessary to know how to make a duck. You are too ugly to be a duck, which lowers the overall quality of the duck."

"He was helpless, because not only did the duck family bully him, but also the chicken next door bullied him. He went to the chicken and asked why he bullied him. The chicken said that we made chicken into three or six grades, including street chicken, roadside restaurant chicken and star chicken. Your ugliness is in the duck circle, belonging to the ugliest duck. Not only do ducks bully you, we do it The chicken will bully you

Lin fan is very serious, and the hanging girl is staring at Lin fan, as if she was attracted by the story.

"The ugly duckling was very sad, but he did not leave his hometown, but tried hard to get the favor of his companions. Gradually, the ugly duckling found that he had changed. According to the lake, he found that he was becoming more and more beautiful. The chickens next door gradually gathered around him and liked him very much."

"And the ducks still hate him, but that disgust has turned into jealousy."

"The ugly duckling is very happy. He feels welcome. The henchmen like him very much. Every time the work is over, they come to find the ugly duckling and bring him food. Then the chicken coops surround the ugly duckling, and something very pleasant happens."

Lin Fan said nothing more.

"What happened to the ugly duckling?" The hanging girl asked, very curious, she was attracted by the story.

"The duck is dead." Lin Fan said, "in fact, there is a version of this story. I will continue to tell you."

"The ugly duckling left his home and wandered outside. He ran to a house called the old capital. He was found by the people of that family and was slaughtered and became a roast duck."

Lin Fan finished the first story, "OK, do you feel good?"

The hanged woman nodded, "nice to hear."

"Well, go on. There are many more stories to follow."

Lin fan has already worked hard. He will not do anything today. He will tell a story to the hanged girl. He wants to see when she can hear.

Hearing the story behind, the hanged girl showed a happy smile on her face.

"The following story is called Little Red Riding Hood..."

As time passed by, Lin Fan's mouth did not stop.


Sleeping Beauty

big head son and small head father

Sheriff black cat

He didn't know how many stories he had told, but he didn't believe the woman could hold on.

The next day!

Birds of knowledge fly everywhere, spreading yesterday's content.

The Lord of Dan attracted many people to watch.

And the Dan world is different as usual, people come and go, many people come by admiration, that is, they want to see the Lord of the Dan world.

Of course, some people who do not have a high level of cultivation, but admire the leader of the Dan world, are also waiting outside the Dan realm.

Jiuse Laozu is a little hurt recently, but zhizhiniao has not been updated, which makes him very sad, but the happy thing is that many people come to look for him.

He was asked about his later experience.

But he can't say that, ghost knows how master Lin Feng will write, so he can only prevaricate in the past. If he wants to know the follow-up, he should pay attention to the knowledge of birds.

"The content appears."

The people who got the content of zhizhiniao cheered for the first time. They waited for a long time to see the situation behind.

"It's gone again. I hate it. How can it be broken here? Who wrote it? Catch him out."Countless people wailed, waiting for so long, but did not expect to see a little bit of it.

But when they noticed the following, they were shocked.

"What? The Lord of the right way slaughtered countless people to cultivate evil skills, but he still wanted to beg for mercy, didn't he? "

"Well, it's not uncommon to cultivate evil skills, but Yuan Zhen is the leader of the right way. How could he do such a thing?"

"Is it true?"

"How can it not be true? This content was written by the master who wrote the Lord of the Dan Kingdom, but it can be false or not."

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