It's Lonely to Be Invincible

Chapter 1102

All the way.

Although the scenery is very beautiful, Mazu is not in the mood to enjoy it. His eyes have been staring at Lin fan.

"Where do you get so much good stuff?" He was stunned.

Also did not see the boy has any action, palm out of thin air baby, in addition to the beginning of some surprise, and then behind, show very calm, quietly put things into the storage ring.

Lin Fan pointed to the sky, "God sent, envy can not come."

Mazu just want to say, you are really bad, believe your ghost.

God sent it?

Bragging does not make a draft, too much, people before the true feelings of the boy is to bad.

It's just that he doesn't care.

Still thinking about the previous scene.

The secret of Yuanzu abyss is entangled in my heart and can't be forgotten.

"Boy, I always have a premonition that some day in the future, something big will happen. If you play around like this, you will make too many enemies. On that day, I'm afraid you will suffer." Said Mazu.

Lin Fan didn't care.

Suffer losses?

That's not the word.

"If you're afraid of anything, you'll make more enemies. If you don't see those people in the Buddha magic tower, don't care how many years have passed. If you listen to my name, you'll tremble with fear. If you see my real person, you'll be pissed off." Lin Fan said.

"Brag." Mazu didn't believe it. "You think your reputation can really shock those people. It's just that you scared them. Look, after a period of time, they are still regaining their power, and no one is afraid of it."

He didn't know Lin Fan's buff, but he only thought that the Buddha magic tower was afraid because he was suppressed.

But he knows that this fear will not last long. Maybe now, he has already cursed Lin Fan with blood.

"You don't understand." If you don't understand, it's a pity.

The devil ancestor is going to curse his mother.

It's another "you don't understand" to hide the past.

I don't know how much truth this sentence "you don't understand" has destroyed.

What if you say it, you won't die anyway.

True despair.

Do you want to continue to go to the divine court

"Where are you going next?" Asked Mazu.

Lin Fan did not think, "go back, the harvest is great, can't be insatiable, you say right."

"Ha ha." Mazu smile, smile reveals a helpless, greedy?

If someone else said that, he would believe it.

But this is from the boy's mouth out, if he really believe, basically belong to the devil.


After the first battle of the four major forces, Yuanzu abyss stood firm.

After the emergence of special free service, it has attracted a wave of traffic.

"Lin Ye, Mo ye, you are back." The king of bone looks very good and smiles. The development of the channel has made him see the future.

Lin Fan found that the passage of continuous flow of people, vaguely, can also hear the voice from the channel.

"It's been good lately."

The king of bones nodded, "Mr. Lin, that's nothing. It's good."

Lin Fan looks for the frog's figure, Leng is not to see the figure.

"And the frog?"

Frog is the nickname of Jiuhuang now. The king of bones naturally knows that. Of course, he can't shout like that.

All the nine masters clapped their chests and said that if they want to give him great benefits, they must be respected.

"Master Lin, Lord Jiuhuang, he has returned to his ancestral home." Said the king of bones.

Lin Fan ponders that when the frog returns, he doesn't know if he was entangled by Qiang Sheng.

Evil fate.

It's a bad fate.

Ah, no matter what, they are all debts after all.

Now he thought of the sect, the ghosts that enveloped his disciples.

Although it's not a big problem.

But after all, it is a problem. Go back to see the situation first, and then make plans.

He didn't care about the words he said before, but he also cared about it in his heart.

Big secret.

Any secret contains amazing wealth.

If you can understand the secret, get wealth and become a big man, it is not a matter of minutes.

"Mazu, watch the passage. I have to go back." Lin Fan said, head also did not return to leave.

When passing through the passage.

He was standing in the crowd.

See the distant howling cloud.

It's really miserable.

Even if you don't look, you can hear the sound of OLO.

He was introspecting whether it was too much, too bloody.

But think about it.

Being hated by others is my own reason.

It's a good thing to do like this. I'm willing to help others, help those weak people, and accomplish things that were once unthinkable.He can clap his chest and say it out loud.

Even if you lie there and let others step on it, no one will step on it.

After all, there is character.

"You bastards, we'll kill your whole family."

"Lao Tzu is the vice God of shenting."

"My father is God, you will not have a good end."

You Yuntou hair hair, red eyes, eyes have a kind of eyes to swallow the feeling.

It's really horrible.

Of course.

If it was before, this kind of look can really frighten many people, but later people are familiar with it.

In their eyes, this kind of look is empty and has no fear. It also stimulates their desire to step on OLO.

Even in this period of time, the people who passed through here, there were repeaters, and they all developed a variety of subtle teaching methods.

For you Yun, that's a refreshing one.

It's impossible to look directly at it.

"Sad." Lin Fan underestimated a sound, and walked toward the distance.

You Yun, who was screaming, felt a little strange. He looked up and then roared, "Lin fan, stop for me. You give me everything I have now. You wait for me, and I will make you regret it."

The people who had been preparing for the passage were very puzzled.

Who is this guy talking about?

Forget it. It's better to keep stepping on the eggs.

Stepping on eggs makes me happy and makes me more excited.


Lin Fan floats in the void, his eyes are swept, some are surprised, the situation is not right.

The black fog became more and more thick, as if it were integrated with Yanhua clan.

"Mad, that's too much."

Lin Fan was angry.

It's like dying.

Although it did not affect the yanhuazong, he did not want anything beyond his control to appear in yanhuazong.

After all, they are potential crises.

The purpose of his return this time is very simple, stay in zongmen to enhance strength.

During the trip to the tower of Buddha and magic, I accumulated a lot of points, which reached a terrible number.

After all, double points, and the overall strength of the tower is very strong, points naturally a lot.


It's not a problem to break through to dominance.

But at this time, he had to deal with the black fog over yanhuazong.

Tianxu mountain.

"Teacher, the family situation is not right." Lin Fan came back and directly sat beside him.

And the teacher's breath is very calm, after all, went his own way.

The realm of cultivation is different from them.

As for how strong it is, I don't know for the time being.

"Disciple, I'm also looking for the root cause, but I haven't found it yet." Tianxu said, "it's just that in the current situation, nothing has happened."

Lin Fan mused, "no matter if there is something wrong with this, for yanhuazong, such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen."

He felt the dark fog over yanhuazong, which could not be traced or even touched.

If it's a hanging girl, she has to look good.

There's no way.

The trace of the hanged girl is not to be traced.

"Oh, by the way, teacher, these are the wealth that I have collected outside. Take a look." Lin Fan takes out the things in the storage ring.

Tianxu's heart is very good and has experienced many shocks, otherwise it can't bear it.

"Disciple, that's enough, enough. You should keep some for yourself. Don't take everything to the ancestral gate." Tianxu said.

I am really too

I don't know what to say.

In other words, it's really lucky for him to have such a disciple, and even more so for yanhuazong.

Lin Fan waved his hand, "teacher, I don't need these things. You take them and look at them. Everything is up to you. I have to go back to practice first. I have to find a way to solve the problems of the clan. It's not the way to keep them."

"Well, it is." Heaven must nod his head and approve the words.

He is not practicing all the time.

It's not to revive the teacher's prestige in front of the students, but to share some heavy responsibilities for them.

He could see that the disciple was under great pressure. When he thought of it, his nose would be sour and tears would flow down.

If you let Lin Fan know that the teacher has such an idea, he will certainly be confused.

Teacher, what do you say.

I'm not stressed. Every time I go out to play, I'm very happy.

Of course, it is impossible for him to know such thoughts as disciple, because Lin fan has returned to invincible peak and is ready to practice hard.

Lin fan has just left.

Huorong et al. Ran to the top of his head. The look on his face showed that he could smell the smell of meat. After this period of fermentation.Their noses are more sensitive than dogs.

In the past, Tianxu could not stand such entanglement. If you were my younger martial brother, you could not give it.

However, when you see the cultivation of Huorong and others, the sky has to start spraying directly.


With so many resources, the progress of cultivation is not as good as other disciples. It is a waste of resources.

Huorong and others came in a hurry, thinking about returning home with full load. However, they could not have thought that they were caught by elder martial brother and were angry.

Suddenly there was a grievance.

"You have been wronged one by one. You should get rid of everything you have wronged. The resources that I try to get back are not for you old guys, but for talented and potential disciples." Heaven must be merciless, that is, a puff of anger.

"Elder martial brother, what you said is a little hurtful." The fire melts to cover the chest, the ache is very, the ache tears all quickly shed.

How can elder martial brother say such heavy words to them? It's very self-esteem.

Elder Ge Lian and others lowered their heads, a little ashamed.

In fact, it's a shame that the teacher came here to rub things.

But after Tianxu scolded these younger martial brothers, his anger subsided. He found that what he said was really serious and hurt people. "OK, don't make this expression. Take some and leave quickly. The elder martial brother is in a bad mood recently. Don't show up."

"Haodi, I understand." As for the previous sadness, it does not exist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!