Isekaid 40ish Man Returns, Regressed as a Peerless 17-Year-Old

CH 5.13

We are in front of our destination. The club in the entertainment district.

I’m wearing black shirt and black slacks.

I have brown hair, I used washable dye, all hardened and is combed to the back.

The only thing I can’t do anything with is how young I look but I hope this one won’t make me look like….

No, I’m really dressed like a fake host.

「Sorry to keep you waiting. It’s difficult to walk on heels….」

Yui is wearing a super mini one piece with a wide open chest area that shows off her perfect body line.

It’s called a bodycon.

She was wearing a good amount of makeup and naturally looked at least three years older than she is.

Despite being her first club experience, she’s not nervous at all. As expected of a true ojousama.


「You don’t look like you’re going to a place called “TGIF”.」

「Eh….? Is it strange? Doesn’t people who go to a place like that dress like this….」

「If you’re going to ask me about you two’s outfit….they’re fine. It’s a place where different people dressed in different ways go so there’s no problem. It’s just that….」

Sugita, who glanced at Yui’s chest, is wearing the same clothes he wore when we were at the gesen.

Areh? Does that mean I shouldn’t have put so much effort?

I don’t want to be seen as a minor so I wore something like this as some kind of disguise.


The club is in the basement of the building and the music played by the DJ is loud. The place is already crammed with people.

The area was quite large for a basement club.

It’s about the size of a small hall.

Now, where should I pick up a clue about the drugs?

I can’t talk about it openly here.

It would be better to go to the place where it is being discussed…..

「A-amazing music….」


With the music playing so loud that you can’t even talk with someone unless you bring your face close to the other party, it’s quite difficult to distinguish conversations around.

While wandering around the venue with a glass of orange juice, a number of men called Yui while we were listening to the conversations around.

As Yui began to get fed up with refusing and me glaring at them, the crowd started to change a little.


High touching begins. Men and women hug and grope each other’s bodies around.

These party people are too….or so I thought until I noticed it.

Their eyes were all out of focus.

I carefully tasted the orange juice I have.

This is….cyanide!

….this is no time to play detective.

It’s a small amount but there is some evidence of a mixture of some kind of drugs.

I raised my tongue’s sense and tried the oolong tea as well. there’s something in it too.

I stopped the detoxification magic, that’s constantly active in my body, and stirred up a few cups of oolong tea.

My consciousness becomes fluffy and a strange feeling of elation envelops me.

As expected….

I immediately recasted detoxification magic in me.

I had imagined that there would be some drug deals in this venue but I was wrong.

All the drinks were drugged….?

What for?

The entrance was dirt cheap for a drug party…

Damn it! Yui!