Iron Blooded Soldier God

Chapter 27

When Cheng Chong crawled painstakingly to the small soil slope, his whole body collapsed and almost fainted.

He was dizzy and distended, his whole body was weak, extremely sleepy and tired, and he was dying. Even the knife wound on his right thigh didn\'t seem to feel much pain.

However, at the moment he lay down, he still didn\'t forget to shoot forward quickly and open insurance. In any case, as a soldier, this most basic military accomplishment still exists.

At the moment, the night is thick, the new wind dances wantonly and endlessly, the stars in the sky are thin and the moon is light, and there are patches of clear clouds passing slowly as if nothing had happened.

Under the night sky, the group of militants were still concentrating their fire. The scene was not like besieging an injured Chinese soldier, but more like a large-scale battle.

With their powerful firepower to suppress each other\'s advantages, they made great strides forward, one by one, looking unbridled and arrogant. Straight to the front, I found that it was not a person lying on the ground, but a certain cotton hat. I suddenly found that I had been cheated.

But they still believed that Cheng Chong took refuge on the earth mountain. Instead, he concentrated his fire and fired at the earth mountain, causing the whole earth mountain to hit everywhere and the earth and rock to fly.

Dada... Dada

More than a dozen AK47 rifles spewed out long flames and besieged the earth mountain that wanted to cry without tears. The earth mountain stood alone in the desert for thousands of years. It hasn\'t enjoyed such a grand treatment since it came out!

Cheng Chong, hiding not far away, saw all this clearly. At this time, his heart was surprisingly clear, even though he was dizzy and weak at the moment.

Cheng Chong doesn\'t know if this is a reflection.

Cheng Chong knew in his heart that the bastards would soon find out that they were fooled again, took the wrong direction, and then scattered around to search. If my body can hold on at the moment, I will never let them search and find themselves. Unfortunately, at this time, my heart is spare but my strength is insufficient. I can\'t move if I want to move. It\'s difficult for my whole body to draw out a little strength to deal with them.

And they will soon find the place they are hiding from. At that time, they will inevitably die. This is almost expected. I am alone. I really fight alone. I can\'t contact the troops to report the situation, call for assistance, and I\'m afraid there will be no reinforcements. I don\'t know if the company commander and platoon commander have heard the news. The checkpoint will report to the company headquarters every two hours. The company commander should have known the news long ago.

Well, they should send reinforcements soon!

It\'s really fantastic! Cheng Chong quickly denied his idea and thought that his current position was at least more than ten kilometers away from the post, and this place was not within the scope of the guard post at the half moon corner. How could the company commander find it? Even if he could contact the company commander at the moment, he was not sure where his current position was.

You may really be a martyr this time. Cheng Chong is more and more disappointed, more and more lost, more and more sad. At ordinary times, comrades in arms often joke with each other. When they meet, they always make fun of each other very solemnly:

A smiled and asked, "Hey! Where are you dead? I haven\'t seen you for a long time. I thought you fucking died?"

And B doesn\'t mind at all. Instead, he often laughs back: "go, go! You\'ve secured the martyr quota. I don\'t dare to claim it falsely. It\'s not a blessing!"


Cheng Chong smiled bitterly. Unexpectedly, the classic lines of his comrades in arms laughing and joking with each other turned out to be a prophecy, and he would soon realize it.

Thinking of the martyrs, he soon thought of the three comrades in arms who had become martyrs, monitor Wei Jiangong, deputy monitor Ma Xiaodong, and veteran Liu, who had always been silent.

Ah! What a good comrade in arms! What a good comrade! What a good brother! Unfortunately, they all died in the hands of these bastards, and the other comrades in arms at the checkpoint are still missing. At the thought of this, Cheng Chong\'s heart was dripping blood and crying. For a moment, he was filled with grief and anger.

Cheng Chong, a comrade in arms at the sentry post, immediately remembered Meng Lang, a comrade in arms in the recruit company who was so close to him that he could almost exchange his head. He didn\'t know how he was investigating the company now? I haven\'t heard from him for a long time. Hey! This damn plateau, letters are often not delivered in time.

Meng Lang remembered Xiao Yong, the monitor of the recruit company who had been beaten up by the two people. He didn\'t like Xiao Yong because Xiao Yong didn\'t seem to like him either. He had no reason to like someone who didn\'t like himself. He felt that Xiao Yong often made a mountain out of a molehill, often used excuses to find fault with himself and pick his own faults.

Cheng Chong himself doesn\'t understand. How can he think of the squad leader of the recruit company at this time? You know, when the recruit company, he hates the squad leader Xiao Yong most. It\'s really unreasonable to think of him now! At this critical moment, people will only think of the people who have the deepest impression in their life, not good or bad!

Cheng Chong smiled bitterly and suddenly remembered his parents far away.

Cheng Chong was born in the south central part of the motherland. His father was a country teacher with an old academic appearance. He wore a pair of black framed old-fashioned eyes all day. He was always serious and disciplined at any time.

In fact, at home, he was often scolded by his nagging mother so that he couldn\'t lift his head.

Mother is an ordinary housewife, virtuous and generous. She loves her husband, her children and everything in the family.

Cheng Chong is the only child in his family. Since childhood, his parents have given him almost all his love and placed infinite hope on him.

When he graduated from primary school, his parents wanted to cultivate him into a man of letters and martial arts. Only then did they send him hopefully to the most famous local martial arts school for six years.

In the martial arts school, Cheng Chong made rapid progress in boxing, but his academic performance was completely out of the table. Although his academic performance was not in a mess, his parents\' hope that he would cultivate both civil and military skills and become a full-fledged civil and military talent was absolutely dashed.

What makes parents even more disappointed is that Cheng Chong, an unfilial son, actually sticks together with a group of hooligans and gangsters all day, shouting, fighting and killing all day.

This made the parents who had always been honest and honest feel frightened. In order not to let their son go astray, they tried their best to let him put on his military uniform and become a glorious soldier of the Chinese nation.

Cheng Chong thought of the little things his parents had done to him over the past ten years. He was very upset. He didn\'t know how his parents would live and live without him. He didn\'t know whether his parents would get used to it after losing themselves. Would his elderly mother stand at the entrance of the village and look away from him every sunset? After all, he was almost the only hope of the whole family.

In peacetime, how many people will care about the martyrs who died for the country and the nation, who will care about the true psychology of the martyrs at the last moment of their life, who will care about who they used to be, and how they lived and existed in this deeply loved land.

Among them, those who can leave their own names are extremely lucky. Most of the time, they are just regarded as a fuzzy number. Sometimes, in order to facilitate recording and memory, they will even be rounded off by those who enjoy peace.

Soldiers are human beings, not gods. No matter how tough and iron warriors are, they are still flesh and blood raised by their mother and father. They are still primates walking upright with hairless legs. They still have the common characteristics of human beings. They have flesh and blood, tears and their own emotions, but most people who have nothing to do with themselves pay little attention to them.

Hazy, Cheng Chong felt two hot tears slipping across his face. At the moment, there was no fear in his heart, let alone fear. There was anger and hatred, unlimited anger and hatred against the enemy. Some are deeply guilty of their love for their parents, their kindness to their parents, and everything to their parents.

However, he is not false to his parents, but also to the country. For the sake of the motherland and the people, what is it to sacrifice yourself in order to defend the absolute dignity of the motherland?

Since the moment I put on my military uniform, I was ready to sacrifice at any time. All the iron soldiers and hot-blooded boys in China should be like this, isn\'t it?

Cheng Chong raised his hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. His tired eyes began to get angry. Anger and hatred occupied everything in an instant.