Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 98

Qin Yiyi thought she would never let Zhang Fan die, but when she heard the news, or the condition, she was moved. The whole person doesn't care whether he was just pinched by Zhang Fan, his heart has begun to beat, even his blood has begun to surge.

"You, you said All... " Cloud refused, but she did not want to know what to say. If the other person can really heal his face, his body. Even if it's just my face, in this case, my efforts over the years are not in vain. You know, over the years, I have used a lot of methods, but I have never recovered my appearance.

Now, she is an "old woman" in her twenties. In a few years, she will never get married again.

What's more, she now this appearance, even if it is upside down, Wangcheng, it is estimated that few people would like to.

Besides, the daughter of the city Lord can't marry a beggar.

Even if it's not right, there are at least some forces.

Even if you don't get married, you have to meet people.

Looking at Zhang Fan in front of her, she wanted to tell him that she liked him, but she didn't dare. She was afraid. She knew that she couldn't compare with Qin Yiyi in any way. What's more, she was still so ugly. She didn't even have the courage to speak.

How much she wanted to restore her looks, how much she wanted to be beautiful.

"I don't lie to you. I'm telling the truth." Zhang Fan gave her a positive reply.


"Sister Caiyun, it's a good thing. For so many years, that's what you've been longing for." Hearing the news, Xiao die was overjoyed. She put away her expression and quickly took out a silk scarf and wrapped it around Caiyun's face.

"Yes, sister Caiyun, what a wonderful thing!" Ah Hu also said hastily, "the prince is here..."

"Shut up Caiyun stares at him and stops his desire to say.

"Hum!" AHU was blocked back again, especially uncomfortable.

"Boy, you must know that you must not deceive others, otherwise you can't get out of Wangcheng! There are so many experts in the city master's residence that we can't compare them. " The man named a Biao also gave a warning.

"Of course, I'm talking about possibilities. Specifically, it depends on your nature. In fact, even if you don't tell me, I will help you, so don't think that I cheat you just to let you tell me, and I have many ways to let you talk. " With these words, Zhang Fan slowly took out another piece of kylin jade from his hand.

Kylin jade has a good shaping effect. He knows it, but he doesn't know if it has a direct effect on this disfigurement. If there is one, Kirin jade is really a rare treasure in the world.

See Zhang Fan in the hand that is like the cobblestone size of a crystal clear stone, a few people are stunned.

Especially Xiaodie, seems to have some disdain of the way, "you are not joking, a stone?"

Zhang Fan did not speak, just a sneer.

"This is jade!" Caiyun immediately corrected.

"Yes, it seems to be a kind of Lingyu crystallized from Lingli." A Biao once again side also added, "all know jade can raise people, but again raise people's jade, also can't recover such injury."

Zhang Fan is indifferent a smile, "how, send you thing to still be choosy?"

"No choice!" Caiyun wiped away the tears. With a faint smile, he snatched them directly from Zhang Fan's hands and took them in his arms as the treasure.

That appearance is a bit impolite, she quickly realized her abnormality, also hid the jade in her arms, and then said, "no matter whether you can help me or not, but thank you."

Zhang Fan nodded gently, "it should be useful."

"But are you really going to find him? You know, even if you find him, you're going to die. How can you be his opponent? " Caiyun is still worried about Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan didn't think too much about it just now. Now things are a little more relaxed, and he also thinks about it.

After thinking about it, he said, "I didn't say I would fight him if I found him. I have my own plan."

Hearing Zhang Fan say so, Caiyun nodded and said, "OK, that's OK, I can take you, but along the way, you have to listen to my arrangement, and don't do anything to my people." With that, she also looked at her own people, "we are not allowed to start, let alone revenge!"

Once again, Zhang fan can't help laughing.

It can be seen that the young lady has a good posture.

"This sword..." Caiyun then said, "this sword is called fish intestine sword, isn't it?"

Zhang Fan nodded, then put it into the barren ring.

"Good name. I've seen this sword in the underground market before. Unfortunately, the price is a little high." Caiyun also shakes his head.

Zhang Fan was a little dejected and didn't go on.Now he calmed down and knew that he was impulsive just now. And if Qin Yiyi really has something wrong, even his impulse is useless. The most urgent thing is to find out the situation first. So, he and Caiyun learned about Qin Yiyi's situation at that time, in order to speculate about her current situation.

However, the more I heard behind, the more careful I said, the more embarrassed Zhang Fan's face became.

"In fact, you don't have to worry. After all, we all have lives. Jade slips are not. They can be used to save lives in an emergency. I think the lucky man has his own destiny. Qin Yiyi should be OK." Caiyun saw that Zhang Fan's face was embarrassed, so she comforted him.

People around did not speak, although they should all know the identity of Zhang Fan, but they dare not say that Zhang Fan is not in front of Caiyun.

In particular, ah Hu, whose arm was pierced by Zhang Fandong, is still bleeding. Although the simple bandage, but Zhang Fan's flame refers to carry a strong burning effect, therefore, that kind of pain has been accompanied by a Hu.

Caiyun asked Xiaodie to apply some hemostatic drugs to AHU, but the wound still showed no sign of healing.

And AHU, for Zhang Fan, on the one hand fear, on the other hand is also extreme resentment.

Although Zhang Fan didn't care, he was disgusted with such a look.

If he gives the other party a chance, he may retaliate himself.

Help him at this time, maybe this guy can appreciate himself.

"It hurts?" Zhang Fan simply asked two words.

Ah Hu's eyes turned white and said coldly, "it's OK. A man is a man. What's the point of bleeding?"

"Oh, keep flowing." Originally wanted to help him, but listen to him, Zhang Fan thought again.

"Li Chun, do you have a way to help him? Why does his wound keep bleeding? What kind of skill do you use? It's so powerful. Besides, if you don't stop bleeding, he will probably bleed to death. " Caiyun saw the name of Zhang Fan's life jade slips, and naturally knew Zhang Fan's pseudonym.

Zhang Fan nodded and said to her, "there is a way, but it depends on whether he wants to."

"Tiger brother, you lower your head." Xiao die is in a low voice to enlighten.

"Hum!" Ah Hu is still cold hum a, a pair of rather die than surrender posture.

"Ah Hu, hurry up and make amends for Li Chun!" A Biao in the side is also a light drink.

"Me Hearing what a Biao said, a Hu did not dare to refute.

It seems that abibiao has more deterrent power than Caiyun.

"What are you doing?" A Biao drank again.

"No Zhang Fan immediately stood up, "I can't stand this big gift, I should be able to help you stop bleeding." After thinking about it, Zhang Fan continued, "but don't give me too much hope. After all, my fire attribute skill has been upgraded after being tempered by immortal herbs. The incidental burning effect can't be stopped so easily. Of course, it might be better if you are a water attribute practitioner. After all, most of the water practitioners focus on repairing skills. "

Ah Hu endured the pain. He knew that he was not a water practitioner.

And I have never suffered such a big loss or seen such a domineering skill since I was training my body for such a period of time. After I hurt myself, I still had collateral damage.

Indeed, because he lost too much blood, now his lips are a little white.

Although very uncomfortable, let him to save himself, but if he really went out or died here, then it is really too unjust. Looking at his own cloud, also looked at the side of Puma brother, these two people's face, he still want to give. Finally, he nodded, "brother Li Chun, I apologize for my recklessness just now. Don't take it to heart."

Zhang Fan is happy to hear it.

Although the mouth said no, but the other party apologized, his heart is still more comfortable, "you come here."