Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 353

After hearing what Lu Jiuye said, Zhang Fan thought to himself that this is desert Dagang, and the seal here has not been opened. Moreover, along the way, Zhang Fan also met some experts who had been sealed, even some wild animals.

These things can not help but cause Zhang Fan's thinking, assuming that the desert Dagang is a very huge seal. Now, after the seal is opened, many people come from afar to find some treasures.

After all, this desert Dagang is an ancient battlefield before, and here, there are many lost sects and some fallen masters, who may indeed get some inheritance from them.

However, Zhang Fan turned to think that if this place is really a good place for treasure hunting, why did the previous people seal it? Is it really just to protect the ecological environment here? It's unlikely.

As far as the current river and lake is concerned, if there isn't something extraordinary in it, someone will come here frequently in the future and rob all the treasures here without any residue. In that case, this place is not a treasure land, but a ruin.

However, now it seems that many people say that there are treasures here, because they know that this is the battlefield in ancient times, so the problem is that many masters in ancient times could not be killed, and their skills were all powerful and invincible. They even had some special means of resurrection, or they could revive their souls in another body by seizing them.

In this way, it is not realistic to completely eliminate these people. The most feasible way is to seal these experts. In this way, it makes sense that there are seal marks everywhere.

After all, along the way, Zhang Fan also saw a lot of abandoned seals. It seems that they are quite old, and Zhang Fan didn't care about them, so he went on.

Lu Jiuye just felt strange, but he didn't say anything. He just felt that all these were normal phenomena. From the aspect of abandoned seals, these seals have been abandoned for hundreds of years at least, and even some of the seal sites are almost invisible. It is estimated that even if they are really a seal, there is no trace to be found.

Considering all these factors, Zhang Fan thinks that the whole desert Dagang is strange. Why are there so many seals here? Is all this just a coincidence? Or are there too many things to seal, that's why?

In other words, desert Dagang itself is a very huge seal. If so, who set such a seal here? What are they worried about coming out of it?

As for the history here, Zhang Fan thinks that Shixian should know more about it.

Therefore, Zhang Fan expressed his doubts to Shi Xian.

Shi Xian thought about it and sighed to Zhang Fan: "your boy's analytical ability will be very strong. You can almost guess right. This desert Dagang is really a huge seal. There are many things in it. If you can trace back, it's a long story."

After that, Shi Xian began to tell Zhang Fan about the history before desert Dagang, which was similar to Zhang Fan's guess.

At that time, the ecology of Dagang in the desert was quite good. There were a lot of monsters here. There was a woodland everywhere. There was plenty of aura, which was very suitable for cultivation.

In addition, many clans and families settled here and gradually formed their own forces, which grew very strong. The forces of all parties began to separate and occupy favorable places, and finally formed a certain scale.

After the dispute, there is peace. As long as all the patterns have been settled, many sects and families begin to cooperate, exchange needed goods and interests, form trade contacts, and gradually establish certain feelings.

However, it doesn't last long. Some of the evil people here appear. They are all evil practitioners in the rivers and lakes, and the Dharma schools they practice emerge in an endless stream. Moreover, the cultivation methods of the evil practitioners are against the way of heaven, against human relations, and against humanity. This makes the people in the right way very dissatisfied, and they begin to unite together to encircle and suppress these evil people.

At that time, in the outline of this desert, it can be said that there was a bloodbath. There were battles everywhere. Many people had died here, including many righteous masters.

After all, these evil practitioners can't be killed. They can even be reborn. It's very difficult to eliminate them completely.

Later, some people argued that since these guys can't be killed, we should find a way to seal them in one place, so that we can control all the situations.

After a long period of time, the desert Dagang is still in constant fighting, through the cooperation between the clan and the family, although many people died, but also received good results.

Many evil practices have been sealed, and the peace of the past has been restored in the desert. After this incident, the people in the desert realized the importance of unity, and began to establish an alliance system, so that materials and resources can be exchanged. Even many sects have given up years of enmity and mended old friendship.However, all this is still quiet before the storm, many people began to become insatiable, for resource sharing, want to make huge profits, take the opportunity to grow.

Sometimes, evil cultivation is not terrible. What's terrible is people's heart. It's full of calculation and intrigue everywhere. Although these are just small things, they accumulate in everyone's heart. In the end, resentment becomes ill and finally breaks out.

This was the most serious case of destroying the seal in Dagang desert. Some people were even colluding with Xie Xiu, secretly dealing with their partners, and finally turned against each other.

But at this time, all the evil practitioners also have their own plans. They are always selfish, but for their own interests. For a while, they will turn their faces and refuse to recognize others, or even suddenly turn against the water and directly tear up the cooperation treaty.

in this way, chaos appears again in desert Dagang, and these evil practitioners have already known the strength of the power of the right way, as long as it is a little If you pay more attention, it's hard to be sealed.

Therefore, in this battle, it's really very difficult to seal all the evil cults. Moreover, these evil cults don't know where to find a lot of wild animals to fight side by side.