Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 179

"Waterspout!" Wang Xueli a big drink, about three meters wide of a huge water column tornado toward the shadow of the rapid fly away, around the bodies are constantly absorbed in the water tornado, a strong rotating force, out of control.

The waterspout is bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, its diameter has reached 89 meters!

The man in black was shocked, and he quickly turned his body method. A flash was about to break away from the crack of the tornado.

But how could Wang Xueli give him this chance?

The shadow of the sword comes out and stabs madly at the places where his water tornado may appear. As long as this guy comes out of these flaws, he will surely die.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Sure enough, the sound of the sword piercing the body came.

Wang Xueli fixed her eyes, but she saw that there was a dead body on the long sword, which had been stabbed with holes, and the body was definitely not the man in black just now.

"Behind!" Zhang Fan gave a big drink.

Wang Xueli suddenly turned back and saw the man in black. She didn't know when she had already appeared behind.

It seems that just now the man in black had expected that Wang Xueli would have this skill, so he grabbed a corpse as a shield and got out of the flaw.

The huge water tornado hit the wall behind him and made a dull sound.

Although the waterspout is strong, it doesn't knock out any cracks on the wall.

A pool of water is scattered on the ground with a roar, and the aftereffects are gone.

And Wang Xueli looked back, and frowned at the man in black.

Just about to entangle the sword shadow in the past, but the man in black doesn't intend to entangle with Wang Xueli any more. He sees that the action in his hand has been finished. In the shadow, there is a strange laugh. "Little girl, wait till you die."

All of a sudden, there was a rustling sound around, as if there were countless reptiles crawling. Zhang Fan holds Caiyun's hand, and his heart is tight. All of a sudden, he felt that this action was too rash. It was indeed an unwise choice for him to enter this dangerous place when he lost all his mental power.

"Damn it Zhang Fan cursed bitterly, but it's a pity that his spiritual power has been sealed, and there is no way to show his cultivation. Otherwise, Zhang Fan definitely has a way to deal with this ghost.

Although his body method is strong, his star wave will never be weaker than his body method.

"Wow!" A sound, as if someone pushed away the shelf.

A figure stood up suddenly beside him, and everyone's eyes were on the figure.

But I saw that it was just a corpse, and the corpse sat up straight and straight, then slowly climbed down from the shelf, just like a zombie, standing on the ground like that, staring at Wang Xueli with eyes straight.

Wang Xueli's face sank. She never thought why these people who had died could come back to life.

Obviously, the current situation is much worse than expected, because the body standing up is far more than this one.

Around that dense sound, prying a few people's heartstrings, a corpse, one after another to get up. Just like foraging, she swarmed towards Wang Xueli. No matter how fierce Wang Xueli is, she is still a girl. No matter how small the ants are, they can't stand much. And it was the first time she met the resurrection of the dead.

Now some of the swords in her hand trembled.

Zhang Fangang wanted to remind Wang Xueli, but he saw that the shadow was coming towards him.

Zhang Fan subconsciously used his hand to block, but the shadow just passed by him.

Directly around the cloud to grab, his hand, directly pinched in the cloud's neck, will cloud dead on the wall. The other hand also stretched out from the black clothes, touched Caiyun's smooth face, and said with some obscene words, "I can't see that there is such a lovely girl."

Zhang Fan is very angry. This man even teases his own woman in front of him. If it was before the relationship was confirmed, Zhang Fan might not be so angry. But now, Zhang Fan will never let this man bully his own woman.

And the blood in his body is madly expanded. Although the spirit power is suppressed by the medicine, the strong resistance from the invincible blood makes Zhang Fan almost lose himself. Now he is trying to break through, from the suppression of this drug force.

"Boy, are you crazy?"

All of a sudden, a thick voice came from Zhang Fan's heart.

Zhang Fan naturally knew that it was Shi Xian's voice. Instead of paying attention to Shi Xian, Zhang Fan continued to use his invincible blood to attack the drugs in the meridians crazily. We must suppress the efficacy of these drugs. As long as their own spiritual recovery, they absolutely have a way to protect their women."Boy, you can't do this, otherwise, it will do great harm to your body!"

At this moment, Zhang Fan doesn't care about this. He also says to the Shixian in his body, "it was you who encouraged me to be good with this woman at the beginning. Now it's you who didn't let me save her. What do you want me to do?"

The voice in his mouth has not yet fallen. Suddenly, Zhang Fan's back is emitting a strange flame. There is already some dim space around him. In an instant, it reappears a trace of brightness.

Not far away, Wang Xueli is also surprised. She suddenly reacts and looks at Zhang Fan in amazement.

It is clear that Zhang Fan has no spiritual power, but now Zhang Fan's momentum is climbing slowly. And there was a very evil feeling in this momentum, which made her shudder and have a very uneasy premonition.

"You have the zombies!" Zhang Fan's cold voice came over.

Wang Xueli is a little sober. She looks at the corpses that are getting closer and closer to her. She also gripes her teeth. No matter whether these are human beings or ghosts, as long as she has spiritual power and long sword in her hand, she will not let these corpses crawl around.

"Waterspout!" Wang Xueli gave a loud drink. In a moment, the crazy water tornado scattered the corpses, and the blade in her hand was also light, chopping the corpses to pieces.

But these corpses are as if they will not suffer. Although they have been cut off, they can still crawl up and use the rest of his limbs to bite Wang Xueli's body. Thanks to Wang Xueli's fierce attack. No matter how many bodies there are, none of them can get close to her.

Zhang Fan saw that Wang Xueli had more than enough to protect herself, so he locked his eyes on the shadow again.

And beside the shadow, Caiyun has frowned tightly. She has been choked by this guy and can't speak.

"Boy, what are you?" The shadow said coldly to Zhang Fan.

At the moment, Zhang Fan, with fiery red hair, is also emitting strange flames all over his body. That kind of restless fire element is beating fiercely. The strong power from the blood burst out in this moment. And his own six days of cultivation in the shackles, at the moment unreservedly released. Zhang Fan knows that at this moment he has broken through the suppression of drugs, and has completely released his own ability. However, he can also feel that this spiritual force does not seem to be controlled by himself. Moreover, because of the role of the invincible blood, this spiritual power becomes extremely irritable.

"Let her go!" Zhang Fan efforts to suppress their emotions, coldly say these three words.