Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 173

The corner of his mouth with a little anger, staring at Xiaodie, "you dead girl, I tell you, today's things, if you dare to spread it to me, I will kill you!"

Xiaodie, with a smile, covers her mouth and says to Caiyun, "come on, miss. Just now you're going to eat people. No one can stop you."

Caiyun pretty face a red, "you also said, I see you really can't find a fight."

Zhang Fan gently coughed twice, Caiyun stopped.

But the little aunt said, "look, the man at home has spoken. I don't believe that no one can control you yet! "

Caiyun wants to say something more, but Zhang Fan speaks.

He looked back, Xiaodie looked at Caiyun again, slowly walked up, went to Caiyun's side, grasped her hands, now Zhang Fan for Caiyun has not so far away, but more a trace of pity, and a trace of love, "you are so much older than me, you really don't mind?"

Caiyun just about to speak, but listen to butterfly said, "she will not mind, old cow eat grass, her heart is beautiful."

Caiyun blushes and tries to fight, but is stopped by Zhang Fan.

"Even if I don't care about it, you will still go to Qin Yiyi in the future. Won't you care?"

Caiyun bit his red lips, revealing a touch of loss and grievance.

But in the end, she bit her red lips and nodded, and said softly, "I don't mind, as long as I can be by your side."

Zhang Fan sighed, directly and his height is similar to Caiyun in his arms, Zhang Fan is also very clever to rely on his head on Zhang Fan's shoulder.

The little butterfly on one side clapped her hands and said, "ouch, a lover has finally got married. I thought this day would come very slowly. I didn't expect to come so early. "

Zhang Fan and Xiao Caiyun both smile, but they don't talk.

All of a sudden. On the roof of the house where they were, there was the sound of stepping on tiles, as if someone were walking on the roof.

Zhang Fan frowned and motioned Xiaodie and Caiyun not to make a sound.

And he is to show the stars Lingbo, like a ghost in general, quietly has been outside the house.

Relying on the courtyard wall to run to the roof to see, sure enough, do not know when the two men in black have stood there.

However, it seems that they should have no accomplishments. I don't know. It's only when I control my body weight that I make some sounds.

And the little butterfly in the room is also looking at Zhang Fan's eyes.

Zhang Fan nodded slightly, and the wind power of Xiaodie was released instantly.

"The wind is blowing!" A gust of strong wind shot in the direction of the two people on the roof.

A large number of flying tiles hit the two people flying in the past, and then fell directly from the roof.

Zhang Fan see potential, directly to seize the people, into the room.

They were immediately tied up by Zhang Fan's people, blocking their mouths and speechless.

Tearing open the mask, Caiyun's brow suddenly wrinkled, "you two, aren't you the captains of the first and second teams of the city defense army? How can you be like the Chen family? Do you mean that you have joined the Chen family? What happened to my father? What's going on outside now? Say it, say it quickly

Caiyun said more and more urgently, already couldn't help kicking over one of them.

But the little butterfly saw this and quickly pulled out another person's final cotton cloth and said to Caiyun, "you've blocked his mouth tightly. How can he say that?"

Caiyun then reflected that the two people who had been waiting could reveal some important information with Caiyun three people.

However, the man who just took out the cotton cloth just glared at Caiyun.

Immediately, a little blood came out of the corner of the mouth, and the whole person's eyes became dim gradually, as if they were no longer good.

With a frown, Zhang Fan quickly went over and grabbed his throat, only to find that the man was dead.

"Poisoned!" Zhang fan can't help but feel some emotion. He didn't expect that these people would treat death as if they were home.

It seems that these people should have been killed long ago!

Because of the warning, Caiyun did not dare to take out the cotton bag in another person's mouth, for fear that he would also take poison and commit suicide.

Xiumei frowned slightly, and his face was full of anger. He stared at the man and said to him, "our city Lord's mansion is not bad for you. Why do you do such a thing?"

The man's eyes showed a trace of disdain, but more or rebellious and unwilling.

But it's not like Zhang Caiyun. This kind of person, is eat hard not eat soft!

At the moment, he directly punched the man in the past and made him black and blue!

Hum hum twice, but he could not speak with cotton cloth in his mouth, and the tears of pain came down.

That person is really tough, Zhang Fan is a punch in his other eye, suddenly two eyes, a blue and a purple, gradually swollen up, but still did not intend to say.Zhang Fan is not as soft hearted as Caiyun. Moreover, in order to prevent this guy from taking poison and committing suicide, Zhang Fan uses a wooden stick instead of the cotton cloth in his mouth. Even if he wants to bite, he can only bite the wooden stick, leaving his mouth open and looking very uncomfortable.

However, no matter what method was used, this guy's mouth was very hard, and he refused to reveal a word.

Caiyun was very anxious at first. Now he saw that this guy not only betrayed himself, but also refused to explain. He was angry from his heart. His spiritual power quickly gathered in his hand, and he had to clap his face.

Zhang Fan was in a hurry to stop him. If he slapped him in the face, he would die. If you want to find people, it's hard to get information from them.

Zhang Fan smiles and says to the man, "what's up? I saved you. Should you be grateful to me? "

Unexpectedly, the man scoffed and turned his eyes to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan sneered, but he didn't care. He looked at the dark sky outside. After thinking about it, he said to Caiyun, "well, after all, she used to be a member of your city master's mansion. Let him go. I think this guy is also a man. It's better for him to tell the truth, even if you kill him. "

It seems that Zhang Fan is pleading for him. This guy turns around and looks at Zhang Fan with some doubts. He doesn't know what he's thinking.

Caiyun didn't know the meaning of Zhang Fan's words. She didn't agree with Zhang Fan and said to him, "what are you thinking? Can you let him go? He not only betrayed our Lord's mansion. Besides, he is going to deal with us. If you let him go, won't he let us know? "

Zhang Fan was stunned and made a sudden appearance. He patted his head and said, "Oh, right, what should I do? You'd better kill him. "

As soon as he heard this, the man's face immediately changed. It was said that he would let himself go?

How can you kill yourself all of a sudden?

At the moment, he quickly hesitated and hawed, but his mouth was tied with a piece of wood and he couldn't speak.

Caiyun thinks he wants to say something to himself.

However, Zhang Fan shook his head and said to him, "don't scold us. It's useless to scold us. Now your life is in our hands. Of course, you can also choose to take poison and commit suicide like your partner, but have you ever thought about it? Human life is like this. After you die, do your family still remember you? Won't your family be upset? What about your wife, your children, your parents? Have you thought about it for them? Instead of killing you? I really can let you go, but I hope you don't disclose our information, OK? "