Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 171

They each have their own beauty and advantages.

If Zhang Fan doesn't feel anything in the face of Caiyun, it's fake, unless Zhang Fan is not a man.

But he can restrain that impulse, which shows that Zhang Fan is a man and an upright man.

"Brother fan, you see, miss is always like this. I don't know what to do. It's a little better now. She's been pulling her clothes before At this time, Xiao die has already poured a basin of cold water and handed it to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan nodded, took cold water, applied cold water with a wet towel, wrung dry, and wiped Caiyun's face, hoping to cool her down. The fingers inadvertently touch the face of Caiyun, and the gorgeous skin makes Zhang Fan's heart tremble.

At the moment, Zhang fan can't think of a better way to describe Caiyun than the four words of vivid color and fragrance.

The beauty is lying, but she can't kiss her. To be honest, Zhang Fan also has some regrets.

However, this kind of emotion can only be hidden in one's own heart and can not be detected by others.

All of a sudden, Caiyun's hand suddenly catches Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan wants to pull his hand back, but he finds that Caiyun holds Zhang Fan's hand and keeps sliding down.

Zhang Fan's wet towel fell down, and his hand was grasped by Caiyun's hand.

Swim over the neck, toward the chest of color cloud slowly grasped in the past.

Zhang Fan a Leng, immediately want to hand to pull back, and his side of the butterfly is also a surprise.

No one thought that Caiyun would become so active, but Zhang Fan knew that Caiyun had been given aphrodisiac, but Xiaodie didn't know. She quickly did not turn her head and said awkwardly, "Miss, can you stop being so casual? I'm still watching. "

However, Caiyun ignores her and grabs Zhang Fan's hand instead.

At this moment, he admitted that he had evil thoughts.

However, he had to hold back and quickly stood up, awkwardly blocking his tent with a black tights. Then he said to Xiaodie, "you can help your young lady wipe her body, and the rest is inconvenient for me. First, I'll help her cool down, and then I'll think about how to do it."

Listen to Zhang Fan so a say, small butterfly also nodded, hurriedly take over cold water, put beside the bed.

Looking back at Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan understood and went out of the house.

At the moment, the little butterfly began to undress Caiyun.

At the moment, Zhang Cheng's heart is surging. Just now, he almost couldn't help but rush to release his beast desire.

However, with only a trace of reason, he knew that he could not do so.

It's not only that I'm sorry for Qin Yiyi, but also that I do this kind of thing when Caiyun's reason is not clear.

It's too dangerous.

Although he knows that Caiyun likes himself, liking does not mean that he is willing to give his body to himself. And, of course, he didn't think well about the cost and responsibility for it.

After wandering outside the door for several circles, Zhang Fan asked Shixian in his heart, "Shixian, now Caiyun has taken the aphrodisiac, is there any good way to eliminate the effect?"

After waiting for a long time, I didn't hear Shi Xian's reply.

Zhang Fan continued to ask, "Shixian, I know you are here. You must help me. I know you must have a way."

In Zhang Fan's heart came Shi Xian's words. He only heard Shi Xian say, "there is a way, and there is only one."

Zhang Fan was a little pleased and asked, "what can I do? The so-called aphrodisiac is to use drugs to stimulate the desire in the human body, and this desire, once aroused, is difficult to eliminate. The only way is to dissolve it. "

"Dissolve? How does it dissolve? " Zhang Fan asked again.

"To use a term I know, female desire can be called female hormone, while male desire can be called male hormone. When female hormone bursts, the only thing that can dissolve is male hormone."

Zhang Fan seemed to recognize the inner door, but he did not dare to admit it. He then asked, "Shixian, what does it mean? You don't want to play the game any more. "

Shi Xian laughed and said to Zhang Fan, "boy, your love is coming. What I mean is that men and women blend, yin and yang are in harmony. Only when you use your male hormone to stimulate her female hormone can you achieve the effect of elimination. Of course, if you don't want to, you can pull a man over. I think that person will be very willing. "

Hearing this, Zhang Fan's face turned red.

What can we do? Is there really no other way?

Zhang Fan doesn't seem willing to accept the result, whether he or others.

And Shi Xian continued, "the aphrodisiac in her body is very effective. I can feel that she should be resisting that effect, otherwise, that effect should have broken out long ago. Fortunately, this woman has the cultivation of bondage, otherwise, ordinary people would have been burning and suffering to death. ""If you don't get released after taking the aphrodisiac, will you die?"

He said in advance, "it's reasonable to say that, but it should be possible to gamble, maybe not dead."


Zhang Fan some helpless secretly scolded a sentence.

Looking back, I don't know when Xiaodie has appeared behind me. And she is also blushing, looking at Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan looked at the water in the small butterfly basin, took it over and put it on the ground.

He asked her, "how is Caiyun now? Should it be better? "

Little butterfly's voice is a little reserved, as if to say something hard to say.

Zhang Fan frowned and knew that things would be terrible.

Hastily said, "it doesn't matter, you have anything to say."

Xiao die looked at Zhang Fan, looked outside, bit the scallop teeth, bit the red lips, and then slowly said, "Miss, miss..."

Zhang Fan suddenly realized that he took a breath of cold air. Unexpectedly, the aphrodisiac was so powerful that he hated Chen Dong a little more.

"Brother fan, you came out from Chen Dong. Did you beat him? Did you find any antidote on him? "

Zhang Fan replied, "I can't beat him. He has a very strange skill that can absorb all my weapons and strength. Then use my strength to fight me back. "

Butterfly gently covered his mouth, some surprised, "even you can't beat him, then how to do?"? I'm counting on you to get the antidote from him. Otherwise, we'll go to him again. As long as you hold him up, I'll wait for an opportunity to find an antidote. "

However, Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "but now I have lost all my accomplishments. I've been tricked by them. I don't know what powder I inhaled. Now my accomplishments have disappeared. Otherwise, you can't hurt me just now."

Butterfly a Leng, suddenly think of what happened just now, as if Zhang Fan is really a little room to resist.

Gritting his teeth and frowning, he said, "what can I do? Now the young lady is in such a critical situation that it can't be said that if you just find a man, you'll spoil her

Immediately, Xiaodie put her eyes on Zhang Fan again, "brother fan, I want to ask you to do me a favor."