Invincible Immortal King

Chapter 100

"The time here is chaotic. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the other three Centaur gathering places, and maybe we can meet them. When they fight, we sneak attack. Maybe we have a chance, but I can't show up. I represent Wangcheng, my men. You can control them at will. " Caiyun said.

"Time is chaotic?" Not to mention that Zhang Fan hasn't reacted yet, it seems to be true, because when he was on the second floor, it was morning, but when he entered the third floor, it was already dark.

"That is to say, the time of each layer runs independently. Therefore, our time is based on the hourglass, not on the time of each layer." Caiyun said, pointing to his waist hourglass, hourglass seems to have half gone.

Zhang Fan couldn't help but lament. It seems that compared with them, he didn't do any preparatory work well.

It's impossible to imagine that you can enter the fifth level.

"Now that you have arranged it, do as you say." Zhang Fan nodded. It's true that this woman has more plans than herself. And he is more like a headless fly, which has been bumping around for a long time.

"Ah! Sister Caiyun, your hand Suddenly, a woman screamed.

Everyone was startled, including Zhang Fan, who was still thinking.

But after they were frightened, they suddenly found that Caiyun's hand seemed smooth.

And Zhang Fan did not find, just get along with normal people, has forgotten that her hands should be potholes.

Looking at it again and again, I found that her hands had been smooth, slender and beautiful.

"Ah, my hand!" Caiyun exclaimed in surprise, "my hand is ready!"

The joy on Caiyun's face spread to all people's faces in an instant. Including Zhang Fan, he can clearly feel the happiness of the woman in front of him, the happiness that comes out of her bones. There is also relief, liberation and redemption. This is how to climb out of the suffering, Zhang Fan did not experience, but at the moment, he noticed.

Beauty is the most important thing for a woman.

What she once owned was destroyed by Zhang Fan.

Now, it is returned by Zhang Fan.

"Jade, sister Caiyun, it's that jade!" The small butterfly hastens a way in the side.

Caiyun can't wait to take out the jade. At the moment, he just feels that the jade seems smaller and more mellow.

However, she can clearly feel that every inch of her body is changing imperceptibly, and the feeling of numbness and itching makes her enjoy it very much. Holding the hands of the jade, canthus cold not Ding slide a drop of crystal tears.

"Thank you, Li Chun!" All of a sudden, Caiyun pounced directly on Zhang Fan's lips through the veil.

This time, even Zhang Fan did not expect.

Although it is across the veil, Zhang fan can still feel the virgin fragrance of Caiyun and the light sweetness of his mouth.

A touch of warmth filled my heart, but he held it down.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Fan was surprised, but he also took a step back.

If he has Qin Yiyi, how can he do something extraordinary.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm so happy." Caiyun realized his gaffe and apologized.

"Sister Caiyun, would you like to take off your veil?" Butterfly will be this scene into the heart, no voice, quickly turn the topic, resolve embarrassment.

"I'll either, or tomorrow." Caiyun was a little worried. She touched her face and shook her head. "I can feel it. It seems that it's better, but the effect should not be so fast."

After hearing this, Xiao die would stop.

Looking back at Zhang Fan, he said, "brother Li Chun, what's the name of your jade? How can you be so powerful? You know, sister Caiyun has been injured for many years."

Zhang Fan knew what she meant and laughed, "I'm sorry, this is Kirin jade. It's just one piece. Oh, by the way, I sold another piece to the underground exchange. Maybe if you go back and have a look, you can still photograph it back. "

"Underground exchange, too?" For a moment, the rest of the people were surprised to shout out.

From their eyes, Zhang fan can see that kind of urgent desire.

Who doesn't want this kind of jade, which is raw human flesh and nourishing essence and bone.

You know, this is the treasure of Yu Qilin, but Zhang Fan robbed it. It's not so easy to get it from other places.

"I know what you are thinking, but I can tell you very clearly that the jade belongs to me. You don't want to think about it." The authoritarian side of Caiyun appears again.

"Sister Caiyun, don't you already have one? What else can we do? " Xiaodie cries bitterly. She touches her face. In fact, she is not ugly, but she is much worse than Qin Yiyi. Beauty is the nature of every woman. Who doesn't want to look better?"At least, after my appearance is restored. At that time, if there is anything left, I will give it to you." Caiyun is not mean.

Speaking of this, Xiaodie can also complain secretly.

However, originally for Zhang Fan is not very trust of the public, now also a little more convinced. He not only proved himself in strength, but also let everyone trust him in personality at this moment. At least, what he said is not as simple as what he said casually. Moreover, looking at Zhang Fan in front of them, they have an idea that this guy is rich, or he must have a lot of good things. If they can have a good relationship with him, they may get other treasures.

"That, that, brother chun, you are so powerful. I'll call you brother later." Ah Hu's face changes as fast as turning a book. Just now, he and Zhang Fan have no contact with each other. Now, he is as good as his brother. He is obviously several years older than Zhang Fan. Now he shouts Zhang Fan shamelessly.

And Zhang Fan a listen to this name, immediately shake his head, "go to your Ya spring elder brother, this name is how ugly."

"Cluck, cluck..." Caiyun and Xiaodie are both laughing like a silver bell.

When the injury got better, everyone was in a better mood.

"Well, what should I call you?" Ah Hu touched his head and laughed awkwardly.

"Fool, you can call brother Li." A Biao should be with you.

Zhang Fan looked at him and said casually, "brother Li is OK, but my nickname is fan. If you don't mind, you can call me brother fan."

Zhang Fan still thinks his name sounds better, and Li Chun is really not his real name. He just needs to participate in this ivory tower trial.

"Yes, Van Gogh." When ah Hu smiles, everyone laughs.

Zhang Fan didn't care. He simply laughed back, then closed his eyes and had a rest.

After he knew that there was still half the time, he didn't seem so anxious.

Moreover, he has a feeling that although Qin Yiyi is in danger, he has not been hurt.

While thinking about it, I was worried.

His mind also began to get confused. In this moment of confusion, he went to sleep.

It's also possible that I've spent too much energy these days, so I really need to supplement my sleep.

Although practice can take the place of sleep, people will be tired after a long period of physical work.

When he woke up, Zhang Fan found that it was already light outside.

In the sand dune, only the injured AHU is looking at himself with burning eyes. Zhang Fan's heart is awe inspiring.

He did not expect to fall asleep, and still in such a place.

Looking at ah Hu's eyes, it seems that he wants to eat himself. Zhang Fan's heart is also tight.

See Zhang Fan wake up, AHU hurriedly out of the road with a smile, "brother fan, wake up."

Although he was smiling at himself, Zhang Fan's heart was very clear. This man absolutely wanted to hurt himself just now. His burning eyes were totally different from what they are now. It's just that he's thinking about whether to do it or not, or wondering if he's really asleep.