Invincible Divine Dragon's Cultivation System

Chapter 3545

"Hiss, the leader of ZuLong was killed and killed by the holy Dragon King. This... Is incredible!"

"The king of the ancestral dragon line, this one is a strong man with great ambition, and his demeanor is the king of the dragon. He was killed!"

"How can this be possible? The leader of ZuLong is a very strong one. In my opinion, unless it is the strong one who dominates the realm of the universe, it is difficult to kill him. What happened in the end?"

"The leader of ZuLong was killed in this way. I'm afraid that the battle between Shenglong Yimai and ZuLong Yimai will end with the victory of Shenglong Yimai. I really didn't expect that in the future, Shenlong Yimai might respect Shenglong Yimai!"

"And the Dragon Palace. It seems that the Dragon Palace and the holy dragon are not very good at dealing with each other!"

"The leader of ZuLong has been killed. What is the Dragon Palace? Although the Dragon Palace has shown great strength, there is still a great gap from the ancestral dragon. The Dragon King can't compare with the leader of the dragon. The holy dragon will be king in the dragon's vein! "

The news of the death of the leader of ZuLong in the head of cosmic wisdom has caused a huge and incomparable sensation!

The leader of the ancestral dragon line was once known as the strongest one under the strong state of the universe.

Known as the dragon that may step into the realm of the universe!

Known as the dragon of hope!

However, the king of the dragon is dead!

This makes many people feel sorry!

Compared with the holy Dragon King, they hope that ZuLong leader can win!

Obviously, it's a holy dog!

The leader of ZuLong said that everyone can become a dragon, showing his strong ambition and mind, and won the admiration of many strong disciples!

Now, it fell!

"The fall of the leader of ZuLong also represents the fall of the last hope of the dragon. I'm afraid that the dragon will never reach the peak in the future."

Said the wise in the universe!

This sentence has been recognized by many strong ethnic disciples.

The strength and breadth of mind of the leader of ZuLong are worthy of the king of Shenlong!

Unfortunately, the king is dead now!

The next ZuLong vein is either chased by Shenglong Yimai or may be dissolved!

Because their backbone, has fallen!

Located in the land of plasma, Wang Xian has been here for 1000 years!

In the past 1000 years, he has harvested 2000 fruits of blood refining!

This also means that the dragon palace can produce 2000 pure dragon!

Originally, he was going to continue to shut down.

In today's plasma land, they made a palace to live here, which also attracted the attention of many creatures in the plasma land.

There are demon skeletons, wild animals and strong skeletons.

At the beginning, there were creatures to harass. After being easily killed by the king of water contact, it became a forbidden area completely!

It has become a special forbidden area in the place of plasma!


Wang Xian, who was ready to stay here for thousands of years, received a message from Prime Minister GUI.

News is about the fall of the leader of ZuLong!

When he saw the news, he was also slightly stunned, and his face showed a look of amazement!

The leader of ZuLong is dead!

He fell down!

When he had just stepped into the land of Kaitian Honghuang, when he heard that everyone could become a dragon, he admired the leader of the ancestral dragon!

From qinglongyue's mouth, we can also see their respect for their leaders!

The king of a generation of king like ancestor dragon leader was killed by the holy Dragon King!

"The king of the holy dragon killed the leader of the ancestral dragon, which..."

Wang Xian was shocked by the news. He took a deep breath and opened up the wisdom of the universe.

Seeing the above information, I can't help feeling sorry!

It's a pity that such a hero died like this, and still died in the hands of the traitors of the dragon!

"Xiaoxian, what's the matter?"

One side of the position, Guan Shuqing, a group of girls look at him, doubt asked.

"Look at the information in the mind of the universe!"

Wang Xian said to them!

"The leader of ZuLong was killed by the holy Dragon King!"

Soon, the exclamation of a group of girls also came over!

Wang Xian hesitated for a moment, opened the green dragon moon, green dragon beard shadow their contact, sent a message.

He wants to make sure that it's true!

At the same time, located in a green dragon palace, a group of disciples of the Dragon line headed by the shadow of green dragon whisker knelt in the Dragon Palace.

They're heading in one direction, with tears on their faces!

They are worshiping their own leaders, their own kings!"Master, the message sent by the Dragon King!"

Qinglongyue sees Wang Xian's news and looks at the shadow of Qinglong beard!

"I got it too!"

Green dragon beard shadow nodded.

"Master, do we want to tell the Dragon King the last message sent by the leader?"

Green dragon beard shadow cannot help but ask!

In the end, although they didn't understand what it meant, it was very important for the Jedi to send the last message before their leader died!

"The Dragon King and we are the same way."

The shadow of green dragon beard was silent for a moment, and then said, "the leader has fallen. The future of our dragon is in the hands of several predecessors and the Dragon King."

"Then I will tell the Dragon King the news."

Qinglongyue said.

Green dragon beard shadow nodded: "this matter can't tell other people, but the Dragon King is still trustworthy!"

"As expected, it really fell down!"

In the land of plasma, Wang Xian soon received the reply from qinglongyue. Seeing the confirmation, he was also full of five flavors!

A generation of Kings is gone!


At this time, qinglongyue suddenly sent a message, making him slightly stunned!

See this information, Wang Xian slightly stare big eyes, full of shock look!

The news is the message that ZuLong leader warned them before he died!

"Be careful of the Phoenix, be careful of the Phoenix?"

Wang Xian murmured in his mouth, his face changed slightly!

Why be careful of Phoenix?

Since ancient times, there are some races in the universe, taking the dragon and Phoenix as the totem!

According to the records of the dragon, the relationship between the dragon and the Phoenix is better and closer!

Now the leader of ZuLong suddenly sent out the words "Beware of Phoenix!

What does that mean?

Why do you send this message?

What's the signal?

Can't believe the Phoenix people?

Or is it that the Phoenix clan is not good for the dragon?

Wang Xian's eyes were shining,.

The Phoenix clan, a contemporary existence with the dragon clan, is also a strong existence of the peak race.

Phoenix Nirvana, resurrection!

Wang Xian shook his head and kept the information in his heart and stopped thinking about it.

Phoenix race, he can't touch now!

"I don't know what action will be taken by the dragon? Where is the future of ZuLong? "

He murmured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!