Invincible Divine Dragon's Cultivation System

Chapter 3543

The Dragon Palace moves, you avoid!

"The Dragon Palace has been moved? Do they really want to step into our inner continent? "

"The Dragon Palace seemed to be on the edge of the mainland not long ago. Where did they move this time?"

When the Dragon Palace enters the interior of the vast land!

When the Dragon Palace was flying in the sky, it caused quite a stir.

After all, how can a huge dragon palace gallop past cities and races without attracting attention!

At the beginning, there are people who are powerful and want to get close.

Even some advanced races are forbidden to fly in the sky.

However, when the strong men of the Dragon Palace showed their prestige, no one dared to approach.

In the sky of some high-level races, they also quietly watch the Dragon Palace pass by, and dare not have any obstruction!

Some races saw the Dragon Palace passing by, and they sent strong people to greet them!

Today's Dragon Palace, after destroying the alliance of 100 cities, the whole universe has their place!

The rapid shuttle in the Kaitian Honghuang mainland's interior, time is also passing day by day.

Wang Xian seldom has time to rest with a group of girls in the dragon palace!

In the mind of the universe, many powerful people are curious about where the Dragon Palace will move.

Some people say it is the home of the hundred cities alliance, others say it is other places.

There's a lot of talk in the brain of the whole universe.

The time for the Dragon Palace's migration is less than expected!

More than a year later, they came to this side of Tianheng river.

The water from the sky came down, and the Dragon Palace also slowly fell here.

Fall in front of that place!

Tianheng River, belongs to a branch of the mountain sea, from this side, can directly enter the mountains and seas!

Here, is the ideal habitat of the dragon palace!

The Dragon Palace is located in the river of Tianheng. Within a few days, other forces in the mainland also knew about it.

On the same day, the clan leaders of the thunder race came to visit.

Wang Xian entertained me!

"Dragon King, do we have any action now?"

The Dragon Palace settled down on this side of the Tianheng river. Prime Minister GUI asked.

Now the strength of the Dragon Palace is strong enough, the next development is a situation!

"Calm down for a while. If there are Dragon Palace disciples who want to experience, let them enter the sea and mountains."

Wang Xian said.

Today's Dragon Palace, the biggest enemy of the hundred city alliance has been destroyed, there is no enemy!

As for Shenglong Yimai, he was not prepared to join the battle between ZuLong Yimai and shenglongyimai directly because of the distance.

The most important thing is, up to now, Wang Xian has no idea where the battle field of ZuLong and Shenglong is!

Now, the leader of ZuLong didn't say that he would call all his disciples to prepare for the war.

It's like the battlefield of their strong men, in a very remote place!

Since it is not necessary for Wang Xian to join directly.

After all, he has never seen the leader of ZuLong!

"In addition, it is announced that the Dragon Palace will recruit disciples with dragon blood. Some aquatic monsters can also come to the dragon's palace. As long as they can cross the dragon's gate, they can join the dragon's palace."

Wang Xian said to Prime Minister GUI.

"It's the Dragon King!"

Prime Minister GUI nodded.

"In addition, after thunder, water dragon king and water dragon, fire dragon, Ao wind, light dragon, dark dragon and golden dragon will be called over."

Wang Xian continued.

"It's the Dragon King!"

Prime Minister GUI nodded.

Soon, a group of pure blood dragon species from Dragon Palace flew over.

At present, there are seven kinds of dragon in the Dragon Palace: Golden Dragon, water dragon, fire dragon, wind dragon, Thunder Dragon, light dragon and dark dragon.

Add up the quantity, there are 20 in total!

There are 20 pure dragon species. This number is not large.

"See the Dragon King!"

A group of pure dragon worship respectfully!

"Now there are 20 of you in the number of pure dragon. Next, the Dragon Palace will build a pure dragon army. The root of the dragon family is still pure dragon."

Wang Xian looked at them and said with a smile: "I have a treasure in my hand, which can make the dragon palace produce more purebred dragons. In the next period of time, you will select a preparatory member of pure dragon among all members of the Dragon Palace. The number of each attribute is tentatively set at 100."

"Well? It's the Dragon King

Thunder Water Dragon King, they all heard Wang Xian's words, face a joy!

Pure dragon is the foundation of the Dragon Palace. It is of great benefit to the Dragon Palace to be able to produce pure dragon.Because only purebred dragon can give birth to mutant dragon!

The strength of the mutant dragon is stronger than that of pure breed!

Among the current dragon species, only Longwu dragon can compete with the mutant dragon.

But longwulong has a huge flaw.

That is, they need to control a lot of formation.

As long as they control more arrays, they can also compete with mutant dragon species.

But it's a pity that even the sky array can't match the same level of mutant dragon species.

In addition to the mutant dragon species, the Dragon Palace also has a powerful dragon species. In the past, it was able to fight more than four levels, comparable to the mutant dragon species.

But now, with the improvement of their strength, their potential seems to be in severe consumption.

If the potential is reduced, we will not be able to fight beyond the fourth level.

That's the thunder, the fire, the dragon and the Phoenix!

Now the variation of Dragon Palace dragon, only Wang Xian's sister and Qinglan two people!

They're mutant bone dragons!

Besides them, there are two creatures with great potential in the Dragon Palace.

Xiaolan and Xiaozhai!

The ancient God feeds the little blue and the small house which the Kun Lord blue green moon fosters!

But Xiaolan and Xiaozhai only grow up to be able to compete with the mutant dragon.

This growth needs to devour the blood of a large number of peak races.

Especially to devour dragon, Phoenix, tiger, such as the peak race.

If they devour more, they can also be comparable to the mutant dragon!

Variation dragon can not be found, but as long as the number of pure dragon is more, mutation will occur naturally.

So pure dragon, is the root of the dragon family, must be increased!

"Well, you go!"

Wang Xian said to them!

A group of pure dragon immediately nodded and began to prepare.

Wang Xian looked at the fruit of blood refining in his hand. If the Dragon Palace could add nearly a thousand pure blood dragons, it would take a thousand blood refining fruits.

It will take him more than five hundred years to absorb in the place of plasma!

"More than five hundred years. In fact, it is very short in the land of the open sky and the vast land. Many powerful people have closed their doors for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years!"

He murmured, this time he's going to shut up!

Enter the place of plasma and make more blood refining fruits! , the fastest update of the webnovel!