International Purple-White Plate


Since the weather had changed since that night, it was much more convenient for McCree and Challee. They were close to the temple. The two saw that Rufeng had entered the temple, so they did not dare to disturb him. Mackry and Charley did not know that Ru-Feng had not been in the temple long enough to slip over the wall. Therefore, in addition to the surveillance of the Japanese secret service, the two of them had also been keeping an eye on You Kan.

The Japanese secret service had been tricked by the missus, and some of them were running south, dispersing their manpower. The teacher's wife and Changjing then headed south to escort the mountain, but ended up luring away a group of Japanese special agents. There was no one in the yard. Challee stayed outside to help, and Maclay jumped into the yard alone. Mackery was in the courtyard, watching and eavesdropping on the house at Rufeng, when he was discovered by the two Japanese agents he had left behind. The Japanese agent could not see who it was. He thought it was Reufeng who had returned from somewhere and was going to ambush him. He heard them, drew his knife, and turned to kill them. Startled, the two agents turned and ran, thinking it was Rufeng chasing them. He didn't see anyone out in the yard. He thought it was the mountain heading east. Thus, he continued to chase after him.

The two Japanese agents had hidden away from the hospital. When they saw MacRae pass by, they thought that the mountain had gone east. The two of them chased after him. Those two people were so ruthless that they gripped their swords in one hand and their "ecstasy" in the other, wanting to ambush the people in front of them.

He slowed down when he saw no one in front of him. He heard footsteps behind him and squatted down to listen. Hearing their footsteps, he knew it was the Japanese agent. Under the cover of the fog, McCree lay flat on the ground. The two spies heard that there was no activity in front of them, and one of them said, "Why is there no movement in front of us? Did he run away, or did he hide? Let's not fall into a trap. In this damned weather, if we don't see anyone on the other side, we should be extra careful. " The other person looked around and said, "This monk is skilled in all kinds of martial arts. He must have gone far by performing his Qing Gong."

When Macley heard that they were two women, he grew angry and angry. He suddenly jumped up from beside the two of them and killed one of them with a single slash. That man brandished his sword in a dozen or so rounds before he killed her with a single slash of his blade. At this moment, the other Japanese agents, hearing the clashing of swords and sabers, knew that there was a battle going on in the east, and rushed over together with six or seven people. He did not dare to fight with them again, so he quietly returned to the back of the temple and met Challee.

At this point, Grand Preceptor Shi and Changjing were discharged from the western wall, heading south to escort the mountain. They couldn't see the mountain for a long time, so she stopped and said, "He went far away, so he's definitely safe now. Let's go back. In case the Japanese couldn't catch up with Rufeng, they were too anxious to smash our temple. I have to go back and deal with them. " The two of them quickly returned to the courtyard, not daring to enter the house. Both of them held their treasured swords in their hands as they walked back and forth, ready to fight with the special agent at any time. Grand Master and Changjing didn't dare return to the house until the mist had dispersed.

The Japanese agent waited until daybreak, then went into the courtyard to check. When he found no one in the house, he thought that Rufeng had indeed headed south. As a result, they all left for the south.

McRae and Challee saw that the Japanese had withdrawn, and then they withdrew. They returned to the mosque and reported the night's events to Mary. "Monk Rufeng is very bold and meticulous, and he is a pure veteran of the martial arts world," Mary analyzed. Not only did he have a strong martial art, he was also very cunning. The authorities had captured him for more than twenty years, but they had never managed to capture him once. This meant that he was extremely sensitive to various things and had a very keen sense of smell. The officers and soldiers who searched outside the city three times were unable to scare him away. He would definitely not be easily scared off by those people from the Black Dragon Guild. I expect he just changed places. He's still hiding in Beijing. If you search according to the diagrams that I've drawn, I believe that you'll definitely be able to find him. " So he ordered Challee to keep an eye on the Japanese convent, and McCree and Riga to take men outside the city to look for the mountain in secret.

That night, as McRae killed two Japanese agents east of Yutan, the Daylight Police Department received a report from the crowd, and the police looked around like headless flies, looking for clues. They had randomly contacted and analyzed, and they even suspected that they were going to the National Guardian Temple. He also suspected that Rufeng had been hiding in the temple all along. As a result, groups of police officers continued to search for clues. The men at the mosque found the police staring at the temple and went back to report to Mary. Mary immediately analyzed. "Rumor has it that the person who robbed the treasure of the former entered the Temple of National Protection. This time the police were staring at the temple again, and they must have found something there. "The mountain is most likely hidden there." Mary also instructed Macley to be in charge of surveillance and spying on the Temple of the Protector of the Nation. Tell the others to continue to look for the mountain in secret.

Every time, he would discover that the fourth young Daoist was holding a sword while patrolling the night. He knew the fourth young Daoist, and he knew that the four of them were very skilled, so he didn't dare to overhear or peek around. The scouts sent by Mary to the temple saw that Rufeng had gone to the toilet and went back to report to Mary. Mary had the exact information, and she told him that he must find out which room Ruifeng lived in, and then plot against him. Macley made several more nightly visits to the temple, but he could not find out where Ru Feng was sleeping.

Tonight, when Macley came to inquire, the monks were crowded in the Zen hall listening to Rufeng's story, and the courtyard was empty except for the night watch. After hiding in the shadows for a long time, Macley saw that there were no Adepts in the yard. He ventured into the courtyard and went to the lighted window to listen and peep. Everyone was laughing and talking inside, saying that they wanted to view the treasure under the lights. He listened attentively and said, "Martial Uncle, you still haven't told me where the treasures are kept." It's all your fault. "What I just said, you didn't hear." "We will be more careful now. Martial Uncle will say it again, so that we won't have to search around randomly." "The treasure is inside the hat of my master." Hearing these words, he was so happy that he almost laughed out loud. He took out his saber and was about to snatch the treasure when he saw that the one who had gone out to take the treasure was the Fourth Young Master. He stopped and thought to himself, "These four people are so powerful. It would be better to just wait outside and ambush them. "

He had just made up his mind when he saw the monk coming to the window after taking a detour around the courtyard. Thus, he hid from the window. It turned out that An Zining was listening to the story outside, and he was even more on duty at night. The two patrolled for a week before coming back to listen to the story. Mackery then saw it as one of the two major obstacles to his success. He decided to get rid of the two of them without making any sound. He took advantage of the time when the two of them were on separate patrols to secretly follow behind them. He first used the incense to confuse the two of them before falling asleep in the clock tower. He then took Jian away from the clock tower and placed him with Jing Ning. His incense was losing its effect quickly outside, and he was afraid they would wake up and shout before he finished. He made up his mind and stabbed each of them.

He put his knife back in the scabbard and went through the door. He went down the corridor to the door of the Pangaea Hall and listened for a while. Then he heard the four young men speak and bring out the water. He then hurriedly went out to hide. Then the little Taoist came out of the room and went to sleep in the next room, he did not know. Seeing the Fourth Young Master return with water, he didn't dare to follow him. After hiding in the dark and eavesdropping for a while, he thought that there was no one outside. He started to feel for the door again. By this time the monk who had been fighting with McCree was already at the south window, eavesdropping and spying on the room, fascinated by the scene. He peeped in through the cracks in the front door and saw that no one was on guard. He took out the leather bag containing his "ecstasy" and squeezed it into the room through the crack in the door. Seeing that the monks had already been poisoned, he became even more daring. He opened the door again and put on "Bewildered." Seeing that he had finally fallen for the spell, he felt very pleased with himself. He put away his' ecstasy 'and drew his saber before entering the room and taking the treasure from the table. The following need not be retold.

However, they heard that it was the people from the Church of England who had killed and stolen the treasures. Everyone believed it. The monks clamored once again, all of them arguing for revenge to get the treasures. Puji said to Pu Xian, "Senior Brother, now that we have identified them, we should bring people to kill them and take back their treasures for revenge." "The people at the mosque must have been delighted with the treasure," said Puta. "It is time for us to go." Pu Feng also said: "Senior Brother is right. We will go and kill them right now so that they won't laugh out loud. "If I do not avenge my vengeance tonight, it will be a waste of my time!" Pu Xian gritted his teeth and gripped the hilt of his sword tightly. He nodded in agreement and was about to lead the crowd forward. Fang Dang, Fa Tong, and Fa Ming hastily tried to stop them, "Don't be rash. You can't go now." The abbot said in a low voice, "The sun has risen. This is not the time to commit a crime. We cannot act rashly. The Yuan Shikai government now tends to fear foreigners as much as the Great Qing Empress Dowager Xi. If you go now and don't wait there, the sky would have long since brightened up. In broad daylight, once something was done, he would inevitably be pursued by a large number of soldiers and police. Even if he was avenged, it would bring about a great disaster. "We must definitely take revenge, and we must pay attention to tactics and cautious actions." "According to the situation of the thieves fighting at our temple, we still need to analyze the situation further. If the people in the mosque really plotted against us and killed us and stole our treasures, then even if we didn't retaliate for ten days, they wouldn't be able to escape. I feel like there's something fishy about this matter. Don't be hasty. " "If we're talking about martial arts, we can all do it." If the British can plot against us, why can't we do the same to them? There was no need to rush things now. We'll use a way of fighting back. All this was caused by me alone, and I was deeply disturbed, ashamed of everyone, ashamed of the safety of those who died. I decided not to gather the men. I'll go there alone tomorrow night. No matter how powerful he is, I will kill him and bring him back to the world to retrieve the treasure. I want to use the murderer's head as a memorial for peace of mind to comfort my soul! "

Pu Xian heard the remorse in Ru Feng's voice, saying, "Don't blame yourself, Martial Uncle. Heaven's conscience doesn't blame us for this. We are all victims. He came here to kill and steal for no reason, and to provoke savagely. Blood must be repaid. Revenge is something we all share. Why do you have to go alone? If we're going, we'll go together tomorrow night and kill all of them! "

"How on earth are we going to take revenge on the mosque?" continued the abbot. "It's already dawn outside. Everyone, let's see how our men are killed. Can we report this to the officials?" "I don't think the press will be of any use," he replied. The present government cannot punish the foreigners. The moment the report was made public, it would give the killer an opportunity to react. We're the only ones who will punish the murderer. " Farmer also said, "The officials are of no use. Chinese law is still not binding on foreigners. The police knew that it was the people in the mosque who had killed them, and they did not dare to bring them to justice. If we want to take revenge, we can only rely on ourselves. " Everyone agreed when they heard this.