International Purple-White Plate


The abbot turned the treasure around and said, "This character 'Xun' represents the southeastern part of our country. This is a picture of the southeastern edge of our country. " Everyone saw that the painting was also a sea, and there were many small islands with white sails. The abbot pointed to the islands and said, "This is our Glazed Ball Islands. The largest island is Taiwan. At that time, it could be seen that there was a clear line between China and Japan. Some people said that Kublai had conquered Japan and merged Japan into China.

The abbot picked up another treasure with the word "shock" and said, "This word represents the east, and it is drawn on the eastern edge of our country. Japan is far away from China, our sea area does not have their islands. The border between China and Japan was the clearest in the Yuan Dynasty, "he said. Everyone took a closer look and saw that what was drawn on it was also a sea, with white sails dotted all over the islands within the sea. "The sailboats are painted the most, which means the fishing industry was at its most prosperous back then," the abbot said.

"The word 'Duke' on it represents the northeast part of our country," Fang Dang said as he turned his head. It's a picture of the northeast edge of our country. " Everyone saw that the painting was also a sea, and there were many small islands with white sails. He pointed to one of the long and narrow islands and said, "This island is our island. The sea around it has been ours since ancient times. Now it's been taken over by the Russians for more than forty years. The land occupied by Russia was larger than the entire northeast. There was an endless forest and a vast expanse of fertile land. All this was enjoyed by the Russian invaders. "

When the monks heard this, they all became angry and asked, "Why would Russia invade our land? Why didn't you beat them up! " Puxian could not suppress the anger in his heart and asked, "Master Fang, how do you know Russia dared to bully us?" "Because our Qing government was corrupt and incompetent, and the other empires teamed up to bully us." Pu Xian raged, "I can't take this lying down. One day, I will drive out the invaders and take back the lost ground!" "Our homeland was left behind by our ancestors, and no one can take it away from us. Although our country is now being bullied by the weak, one day the Chinese nation will become strong, and then all the invaders will be driven away and all the lost land will be reclaimed. Everyone, just don't forget the shame of the country. " Pu Xian said: "This is such a great shame and humiliation, how can we forget it? Unless he was a fool. "I am not a military marshal. Otherwise, I would personally go and recover the lost territory!"

Seeing his patriotic passion, the abbot smiled with satisfaction. He picked up another treasure with the word "kan" on it and said, "Look, this is also a picture of a sea. "It can be seen that the legend that our country borrows the four seas is true." Everyone saw the vast sea in the painting, but no white sails could be seen. "This is the northern border map of our country," he said. The sea was cold all the time, and very few people went there. It was said that the North Sea was covered in a layer of ice and snow, hence there was very little human smoke. Later on, Russia took over this place as well. In the Yuan Dynasty, Russia did not exist in the world. It was developed from the village of Moscow, a village under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. The rulers of the Yuan Dynasty, in order to collect taxes on that area, raised the village of Moscow into a 'Duchy of Moscow'. In the duchy, there was another leader named 'Grand Duke'. Let the Grand Duke collect the taxes. Later on, the 'Duchy of Moscow' developed, and it only developed into Russia in the Ming Dynasty. Since its rise, Russia has been expanding outward, seizing much of our Chinese territory. By the time of our Qing dynasty, it was still expanding its aggression towards our country. Emperor Kangxi personally led troops to suppress it twice, and they both achieved victories, only then did he stop his aggression and sharpness. Kangxi also gave them a lot of land and drew a clear line with them. He signed the bill. That treaty was called the Nebuchu Treaty between China and Russia. More than two hundred years later, Russia became the Russian Empire. In spite of the treaties and delineated borders with our country, it has also invaded our country, forcibly occupying many territories in the east, north and west of the country. "

When he finished, he saw no one responding and thought that they were all sleepy. He took a sip of his tea to refresh his spirit and looked around. The sight of Fa Tong, Fa Ming, and Ru Feng was disheartening. Suddenly, the monks behind him all fell down. The abbot was taken aback. Seeing that Fa Ming was about to say something, he struggled a bit but did not say anything, instead leaning on the table. "What happened to all of you?" He smelled a strange aroma again, one that was refreshing to the heart. Fang Dang was stunned when he saw everyone fall. Suddenly, he saw a man in black standing outside the door. He was tall and thin, and his hand was holding something that was emitting a fragrance. The abbot knew that he was stealing treasures, so he placed incense in the house and mesmerized everyone. "Someone, come!" "Thieves!" Then he grabbed his cane and was about to attack the bandits. He felt weak all over and fell down unsteadily.

When the bandit saw that his husband had also fallen, he sneered and put away the incense. He then drew his saber and quickly entered the room. When he reached the table, he glanced at the treasures happily. He placed the saber on the table, kept the treasures one by one and returned them to the box. He then picked up the treasure in one hand and the saber in another and walked out in a flurry. That's right: there was no place to look for broken iron shoes, so it didn't take any effort to get them.

The bandits had bewitched the crowd, and now that they had obtained the treasures, they were extremely happy. He hurried out of the house with a single blade in his hand, not going through the front door, but going through the back door and going around the houses to the northeast corner. He stopped under the wall, sheathed his sword, and looked up at the top of the wall.

At that moment, his back was hit by someone, causing him to stumble forward. His head hit the wall, and he almost fell down. The bandit reacted quickly. Knowing that there was someone behind his back, he gritted his teeth, drew his saber, and suddenly swept it behind him. He quickly turned around and looked at the person. Seeing that the person before him was not tall, he jumped backwards to avoid the blade and stood in front of him. The robber composed himself and saw that it was a round-faced, young, unarmed, fat monk. He looked around and saw no one else. Relying on the blade in his hand, he did not put the monk in his heart, and swung the blade towards the monk. The monk saw that the knife was coming at him quickly and hurriedly dodged it. The bandits saw that the monk had become timid and even more vicious, so they kept pressing closer and closer to the monk. The monk was forced to retreat and dodge without any chance of retaliation. The thieves had the upper hand.

That monk was also quite powerful, and his movements were nimble. No matter how the thieves tried to cut him, they would not be able to do it. He even intentionally avoided getting too far away and was ready to retaliate at any moment. The bandits saw that they couldn't pull back their attacks and couldn't get out, so they secretly became anxious. He could only swing his blade and attack the monk from head to toe. The monk was also worried when he saw that the thieves were tall and had long arms, and their moves were not chaotic. He himself did not have a chance to fight back. As he flashed, he thought of a way to win. When he saw that the thief had swept the dagger towards him, he had an idea and fell to the ground. The thieves thought that they had hit him, but just as they retracted their moves and were about to leave, the monk suddenly leaped up and kicked towards the thief's hand that was holding the knife from behind. The thief's blade was immediately kicked away. The bandits were alarmed and tried to escape in panic.

The monk shouted, "Where are you going!?" "Let's watch the fight!" He threw a punch at the bandit. The thief dodged and threw another punch at the monk. The monk dodged and quickly swept his leg towards the thief, forcing him to the wall. The thief abruptly turned around and quickly swept his leg towards the monk's feet. The monk hurriedly retreated in a flash and was forced to retreat five or seven steps back. The bandits were secretly delighted as they turned around and leaped towards the wall. He wanted to leave as soon as he reached the top of the wall. The monk hurriedly took a few steps forward and jumped up. He grabbed the leg of the thief and pulled him down from the wall. The thief turned over and stood on the ground. Seeing that he was unable to escape, he ruthlessly used his jumping Western Martial Arts to grab and attack the monk. His monkey-like posture made the monk chuckle to himself. The monk took the attack seriously, and his fists and legs went to fight with the thieves in the same area. It was indeed a height bullying a short stature, short stature based on agility.

The battle had lasted for more than twenty rounds. The long fists of the bandits were finally loosened, and they gradually became riddled with holes as they were continuously hit by the monks. The thieves found it difficult to hold the treasure in one hand, and angrily struck the monk with both hands. The monk was afraid of destroying the treasure, so he didn't dare to retaliate. The thief took the opportunity to turn around and leap over the wall, intending to escape. The monk hurried to the top of the wall. Seeing that he could not escape, the bandits wanted to push the monk down the wall. He threw a punch at the monk. The monk dodged his punch, then swept him off the wall and fell back into the yard. The monk then jumped down from the wall and began to attack the bandits. The bandits were so busy that they started sweating. They had no choice but to use their treasures to ram into the monks. The monk became more passive again.

Seeing that he could not escape from this place, the bandit made a feint and turned to run back into the yard. "There are many obstacles in the garden, making it easy to hide in the dark," the monk thought. He shouted, "Halt! Where do you think you're going?! " He hastily executed his Qing Gong, piercing diagonally in front of the bandits. The bandits were running, but they couldn't stop themselves from colliding with the monk. The monk was knocked backwards and fell to the ground. The chest of the thief knocked against the monk's head, causing him to sway a few times as he barely managed to stand. He bent over, clutching his chest and spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood. Then he staggered back a few steps, dropped the black thing, turned to the wall, leaped three times, and made his escape.

The monk was knocked unconscious on the ground and was unable to get up three times in a row. In a trance, he saw the thief throw down an item and thought it was the treasure. He immediately lost his will to fight. He rolled on the ground in pain for a while. Get up and look at it. He picked it up and saw that it was a Chinese monk's hat. The monk was surprised, but then realized that he had been tricked. Throwing away his hat, he ignored his pain and searched for thieves everywhere. The thieves had disappeared without a trace. The monk became anxious and jumped up onto the wall to listen, but there was no sound from any of the bandits. He stamped his feet and said, "Oh! How could I fall for this, and let the thieves escape! " In a fit of rage, he threw himself down the wall and chased after the thieves without mentioning anything.

In the house, the Daoist called out to the young Taoist sleeping next door. Hearing that there was a thief, he hurriedly got up, put on his clothes, put on his shoes and went out to see. When they reached the door of the house, they saw it was wide open. It was quiet inside with all the lights on. Everyone was lying on their backs on the floor, and there were no treasures on the table. The thieves had gone. The little Daoist was shocked. He was so anxious that he felt a pain in his stomach. After that, he began to urinate all over the place without delay. He hurried outside, clutching his stomach. He didn't go to the toilet when he got outside and just squatted down and shouted, "I see senior brother Ning at ease! Come here! Something happened in the house, the thieves stole the treasure! " At this moment, the bandits were not far from the door. They had already heard the shouts, and he quickened his pace.