International Purple-White Plate


Rufeng looked at him unhurriedly for a few moments, then stopped. Another guard noticed the hesitation in Ruo Feng's voice and said, "What are you hesitating for!?" You want to die? Go, go, go over there. "

He was also scared, "If you keep going forward, I'll shoot you!" "Don't shoot," he said to himself. "I'll wait and see what Yuan Shikai looks like, and then I'll kill him. If you shoot me, I won't be able to eat well, but I'll be damned first. "

He was naughty, but he also had a plan. "Ignore them," he thought as he made a turn and quickly walked in the other direction. Very quickly, he entered a small restaurant that faced the street. When the guards saw that the monk had left, they stopped talking and stood there like wooden statues with their guns still in their hands.

He then asked what kind of meeting Yuan Shikai was going to hold here. It had to be started with the Order.

Long ago, when Yuan Shikai was trying to force his way into the palace, he had used a scam. He promised Empress Dowager Long that when the time was right, he would restore the imperial system. He even gave the little Emperor and the people from the Manchu Sect some generous treatment. Some of the palaces were reserved for the court. In this way, Empress Dowager Long took the place of the young Emperor Pu Yi, who was not yet ten years old, to announce her abdication.

From then on, Yuan Shikai lived with his neighbors in Zhongnanhai and Xiaozheng. The Manchu court and the civil and military officials had no choice but to gather together and endure the years, waiting for the time to come when Yuan Shikai would restore the Qing Dynasty to them. Those who look forward to an early return are known as the Order Party. The leaders were Pu Wei, Tie Liang, Luo Zhenyu, Chen Baoshen, Zheng Xiaoxu and Zheng Shiqi.

These people had long been blinded by the idea of restoration. They could not see the situation in China and the world at that time, let alone recognize Yuan Shikai's true appearance. They had been looking for a chance to make a comeback.

Seeing the defeat of the Second Revolution, Sun Yat-sen was sent abroad, while other leaders of the Revolutionary Party also fled for their lives. They thought that the Revolutionary Party had fallen and would never prosper again. Yuan Shikai and his men have already taken control of the country's power. They all thought that the time had come for a revival.

Thus, these clan members immediately became active, and one by one, they began to let Yuan Shikai restore them. They even sent an astute eunuch, Liu Gonggong, to Yuan Shikai's side to discuss the method of restoration.

This Eunuch Liu had long been close with Yuan Shikai, and the clan members had high hopes for him. In fact, this person was even more unreliable. He was used to being manipulated by the wind. Ever since he had arrived at Yuan Shikai's side, he had come up with a number of countermeasures.

Yuan Shikai went along with the flow and promised to resume the mission as soon as possible. In fact, Yuan Shikai said that the restoration was to let him become emperor.

And the sectarians thought that Yuan Shikai was going to restore them to the Qing dynasty. The sectarians also brought gifts and orders to Yuan Shikai on many occasions. Yuan Shikai, on the grounds of eliminating the Revolutionary Party and clearing the way for the restoration of the obstacles, repeatedly asked the court for huge sums of money, until the court could no longer afford to pay them. The sectarians had no choice but to turn to the Japanese for help with the loan.

As a result, the Zong Society Party has also colluded with the Japanese Black Dragon Society's special forces. However, the Japanese had their own plans.

The Japanese government's analysis and research showed that Yuan Shikai wanted to become emperor, so they sent an envoy with a letter from the Emperor to win him over to Japan.

Japan wants to monopolize China on the condition of supporting Mr Yuan's claim to be emperor. The sectarians had been trapped in the valley, fooled and exploited by Yuan Shikai and the Japanese.

Yuan Shikai, on the other hand, has always been cautious about the issue of restoration. He always did it in secret, step by step. He knew that the restoration was unpopular. Once he became an emperor, he would face many objections, as well as great difficulties and pressure. Without sufficient military funds to buy arms, the bullets would not be able to suppress the resistance.

In recent years, however, he had been fighting successively. The Revolutionary Party, Pingbai Lang, spent a lot of military expenses. It has created a fiscal void and is short of money. He knew that if he wanted to be an emperor, he would first need to have sufficient military resources, and secondly, he would need the support of the various empires.

Therefore, he held a banquet at the Heavenly Altar today, inviting the foreign diplomats from the various empires in the capital to attend. One, he wanted to borrow money from them, and two, he wanted to establish a relationship with them and gain their support. Actually, the difficulties Yuan Shikai was facing were already very big. However, his ambition was not as great as that of claiming to be an emperor. He had to risk everything in this world. Not to mention.

As for the Heaven Altar Conference, the ambassadors and consuls of Japan, Britain, France, Russia, the United States, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Australia were invited.

In addition to these foreigners, there were a number of government officials, sectarians, wealthy country gentry, business people, and unidentified outlaws, hooligans, and scoundrels in the capital city's environs. He even invited some famous singing and dancing courtesans from Beijing and Tianjin, as well as some renowned prostitutes from other places. The members of the meeting were very complicated, just like a mob.

Furthermore, one could hear the lewd and lecherous voices coming from the Assembly Hall's conference hall even from a distance away. The meeting was about to begin, and the whores, while eating melon seeds, were happily bickering with the foreigners, not taking it seriously at all.

Some of the prostitutes were flirting with the men while others simply sat in the arms of the foreigners and joked around. Several of the more civilized people were dancing and hugging the foreigners. A Japanese man was sitting on the coffee table, laughing as he held the woman and stuffed candy into his mouth. On a yellow tablecloth on the table beside him, there was a Occidental phonograph, singing continuously.

A woman was singing in a soothing voice, "Good flowers don't bloom often, good times don't last. It was the same everywhere in the world. Youth how beautiful, Shaoguang how beautiful, exhort the king to cherish, exhort the king more reality. Don't look at the warm spring wind today. It'll be winter soon. When the end of the world came, there was nothing Ye Xiao could do about it. "Why don't you take advantage of this beautiful night and enjoy yourself, and try to be faster." No one knew if the singing and the dancing, as well as the various surrounding scenes, were coordinated together. No one could say for sure, and no one paid any attention to them either.

In the center of the hall, there were rows of tables and chairs. There were a few hoodlums and slanders sitting there leisurely smoking their cigarettes. Behind them, a group of people whispered, "It is all thanks to us, President Yuan. If it weren't for the fact that we surrounded the meeting with our swords and clubs and threatened the councilors, would the councilors have chosen him as their official president? He had chosen it again and again until it was dark. That's why the president invited us to the party today. "That's good, we also need a chance to bring glory to our ancestors."

All of them started to show off their achievements in surrounding the venue. Soon, they began to talk about it with great confidence.

Directly to the north was an exquisite table, and the chairs were arranged in a unique style. The surroundings were filled with flowers and flowers, and it looked extremely dignified. Sitting there facing the south, facing the north, was Yuan Shikai's chairman position. Later, there were a few tables and chairs to the left and right of him. These were the positions of senior government officials such as Li Yuanhong, Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang.

A group of guards were busy setting the table. Bottles of German brandy were being served on the tables. Very quickly, the sumptuous dishes began to pile up on the tables. The entire hall was filled with smoke and noise.

Suddenly, someone rapped on the cloud deck. The frightened women screamed. "Ah, too harsh!"

"Why did it start so soon? I haven't played enough. "

After the shout, the Secretary of the Government walked to the front of the platform with a smile on his face. He clapped his hands and said loudly, "Everyone, please be quiet!"

When he saw that the foreigners, if they did not hear him, were still laughing and joking with the women, he raised his voice again and called out: "Honorable friends of the nations! Ladies and gentlemen! And the guests! The banquet was about to begin. Please take your places. President Yuan is also about to arrive at the venue to meet everyone! "

After his secretary had said this, the foreigners stopped laughing and joking. The hall was in an uproar. Some of the foreigners pulled women into their seats.

There were also a few foreigners fighting over a woman. It made the woman scream, "Ouch, it hurts!" "Sir, be more gentle, it hurts me everywhere." Then there was another wheeze. The foreigners teased him again. " "OK, come to me, don't go with him."

The Japanese walked up to the lady and pulled her down, "Please follow me miss, don't go with the Westerners."

The Englishman pushed the Japanese away again and snatched the woman away. "Come with me," he said.

There were still fights over this. There were some Chinese people who didn't understand what was written in the English language on the table and were sitting around randomly. "The foreigners again drove them away in stiff Chinese." Go away, go away! This is not a place for you to sit. " He made everyone humble themselves and then randomly look for a seat.

Secretary Lang saw this and frowned. Only after a long while did the hall gradually quieten down.

As soon as Secretary Lang turned around, he heard a shout from the doorway, "President Yuan has arrived." At the call of the guard, Yuan Shikai came walking steadily forward, dressed in a brocade gown, a yellow sundress, and a top hat. He carried a stick in his hand. His body was swollen and chunky, and he walked with a heavy gait. The hall immediately burst into applause.

Accompanying Yuan Shikai was a beautiful and graceful young lady dressed in a long dress. She was the goddaughter of Yuan Shikai, Zheng Yanyue.

Behind him were Duan Qili, Feng Guozhang, Li Yuanhong, Xu Shichang, Wang Jingwei, Duan Chigui and other top government officials.

It was unknown who shouted amidst the applause, "Long live President Yuan Yuan!" Yuan Shikai was beaming with happiness as he greeted everyone with a smile.

Yuan Shikai walked up to the podium, took off his hat and handed it to the guards. When the entourage sat down, he glanced around, and then at the other foreigners. I have the honour of seeing you here, gentlemen of the Consul! Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming! I am grateful for the presence of my business and industry friends, as well as friends from all walks of life. "

After he finished speaking, he felt his legs go weak and he sat down. The guard hastily brought him a cup of tea and placed it on the table. Yuan Shikai took a break and said, "Guests and friends, I thank you for coming! I, Yuan Zhou, am very happy to have the chance to meet up with you all. "

There was another round of applause. Someone even shouted, "President Yuan, your lifespan is limitless!"