International Purple-White Plate


Ru Feng clasped his hands together: "Amitabha!" Then he breathed out heavily. The loose man that was left panicked and did not dare to fight with Ru Feng anymore. He knelt down and begged Ru Feng: "Great Master, spare me! Master, spare me! "

Ru Feng was frightened: "I can forgive you, but you can't forgive us! "Get up and fight!" The man kowtowed as if he were pounding garlic, and cried out in mercy.

Ru Feng saw that he was scared to the point that his face was ashen, he trembled from head to toe, and said coldly: "In the future, do you dare to continue acting so arrogantly?"

The pervert was so scared that he did not dare to look up and hurriedly said, "I don't dare anymore!" I don't dare to! If the master will spare his life, I won't be coming to China in the future. "

The four youths heard that Ru Feng wanted to let him go, and gathered around Ru Feng and said: "Master, do not let him go. Do you know what he's doing in China? It's here to kill us. They begged for mercy because they had lost. If we release him today, he might even kill many of us in the future. "

With that, the four of them knelt down and begged Ru Feng. All of the common people of Xuzhou also shouted, "Master, don't be merciful. This kind of wolfish ambition is unforgivable! "

The pervert heard and became even more flustered, he hugged Ru Feng's leg and wailed, "Master, I can tell that you are someone from the Shaolin Temple. I was once a disciple of the small Shaolin Temple of Japan, but if you are so merciful, then spare my life for someone of the same lineage! "

Hearing his story, Ru Feng became even angrier, and said in a frightened voice, "Since you are a member of my Shaolin Temple, why did you invade my homeland? Don't you know how to train your body? How can you be forgiven for coming to China to kill! "

The lackey hurriedly said, "Disciple is innocent! We were hired by Black Dragon Society boss with money. We ourselves have no intention of killing the Chinese. Once we are chosen, we cannot help ourselves. Master, have mercy! "

Ru Feng said: "The Japanese Shaolin Temple is the legacy of the Mount Song Shaolin Temple. From today onwards, none of you are allowed to invade the motherland again!"

The pervert hastily replied, "Yes, Master. We will never dare to do so again. "

Ru Feng was helpless, he was scared: "Scram!" As if he had been pardoned on the guillotine, he kowtowed three times and hurriedly stood up, supporting the man with the severed arm as he squeezed through the crowd and ran away.

Ru Feng held up the four youths and comforted them: "Buddha is merciful. Since he had surrendered, he might as well let it go. Hurry and get a doctor to treat your injured brothers. "

The four of them said, "We thank Great Master for saving us. We don't blame you for letting them go. However, this person was extremely hateful. They came all the way from Shanghai and cursed us Chinese all the way. "

Ru Feng nodded: "Scolding is because they are wicked. He had taught them a lesson today. Your actions to uphold the dignity of our people are worthy of respect. Although you have wounded a few of your brothers, you have brought out the prestige of the Chinese not wanting to be humiliated. All of you are doing well. "

The youth in the lead said, "Master, you are flattering me. It is everyone's responsibility to uphold the dignity of the nation and the nation." Ru Feng said happily: "Well said! We can all think that way, and we don't have to worry about countries not flourishing. "

Ru Feng was still rejoicing, when suddenly the crowd became chaotic, and a group of policemen with guns appeared. The police beat up the audience and said in fright, "Who's fighting here? Disturbing the station's order is against the rules! "

When the audience saw that it was the police, they panicked and scattered in all directions. Seeing the corpses on the ground, the policemen surrounded them and looked at them. One of them shouted towards Ru Feng and the rest of the youths: "Let's go, all of you go to the police station and talk!" It was full of power. The police officers immediately rushed forward to escort Ru Feng and the few other young men back to the police station.

It turned out that the station police were few in number. Seeing the large number of people fighting, they did not directly stop them. A station policeman ran back to his office and called the police first. He reported that there was a fight and told them the names of the young men who had participated in it.

Chief Suo of the police station was very happy to hear that the group was fighting. He immediately said to Chief Officer Long, "We're rich again. Take your men and run to the station, where a group of people are fighting, and you must get them all for me. "

Chief Inspector Long listened attentively, saying "yes" and was about to leave. Chief Suo stopped him and said, "According to the old rules, don't capture everyone. Release the leader. All the oil and water is on him. " "This official understands!" Chief Long replied with a smile.

Chief Long came out of the house with a flute. He immediately summoned a group of men to take a shortcut and rushed over. Seeing the crowd on the east side of the square, Chief Officer Long knew the fight was going to start soon. He spread out a large circle around them. Everyone was focused on the middle and no one paid attention to the back. The police began to scold and beat people with the butts of their guns. Only then did the crowd realize that the police had arrived.

Ru Feng was captured, and a young monk chased after him as he shouted, "Senior brother, what should we do? We just met and you were caught. "

Just as Ru Feng was walking, he suddenly heard the familiar voice, and immediately stopped. The one who called him was none other than the little monk with Open Seal and State Protecting Temple. Caitong hurriedly ran forward. Under the gun, Ru Feng could not ask any more questions, so he comforted her, "Junior brother, don't be afraid. Senior brother is fine. I'll be back soon. "

The young monk wiped away his tears and said, "I finally got you. I'll go with you." The police pushed the young monk away and shouted, "Get lost!" After a round of pushing and hugging, Ru Feng was escorted away.

The young monk was stopped and worried. He had something to say, but he couldn't say it out loud. Seeing Ru Feng being driven further and further away, he stood there, anxious to the point of crying. How did he get from the Open Seal to the Xuzhou? I have to start from the beginning.

It turned out that at Open Seal, Lu Wenhu and De Sheng had led their troops to attack the hidden spy and captured Yuan Keding along with a few Japanese spies cultivators who were disguised as monks.

The policemen also quickly withdrew. A few old monks cleaned the temple as instructed by the police before leaving, and dragged the corpses to be buried. The cultivators of State Protecting Temple all burst into laughter.

The old man sent out a decree: "Congratulations to Ru Feng for the banquet." When the banquet was set up, the monks were enjoying the feast happily. Even when it was night time, Ru Feng still did not come back.

Pu Xian was anxious in his heart, and said to the rest of them: "My Junior Master has always been a criminal for Yuan Shikai's arrest, will he be recognized and taken away by the soldiers because of this matter? Henan is the place where Shaolin Temple is located, so there are a lot of people who know my Junior Master Ru Feng. Once Junior Master is captured, his life will definitely be in danger. I am very worried. "

When the monks heard this, they all became anxious. The abbot hastily sent monks to ask around for information. Those that came back said: "During the day, Zhang Xun and his car were intercepted by Yuan Keding's guards not far from the station. No one said anything about capturing Ru Feng and any of the monks. Because of what happened during the day, the Chief of Police was afraid that Feng Guozhang and Zhang Xun would catch him and scare him away. The police station had no leader, and no one was in charge of arresting people. The only possibility is that Ru Feng was taken away by Yuan Keding's bodyguards. "

The old man carefully analyzed: "When Ru Feng does things, he always appears and disappears, always smart and obedient. He definitely would not fall into the hands of a fool like Yuan Keding. He must have been pestered by Feng Guozhang and had to escort him back to Nanjing. No need to worry, in a few days, Ru Feng will definitely return safely. "

After Pu Xian heard what Fang Shen said, he felt that it made sense. He thought for a while and said worriedly, "I heard that Feng Guozhang is a man who kills without blinking, and is Yuan Shikai's loyal dog. If someone around him recognized my martial uncle, would they use their grudges to capture him?"

When the abbot heard this, he laughed and said, "That's impossible. In my early years, I had interacted with Feng Guozhang before, so we were somewhat familiar with each other. I know quite a bit about him, and he is also a person who distinguishes between gratitude and grudges. Even if he recognized Ru Feng, he would not cause any harm, at least he would let her go this time. " Pu Xian was finally relieved.

"The situation in Henan is very complicated. Pu Xian should never go out to find your Junior Master in private, in case something bad happens to the authorities. You and Lucky followed Ru Feng's instructions before he left, and stared at the Japanese Yama Takashi first. In this incident, Yama Takashi was the main culprit. Ru Feng still wanted to keep up the grudge on him. Let him go, Ru Feng will be very angry when she comes back. "

It was even darker outside, the reason why he did not come back yet. Pu Xian was anxious as he said to the crowd: "Luck went to watch over Yama Takashi. He has been out for an entire day, and has not come back yet.

An old monk said, "You don't have to worry about that. He was familiar with every nook and cranny of Open Seal City. In order to prevent the matter from getting exposed, that Yama Takashi was in danger to him, so he had to hide from him a little. No matter where Yama Takashi went, Yun Che had to keep an eye on him. "I think it's a good thing he's coming back soon." Pu Xian was comforted by the crowd until his doubts disappeared.

At this moment, Yutang came back in a hurry. Without waiting for people to ask him, he walked in and said, "It's so troublesome, so troublesome. This Yama Takashi bastard was really cunning! I found out where he was hiding. "

Everyone asked what happened, and the little monk continued, "I will follow the two of them out this morning. When we reach the fork in the road, Yama Takashi and Yuan Keding will separate. I ignored Yuan Keding and started staring at him. Seeing him in front of me, sitting in the palanquin, twisting and turning, he first went to the small Japanese trading company. I stayed there for a while, but just when I was about to report back, I met the Three Heroes of Henan once again. The three chivalrous men asked me what I was doing. I quietly told them about Yama Takashi's plot to kill Feng Guozhang at the Open Seal. The three chivalrous warriors were all furious and wanted to plot against him. Just as we were talking, Yama Takashi came out from the small shop with a few people. I followed him again with three other heroes. This time, Yama Takashi went far away, and took a detour to Bianjing Street, the Fengmei Embroidery Restaurant on the bustling road. I didn't go in there because it was a brothel. The three chivalrous warriors followed him in. I kept an eye out until it was dark. I didn't think he'd be able to leave until he came back. The three chivalrous warriors told me that Hei Tian and the rest were staying there to watch over Yama Takashi, so I didn't need to go. Tomorrow during the day, let me go again. If it were not for the fact that Yama Takashi had a lot of followers, the three Heroes would have killed him today. " Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

Pu Xian said: "You should hurry up and go eat. You did well today. "

Destiny's Passage: "I forgot to mention it. The three heroes have already treated me to a meal. We were the last to part at the hotel. "

"It would be even better if the Three Heroes were to interfere in this matter," said Fang Chang. It will be very difficult for Yama Takashi to escape Henan. " Pu Xian did not know about the Three Heroes, so when they asked about it, they introduced the Three Heroes to Pu Xian and started to discuss about it again.

The next day, the little monk and Pu Xian went to the Feng Mei Embroidery Restaurant.

The Three Heroes told the two of them: "Through the prostitutes, we found out one of Yama Takashi's secrets, so we did not kill him. Yama Takashi was waiting for someone here. He is the Great Sage Tabata Takashi from the Guan Dong Jun of Japan. Yama Takashi wanted to accompany him to Xuzhou Station to welcome a group of Japanese Warriors that had arrived from Shanghai. Tabata Takashi was going to bring the group of Warriors back to Jiaodong. Yama Takashi had already sent someone to the Xuzhou location. Once Tabata Takashi arrived, they had to set off. This group of Japanese warriors did not come with good intentions, we planned to follow them to Xuzhou to see what was going on, and then make our plans. At that time, it would not be too late to get rid of Yama Takashi. "

Pu Xian agreed when he heard it, and also said to the three warriors: "My Junior Master must have passed through the Xuzhou when he returned from Nanjing, and I just so happened to pick him up. Then we'll go from there to Shandong. " The two of them entered the restaurant to eat, then took their leave and returned to State Protecting Temple to wait.

Two days later, the little monk went to the Feng Mei Embroidery Building early, running while panting. Three heroes are coming here to find us.

The chivalrous hero said: Tabata Takashi came yesterday, and he also brought a warrior named Fat but not too strong. Today, they would go to the Xuzhou to receive him. Yama Takashi accompanied Tabata Takashi to the train station. The three chivalrous men told me: You must come. In these few days at the Fengmei Embroidery Building, Yama Takashi got to know them. The Three Heroes were afraid that Yama Takashi would be alarmed when he saw their figures. The Three Heroes said that they would hide on the road, and let the two of us watch Yama Takashi's group on the road. The three heroes have already left for the train station. "

Pu Xian quickly packed up his things, equipped his sword with, bid farewell to the cultivators of State Protecting Temple, and rushed to the station with the little monk.