International Purple-White Plate


Suddenly, someone hugged him from behind. Only then did Yijie wake up from his stupor. He turned around and saw his father and the Li family's Kunzhong behind him. At some point in time, these three old men had followed them.

Dongfang Liang released him, held onto Yi Jie's shoulder and said, "Child, father knows how much pain you have in your heart. In the face of living reality, who could do anything? Your past relationship with Miss Lin is like this torrential river — gone forever. Don't be infatuated with her anymore. People are the same, the past is irrevocable. Wishful thinking about wounding the mind out of thin air was useless. In fact, who can turn back the past? A man must be able to do things with ease. Your thoughts and feelings are too fragile. You are still far from maturity. What big deal could cause you to live a life? Listen to your father: When we are born in this world, we must be worthy of the afterlife, the nation, and the upbringing of our parents and teachers. Don't put too much emphasis on the love affair of your children. In a few decades you will understand everything; but you are old, as I am. I hope you know that now. Humans have faces, and trees have skins. We have to be faithful. Your two uncles are also here.

Yijie's expression was dull and indifferent. Dongfang Liang said again, "You should extricate yourself from being obsessed as soon as possible and cheer up once more. I know that you have always been obedient, and I hope that it will be the same this time. " Yijie's heart was still heavy. He listened to his father's advice in silence as he slowly walked back.

When Li Clan's Kun Zhong saw Dongfang Liang persuading his son with such an elegant posture, they all had a deep admiration for Dongfang Liang. The duo examined their surroundings as they walked and followed behind Zhang Xuan. When everyone returned home, it was already dusk. Li Qian's meticulously prepared food was already cold. Yijie felt unwell all over, his mind was muddled, and he fell ill in bed. Seeing that his son was sick, Dongfang Liang was at a loss for words.

Li Zhanyi said: "There is no need to diagnose a child's illness. Because of the marriage, he felt a sudden burst of anger, which disturbed his consciousness, preventing his vital energy and blood from functioning normally. I just need some medicine and I can cure his disease. Brother Dongfang, you don't have to worry too much. "

Dongfang Liang was already breaking out in cold sweat from his son's sudden illness. He wiped away his sweat and said, "Thank you for your concern, Third Brother! I'm not worried about anything else. I'm worried that he won't be able to get married as soon as he's too sick. "

Li Zhanyi came to the sickbed and cut a vein for Jie Jie, and said: "I will prescribe a prescription, and it will be used immediately. In just a few days, he will be fully recovered. However, please don't bring up the matter of marriage with him for now, Brother Dongfang, in case his condition gets worse. " Dongfang Liang nodded. Li Zhanyi raised his pen and wrote the prescription. Li Qian and Zhang Ma immediately bought the medicine, and Li Qian personally used the medicine to treat them.

It took Yijie two days of drowsiness to recover from his illness. Li Zhanyi saw a blister rise at the corner of his mouth, and he said to Dongfang Liang: "His anger has finally come out. One or two more eyes and it will be cured. Brother Dongfang can be at ease. "

Dongfang Liang said anxiously: "Third brother, can you let him recover a little faster? "If this continues, I'm afraid he won't have enough time to wait for the wedding and then leave."

Li Zhanyi laughed and said, "Illness comes as if the mountains are toppling, and illness dispels as if its threads were drawn. I'm worried that the medication will damage his health and affect his physical and mental health. Thus, I used the medicine peacefully in order to let him slowly disperse the fire and slowly recover. Brother Dongfang, don't be so hasty. We have the same thoughts as the children. " Dongfang Liang, Li Huayi, Li Zhanyi, the three old men all laughed at the same time.

After the tense atmosphere passed, Li Huayi said with a sorrowful temperament: "Ever since I left home, I've seen through everything in the mortal world. Endless dissension is human nature and meaningless. Everything has its limits, you can't force it. People can't fight for their lives, they have to fight for their lives. In a few days, once he's completely cured, don't force him again. It was one thing if he didn't agree to the marriage. It's useless to force yourself. "

Li Zhanyi disagreed with him, and thought: "Forget it, I'll just treat you like an old Taoist! It's not that easy to break up a marriage. " However, Li Huayi continued, "People gather according to fate. If they are married to each other, it will be hard to separate them. If they are not married to each other, they will not meet. Why do you have to be so forceful? As I see it, Brother Dongfang only needs to ask him if he agrees to the marriage. If my nephew insists on objecting, then the engagement will be annulled. It doesn't hurt the feelings of our two families. Your son couldn't help but be a grandpa. "

Dongfang Liang said: "Second brother's words are wrong. Even though I cannot force him, I should first have my reputation. How can we break our agreement without reason? Once the marriage breaks down, I won't even be able to convince my children. How can I be worthy of my brothers and sisters who died for us? Please do not worry too much, my two bros. After a few days, when my son is fully recovered, I will choose the auspicious day to arrange their marriage and let them marry each other. "

Li Zhanyi was ecstatic when he heard it, and said: "Brother Dongfang has always been so honest, I'm impressed. We'll listen to your opinion. "

Dongfang Liang glanced at Li Huayi, and said: "It's not that I, as your brother, am not right about you. You only know how to despise the world, but you don't know how to enjoy the life of a common man. " Li Huayi was so rejected that he was at a loss for words, but instead smiled. Dongfang Liang looked at Li Zhanyi again, and saw that he was not smiling at all. Dongfang Liang thought: "This evil son of mine met me in Beijing, if I were to face him now, I might think that I have said a lot of disrespectful things." Li Huayi sighed: "It's true that the Poverty-Stricken People has no family. I really don't understand some things about vulgar people. "

At this time, Li Qian walked into the room and said to Li Zhanyi, "Third Uncle, didn't you say that you would change the medicine for Yijie today? Now that you've opened the prescription, I'm still waiting to buy medicine. " Li Zhanyi immediately stood up, wrote down the prescription on the table and passed it to Li Qian. Li Zhanyi said: "Compared to the previous recipe, this recipe is much calmer. It is called Octane Decoction, and the taste of the medicine is more than just nourishing. It's good for your health. "

Dongfang Liang took out the money and gave it to Li Qian: "Child, it's been hard on you. As soon as this foe came back, he dragged you down. " At this moment, Zhang Ye's mother was already waiting behind him. Li Qian took the money and went out with Zhang Ma. Li Qian bought the medicine, endured it meticulously, and did not mention anything about serving.

Two days later, he recovered from his illness. Dongfang Liang and Li Huayi had been observing them from the sidelines these past few days. They had gotten along well with one another and had gotten along well with each other. The three of them were all very happy. Dongfang Liang did not ask whether or not Yijie agreed to the marriage, so he chose the auspicious day, and started to ask, to let Yijie and Li Qian marry each other, how do you think?

When Yijie saw that he was sick for a few days, he was worried that he would miss the military affairs of Yunnan Province. He said to his father, "I have been sick for a few days in a row and have delayed the military affairs. Time is running out, I have to get back to Yunnan as soon as possible. After I settle my military affairs and report to the General Cai, I will take a leave of absence and return home to settle my marriage matters. Please forgive me. " After saying that, Yijie prepared to leave.

Dongfang Liang heard him and said, "Kid, don't play any more tricks. I have to strike the iron while it's hot and end your marriage as soon as possible. " Therefore, Dongfang Liang shook his head at Yijie and said, "No, no, you can't leave. It's not like there's a war going on in front of us right now, so why are you in such a hurry? No matter how anxious she was, she would not miss these two days of marriage. Obediently go home and arrange the marriage for me before you leave, so as not to get too much trouble. I don't believe you now. I will not let you go until this marriage is over. " Yijie knew his father's temper and couldn't bear to keep on talking. He was afraid that it would cause his father to feel sad, so he had no choice but to obey him silently.

It turned out that Yijie was the most filial son. He had always been subservient to his father. He had never dared to tell his father about the adventures and misfortunes that had occurred outside. He was only afraid that his father would worry about him all day, affect his physical and mental health, and not be able to enjoy the rest of the year. so that his father did not know what he was doing outside, whether he was in danger of his life. Every time Jay left home, his father was happy with him. This was the first time since he had become a wise man that he had caused his father to shed tears of grief.

Dongfang Liang kept his son and quickly discussed the method of marriage with Li Huayi and Li Zhanyi. The Li family's Kunzhong was very happy to see his niece's marriage successful. On one hand, the two of them were dressing Li Qian, and on the other hand, they were helping Dongfang Liang. Very soon, both men and women were ready to marry. He then decorated the house outside, upstairs and downstairs with lanterns and decorations, looking very happy. When the auspicious day arrived, a grand wedding began.

Dongfang Liang welcomed the guests with a smile on his face. When the neighbors heard about the Dongfang family's wedding, they all came to congratulate them. Local government officials at all levels also came to congratulate the wedding. Soldiers in the riverside camps were doing chores. Even the Squire and the others, there were hundreds of people who came to the wedding to offer their congratulations.

The two of them were dressed up elegantly and elegantly, going through the process of marrying each other and marrying each other. Lin Bicheng presided over the wedding ceremony, while Liu Qin acted as the wife. Zou's wife, Chen Dongmei, served as the nanny.

Dongfang Liang, Li Huayi, and Li Zhanyi, the three of them were to be married in front of the main hall. Amidst the happy sounds of the bridal sedan chair, gongs and drums, suona and firecrackers, Li Qian and Dongfang Yijie went up the stage hand in hand, paying respects to heaven and earth for their marriage. The gaiety of the scene, the atmosphere of the New Year, need not be expressed.

Yi Jie and Li Qian had only been married for three days, and their honeymoon was not yet over. Yijie thought about Yunnan military affairs, said goodbye to everyone, and left in a hurry. Li Qian had also personally sent Yijie to the river bank. Once he boarded the boat, Li Qian began to send him off with his eyes again. Until the ship disappeared into the distance, and could no longer be seen clearly, it was only then that Li Qian and Zhang Ma left the river bank and did not mention anything.

On the other hand, when Yi Jie left the Chaozhou and changed his boat ride, it wasn't just a single day. On this day, he returned to Kunming. Yi Jie met Cai Songpo and Li Liejun at the National Guard Command. The three of them had a happy reunion and exchanged pleasantries before the first general reported back to the two generals on the situation in Beijing. He then took out the letter that Gao Jian had brought back when he was still in Shanghai and handed it over to Cai Songpo, informing him of the greetings he received from Gao Jian and the others.

Cai Songpo saw that the letter was filled with urgent words, and immediately opened it up to read. After reading, he became happy: "That's great! Your trip to Shanghai worked. The Japanese consulate helped us with the purchase of arms from Japan. Recently, the Japanese side will send special envoys to visit Yunnan secretly to handle the delivery formalities. "

Li Liejun was elated: "As long as my trip to Shanghai worked, I can give my orders to the commander in chief." Cai Songpo continued: "Now that we have the ammunition, the time to start the battle is just around the corner." He once again passed the letter to Li Liejun.

When Li Liejun read the letter, he was also pleasantly surprised: "Good! Great! As soon as Commander Tang comes back, we will immediately swear oaths to the north! "Yuan Zui will not be able to rule for long."

Cai Songpo said: "You're right! His dream of becoming the Emperor has been fulfilled! "

Cai Songpo said to, "You and Master Ru Feng have done well. You have gained a lot from your trip to Beijing, and you have received information that is difficult for us to obtain. Not only did you learn about the secret activities of the traitor Yuan Shikai, you also know about some of the foreign spies and spies in our country. You've done very well! "