Infinity Armament

Chapter 36

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After winning the bridge, it does not mean that the battle is over, there are many German soldiers across the bridge. However, the German soldiers who lost their geographical position were unable to resist the Second Airborne Camp\'s attack.

Second Airborne Camp rushed across the bridge while taking advantage of the situation. After a fierce battle of 2 hours, it finally defeated the last 300 German troops south of the Rhine in the evening. About 100 German soldiers were killed on the spot, and the rest were captured. More than half of them were killed on the spot. Only more than 100 survived and were placed under the strict supervision of British paratroopers.

It is regrettable that more than 30 German soldiers were killed by the local 100 surnames. After seeing the British paratroopers successfully snatching the bridge, they cheered. When the fighting happened, these Dutch people each and everyone cats disappeared in the basement. As soon as the fighting was over, the streets were full of people, and some people hung flags to celebrate the liberation of the British.

At this time, the officers and soldiers of Second Airborne Camp had been fighting for 4 days and 4 nights. During this period, they only rested a little time, and they were already tired and tired. But they cannot rest there.

Because Frost finally learned from the mouth of a captive German officer that not long ago, the German 2nd Armored Division returned to China for repairs and happened to pass by Arnhem, so there were 2 tank divisions in Anheng area waiting for them instead of them. Thought an infantry regiment. This news almost caused Frost to collapse on the spot, so he immediately dispersed the people, collected weapons and ammunition, and repaired the fortifications. At the same time, he desperately called the headquarters for support with a report frequency of once every half an hour, urging the ground troops to come over earlier.

However, at this time, the 2nd Army was still wrestling with the bad road conditions on Hell Highway. The answer to Frost was to order them to stick to it and wish them good luck.

Frost screamed at the radio, and several adventurers with guns came over. One gave Frost a despised middle finger.

All of their "illness" disappeared after winning the bridge.

Shen Yi rushed over and said to several adventurers: "I warn you not to treat him with this attitude."

An adventurer tried to argue: "If it weren\'t for the bastard battalion commander who insisted on taking the bridge now, we could have delayed it for a few more days."

Spirit Rifle immediately pointed to his head, Shen Yi said in a cold tone: "He is a soldier, it is his duty to obey orders! You better learn to respect soldiers, anyway, we have successfully delayed for 3 days , This is a victory!"

A few adventurer walked away, Shen Yi leaned on Frost\'s shoulder and said, "I know you are in a bad mood now, and no one can do this kind of thing. But I want to remind you that the Germans have fallen out of their way. The nearest German army is only 4 hours away. That is to say, in theory, we only have 4 to 6 hours to strengthen the defense. The worst is not this, we cannot stay on the bridge. We must be before they hit the bridge. Stop them outside the town. Frost, cheer up, Second Airborne Camp needs you, and we need you. We need your command for the next battle!"

Frost hit a shivered. He was an excellent soldier, but his heart was just shocked by a series of news. At this moment, Shen Yi\'s reminder quickly restored him to a soldier.

"Thank you for your reminder, Shen, I need the help of yours and your partner, but not the performance of yesterday and the day before yesterday, but the first day."

"Of course." Shen Yi said with certainty: "We are here to help you, and my partner and I promise to obey your command."

Frost gave Shen Yi a grateful look. When Shen Yi tried to suspend the bridge and even encouraged the adventurers to slacken his work, he used to hate this guy, but now, after confirming that Shen Yi is correct, this person stood up again, eliminating all \'S opposition voice, unwavering support for himself.

"So well, how long did you say we have?"

"4 to 6 hours."

"Then we must first lengthen this time." Frost spread out the map. "Look, if An Heng defenders want to enter this area, they can only come from the south road. Their tank weight is too heavy, and only this road can withstand it. So we must first destroy the road to prevent the tank from entering the town ."

"This is a good idea." Shen Yi\'s eyes lit up.

"We need to destroy a section of at least one kilometer in length. The destruction should be as thorough as possible, and we should not give the enemy time to repair. But we do not have enough explosives."

"Maybe my people can solve this problem, they should have a way."

"That\'s the best. Without tanks, we have to face a large number of German soldiers. We must arrange multiple lines of defense and use space as much as possible in exchange for time. So we have to set up ambush points from the end of the road and divide Blocked."

"I think we should be on the 2nd side of the road, there are more people in the building and in the woods." Ralph Major said: "Here are all suitable hidden places, suitable for guerrilla tactics."

"That\'s right, we have to collect as many guns as possible. We don\'t have much ammo." Frost said.

Ralph replied: "I have already done it. Thankfully, we have obtained three complete 3MM self-propelled artillery pieces, but there are not many shells. There is also a tank, which is intact except the damaged track."

"Then we will use the tank as an artillery and the artillery as a tank." Shen Yi replied. 3 people all laughed. The previous gap completely disintegrated due to this laugh.

Frost patted Shen Yi on the shoulder, motioned him to come over with him, and walked to an open area, where he could see the highway in the distance. Not far away, there is a tall church, which is the famous Arnhem Cathedral in the Netherlands.

"Shen, I need you to arrange an excellent sniper on the bell tower of Arnhem Cathedral. He must be able to find and clear the most important targets immediately."

"no problem."

"Arrange a sniper over there and over there to form a three-corner firepower."


"Additionally arrange your 2 heavy firepower here."

Shen Yi one after another wrote down, and then he looked up and asked, "What about the others?"

"The others formed a commando." Frost pointed to a small fork off the road: "When the Germans attack from the front of the road, I need a strong strength to strike from their flanks. I can reassign Your 40 soldiers, in addition to fighting the enemy, you also have an important mission, that is, to retrieve some heavy firearms for us as much as possible, preferably some tanks."

Frost looked serious when he said this.

Paratroopers have much higher personnel quality than ordinary infantry, but their equipment is far worse than the latter, and the gap lies in the heavy firepower configuration. After all, no one can go skydiving with a cannon tank.

The reason why Second Airborne Camp lost in the market garden battle was not because of the disadvantage of the number of people, but the most important thing is that they lacked heavy firepower support. The effective long-range strike of the adventurer squad suppressed the opponent\'s heavy firepower, and gave Second Airborne Camp shows off power. In this regard, the two sides complement each other.

Now Frost needs Shen Yi to help them reclaim more heavy weapons, so that they can prepare for the next battle.

Shen Yi glanced at the road that seemed to lead to hell, and whistled softly: "Okay, let me do this."

Shen Yi turned back to the center of the adventurer and first called the adventurer with great formidable power skills:

"We need to destroy that road for at least one kilometer. Can your Falling-Sky Violent Thunder do it?"

The adventurer looks at the highway: "One kilometer length? That\'s too long. My skill is range attack, not impact attack. Impossible covers this length."

"That will not work. Who can destroy the road? We want to block the entry of enemy tanks."

"Why must must destroy the road to block the tank?" Wen Rou suddenly said: "There are enough waste tanks here, we can transport them over there, forming obstacles, blocking the road."

Shen Yi\'s eyes lit up: "This is a way, but the tank may run over."

"Then dig a pit behind the obstacle, and the tank will sink into the pit, forming a new obstacle." Jin Gang said.

"You can also bury some mines."

Everyone you say one by one, a variety of methods to block tank attacks have been released. Thankfully, this is a small team of adventurers. Many things that others can\'t do, it is with no difficulty for them.

Some of the bombed tanks were forcibly pushed onto the road, and those adventurers that had strengthened their strength played an important role at this moment. Explosives blast the road surface out of each and everyone pits, and the adventurer of Falling-Sky Violent Thunder will bomb a larger ground trap behind the obstacle. Hong Lang interrupted dozens of giant trees with his powerful impact, and all of them were piled up on the pavement. A small number of mines were placed in various places on the road and hidden under some giant trees.

After 4 hours, on this road that is as long as a highway, it is either a sinkhole or a steel barrier. When the German tanks come here, it will be a painful death hell. trip.