Infinite Evolution

Chapter 896

As soon as the aliens started, they immediately reversed the situation on the battlefield.

Because they not only have enough strength, fearless will to fight, strict fighting discipline, more importantly, they have enough.

At the moment, aliens fight with the sea people, just like a well-trained regular army, fighting with a group of mobs. Although there seems to be a small gap in individual strength between the two sides, as soon as they are in contact, the fighting situation has completely turned into a one-sided one.

We can see that those thin aliens constantly shuttle, crisscross, and use their own powers, or the battle weapons made by the Atlantis civilization revolution, cruelly reaping the lives of the sea people.

At the same time, in the fierce roar, the attack team in charge of the long-range attack also used the fire to blow each sea tribe into pieces and burn coke.

As for the strong Haizu, they are often "taken care of" by sniper teams. As soon as they show up, they will be covered by terrible firepower and blown to pieces in a blink of an eye!

And this is just the beginning!

Because with the aliens constantly joining the battlefield, some huge and different terrorist creatures came out of the space gate!

And the first one is the evil eye tyrant who looks like a huge eyeball!

It's just different from the evil eye tyrants of the Haizu before. These evil eye tyrants apparently also passed through the heteromorphic parasitism. Their body surface is covered with exoskeleton armor. At the same time, the end of each tentacle has spikes like the heteromorphic long tail!

In the sunshine, these spikes also shine sharp metal awn!

This is a thought that Chu Xun suddenly thought of when he was free. Although Calamari animals are not human like creatures, their strength will not be improved much after heteromorphism, but some abilities derived from alien genes are enough to make these Calamari animals more perfect.

Just like the evil eye alien transformed by the evil eye tyrant, now it not only retains the terrible long-range attack ability, but also the whole body's exoskeleton armor and sharp spikes at the end of the tentacles, as well as the sharp response from the alien, which also enables them to have a strong melee ability. If Yinhu faced a group of monsters before, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to solve them!

At the same time, after the transformation, the exoskeleton armor on these new aliens can also make them ignore the erosion of acid blood. In this way, the battlefield full of abnormal corpses and flowing sour blood will not cause any obstacles to them. Instead, it will provide them with advantages in land use!

However, due to the limited time, there are not too many successful Calamari animals, but even so, with these Calamari animals and the aliens transformed by Calamari animals participating in the war, the situation on the battlefield is more inclined to the human side!

Jiong Jiong!

Only with the shining of energy, the evil eye alien suddenly put all the sea people under the cover of terrible fire. It's not that the ordinary sea people can resist the terrible attack of the powerful ones. In a blink of an eye, a large number of sea people have been pierced into their bodies and fallen on the ground with blood stained all over them.

Later, more aliens and kalames swarmed in, killing the sea people who had been completely disrupted!

At the same time, Chu hang and other people who have returned to Qi have also started. Their task is very simple, that is to snipe and kill the Tianwei strongmen among the sea people. And under their full efforts, the sea clan's heaven power is even in danger, not to mention supporting the battlefield, to deal with these aliens!

"Well done!"

Looking at those aliens who killed in the battlefield and completely crushed their opponents, Chu Xun's eyes brightened slightly and nodded with satisfaction.

The alien's performance is even better than he imagined, especially this kind of nearly perfect combat cooperation, which makes him a bright spot.

At the same time, he has made a decision in his mind. After this war, he will teach these strange people the secret of ancestral witchcraft and the thirteen witchcraft array. In this way, the strange people will have more satisfactory performance in the future!

After all, these aliens are even higher than human beings in understanding elements!

What Chu Xun didn't know, however, was that just when he was surprised by the performance of aliens, there were a group of people in the sea who were enraged by the performance of these aliens.


Looking at the hologram, the aliens and kalames, as well as the evil eye aliens, who are killing the sea people crazily. The emperor, as well as those Atlantis behind him, were completely stunned.

If we say that the fighting style and fighting ability of those aliens before made them vaguely familiar. Then the aliens transformed by these Calamari animals and Calamari animals that emerge in the battlefield make them fully recognize the identity of these guys!

Obviously, these aliens, and these Calamari animals, are the Atlanteans transformed by that human in a special way!

It also confirms their conjecture!

Babel Tower, in the hands of these humans!

"It's unforgivable to turn my people into such monsters!"

It was almost an unbearable shame for the emperor that the land of inheritance was taken away and his people were transformed into biological weapons by the enemy. At the moment, he could still keep calm. His eyes were red, and his hands were tightly held. A terrible smell began to permeate him!

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth!

He wants to kill all these damned human beings and wash away the shame of today with their blood!

"Don't be impulsive!"

However, just when the emperor's anger was completely ignited, the mosquito blood demon on one side suddenly put a hand on his shoulder.

For a moment, the emperor felt that his blood was almost boiling, but it seemed that he was suddenly suppressed by some force, and suddenly became cold, and his mind was clear.

"Are you sure that the enemies in these battlefields, and those who have just appeared, have been transformed by your people?"

At the moment, the face of mosquitos' blood demon is no longer relaxed and playful, and some are just as dignified as ever. He asked, his eyes fixed on the emperor, word by word.

"I'm sure!"

Looking at the rare dignified appearance of mosquito blood demon, the emperor was stunned.

When will this guy, who seems to be winning all the time, show such a dignified, even some panic expression?

"It seems that things are much more troublesome than we thought!"

Hearing the emperor's words, the mosquito's bloody face suddenly became more ugly.

Alien, transform!

When the two words are linked together, and the black exoskeleton armor in the inheritance and memory has a faint impression, it immediately reminds mosquitosha of the idea that flashed through his mind and makes a confirmation!

These aliens are the aliens who once ruled the insect kingdom, but were finally exterminated by all the Zerg!

I just didn't expect that they still exist in the world and were met by themselves!

Think of here, mosquito blood evil in shock at the same time, but can not help but feel a burst of happiness.

Fortunately, aliens appear on such a backward and weak planet, and seem to be controlled by people. Otherwise, once the aliens are really revived, it will be a disaster for their family and even the whole insect world!

Later, the mosquito blood evil spirit also slightly clenched the fist, then said in a deep voice: "don't worry, this revenge, I will help you to repay. I've changed my mind. Now I'm going to help you eradicate that human! "

For him, a God power of human beings is not terrible. What's terrible is that even his father and Emperor are afraid of the alien race!

Therefore, he must kill the human and alien before they really grow up!

Before that, all he had to do was to restore his strength!

Think of here, mosquito blood evil spirit also slightly sighed in the heart.

Although it's not the best time to recover the blood essence, he can't wait!

Later, a flash of streamer flashed in the eyes of mosquito blood demon. Then he raised his right hand, shook it hard, and said in a deep voice, "return of blood!"


As the words of mosquito blood evil fell, there was a sharp hum in the ice city battlefield thousands of miles away. Then, I saw the blood all over the ground, as if it was affected by some kind of power. It started to boil strangely, and twinkled with brilliant blood light!

And see this scene, Chu ten's eyes also suddenly a coagulation!

Wait so long, finally wait for this moment!