Infinite Evolution

Chapter 894

Haizu is different from human beings.

The advantages of the sea people lie in their strong physique, terrible fecundity and tenacious vitality. But heaven is fair. It gives the sea people these advantages, and also adds some shackles to the sea people. Due to some limitations of race and pre heaven, the sea people's understanding and control of the elemental power is often far inferior to that of human beings, and even almost all human powers will burn their means. Those sea people are still unable to understand even when they reach the heaven.

Because of this, in the battle between human beings and the sea people, human beings can often turn the war situation and create miracles by burning themselves and bursting out their strongest and final strength!

But Haizu can't do it!

Today, however, what happened to the variant king of the tortoise overturns the cognition of all the people present.

When will the sea people be able to burn themselves?

All of a sudden, there was a flash of light in Chu's mind.

He knows what's going on!

Yes, the sea people can't explode themselves, but Atlantis's Calamari can!

These Atlanteans must have used some technology to transform the mutant tortoise king into a kalamese like existence. So it can be so powerful, even can burn their own lives and potential, so as to burst out the power of terror!

There is no other reason to explain it!

But now it's too late to react. Because in the blink of an eye, the breath of the mutant dragon turtle king has been burned to the extreme. Then, I saw that in a roar of anger, the huge mountain like body of variant dragon tortoise king seemed to be suddenly ignited. Countless red radiance surged out of the scars of variant dragon tortoise king and rose to the sky!

As if, a volcano, has erupted from his body!

No, it's a more terrifying destructive force than volcanoes!

"Total defense!"

Seeing this scene, Chu ten day's face changed and he shouted loudly. He was ready to use his own strength to defend.

"Let's do it!"

However, before Chu ten day can mobilize his strength, the crazy people behind him and others have all shouted out, inspired their strongest strength, ready to resist the energy storm that will come next moment!

At the next moment, green light, thunder light, electric light, fire light, hurricane and space energy are also surging out of chuhang and other human bodies, and covering the mutant dragon turtle king!

Not only Chu hang and others, but also a group of powers and aliens on the wall have responded to it, ready to help Chu hang and others withstand the next impact. But the time between the giant tortoise king burning himself and the explosion is too short. So apart from a small number of powerful ones with strong strength, quick response, or relatively special powers, most of the powers and aliens have no time to mobilize their power in a hurry.


At the same time, the huge body of the mutant dragon tortoise king can no longer support the explosive power in his body. The whole body is like a huge bomb, which explodes in a huge roar. The endless red brilliance, like the flash bombs, filled everyone's vision, and with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, swept towards the ice city!

Boom boom boom!

In a blink of an eye, the terrible force that erupted from the variant dragon tortoise king's body would collide with the powerful force released by all the people on the city wall. Then, less than 50 meters away from the city wall, it would stand still.

these two energies are really terrible. The energy field that ice city once once considered to be as strong as iron and impregnable is now becoming fragile as a bubble in the two forces' collision and extrusion, and it is destroyed in a moment. At the same time, the thick wall of the ice city began to crush and break, or even melt, between these terrible forces!

What's more, now these two forces are only in a balance of power, and they all use each other's power against each other, so what destroys the energy field and melts the wall surface is only a little aftereffect of these two forces!

"Back, get out of here!"

Feeling the terror pressure and the devastating energy fluctuation from those two forces, those powers on the wall all showed their horror, and even many people turned around and fled towards the wall and far away!


But how can this fragile balance be broken until they escape?

Before those powers could escape from the wall, the balance between the two forces was finally broken, and then it exploded in a loud and horrible roar, turning into a colorful force, as if it were a terrible force that could destroy the whole world and swept around!

The first to bear the brunt are the walls of the ice city and the army of the sea people who launched a charge behind the giant tortoise king!

Boom boom boom!

At the same time, the ice city directly affected by this force and the endless sea army behind the mutated dragon tortoise king are like sand sculptures swept by the tsunami. They have almost no resistance, and are completely destroyed, devoid of even slag!

At the same time, the power of terror, after destroying the ice city wall, also affected the people on the city wall. Chu ten and others are OK. After all, this is only a aftereffect. With their strength, they can avoid it in time. Even Chu Feng has spare power to use space power to transmit a large number of powers to the back of the ice city.

As for Chu Xun, he opened his kingdom in time and began to take back those aliens who had a deep brand with his kingdom.

But after all, they can't save everyone in this instant!

In addition to those who were lucky and saved by Chu Feng and Chu ten, some powers, aliens and Chu ten who had no time to dodge were deliberately ambushed on the wall and never showed up. The Kala beasts, who were waiting for contact with the war to attack, were almost all destroyed by the energy turbulence and shock wave in a blink of an eye.

Even after destroying the city wall, the shockwave went all the way forward, directly destroying all the buildings and defense facilities within tens of thousands of square meters behind the city wall, which gradually subsided!

Only this time, the ice city destroyed nearly a whole wall, but also destroyed part of the city. And this is the result of the two forces offsetting most of the previous stalemate.

It can be imagined that if Chu hang and other people didn't make it in time, I'm afraid that the number of people killed in the destroyed area of the ice city would be far from the present level!

However, there is a Chinese saying that one thousand enemies will lose eight hundred.

It's true that Haizu's move is really beautiful. At the cost of exploding a mutant dragon turtle king with a strong sky peak, it destroys the biggest energy field and wall that hinder them, opens the door to enter the ice city, disrupts the city defense deployment of the ice city, and even paralyzes the city defense facilities of a large part of the ice city

But don't forget that behind the mutant dragon turtle king, there is an endless army of sea people!

And these sea people are also affected by this terrible energy. What's more, they don't have the huge and tough wall like ice city to help them stop this terrible energy turbulence and shock wave!

So, when the turbulent energy flow disappears completely, the ice city will be a mess with heavy losses, but behind the mutated dragon turtle king, within tens of miles, millions of sea people will also be completely destroyed. There are corpses everywhere, especially near the explosion center, and even the corpses can not be found. There is only a huge, basin like explosion Crater!

This time, it can be said that both sides are hurt!

But what makes people speechless is that with a large number of sea people, it seems that they don't care about the damage!

Only to see the next moment, had been completely emptied, corpse strewn on the battlefield, but also emerged again numerous variation sea clan. They turned into scorched earth from afar, and even appeared on the horizon burning with fire, and at an extremely fast speed, like a black ocean, they rushed towards the icecity which had been smashed and broken the gate!

"That's how you want to go to town and have a hand fight?"

Looking at a mess of ice city, as well as the countless aliens and human beings who died in the explosion, Chu Xun's eyes also showed a violent killing opportunity in a moment. Then he waved his right hand and said in a deep voice: "in this case, I will come out as you wish, my army!"


As the voice of Chu ten day falls, a light blue space crack also emerges on the battlefield that turns into scorched earth.

Then, each one of them was different in size and shape, but they were also creatures in black exoskeleton armor, shooting out of the space crack and facing the sea people!

And after those giant creatures, one by one, armed with sharp blades, the aliens also came out of the space cracks, followed those giant creatures, lined up the formation, and launched a forward charge!

The so-called plan can't catch up with the changes. If it's only a simple sea army, then Chu Xun will never send his own alien army so easily.

Because he was afraid that these alien legions would be unable to stop killing and even annihilate the whole army of these sea people. In this way, I'm afraid that I will beat the sea people and make them dare not show up again, which will also cause them to lose a good opportunity to contain the southwest alliance.

However, the situation is different now. There is a royal clan in the insect kingdom behind the sea clan. According to the information given by the black devil, in order to restore its strength, the royal clan in the insect kingdom will certainly invade the human kingdom at all costs, kill people, and then collect their blood essence.

Therefore, Chu Xun has no worries now, because he knows that even if he kills all these sea people, the Insect Kingdom Royal family will never give up, but will transfer the front line faster and collect the blood essence and strength he needs from the southwest alliance!

In this case, what are you hesitating about!

Let them have a good fight and let these damned sea people pay their due price!