Infinite Evolution

Chapter 864


In fact, after just one move, the emperor also knew that he was afraid that he could not break the protective light on the mosquito blood demon with his current strength.

But he was not afraid, because he also knew that although he could not defeat the mosquito blood evil spirit, but the mosquito blood evil spirit also took his time wheel to have no way, neither side could do anything!

So, after a cold snort, the emperor sneered: "yes, I can't defeat your defense, but you can't defeat my power of time. In that case, we don't need to waste time here. Get out of here! "

"Ha ha, it's arrogant. But do you know that arrogance comes at a price! " Hearing the emperor's words, mosquito blood evil's eyes flashed a ray of killing machine, then turned into a blood light again, rushed to the emperor.

"No use!"

However, under the influence of time, the emperor easily avoided the attack of the mosquito, and sneered.


However, before he could turn around, a scream suddenly came from not far behind him. Hearing the scream, the emperor's face changed, and then immediately turned to look.

But there, mosquito blood evil just said that the bloodthirsty magic sword was extracted from an Atlantis human body, and the Atlantis people in the sword turned into mummies in the blink of an eye, fell to the ground, and then even the mummies dissolved into dirty blood, leaving a pool of filthy and smelly blood on the ground.


Seeing the mosquito killing his own people, the emperor was furious.

Although he is ruthless, he takes his own people seriously. What's more, after the loss of Babel Tower, there are few of his people left. Now one of them is dead, so he is naturally more angry at the moment.

"I said, don't be too arrogant!"

Looking at the angry look of the emperor, the mosquito smiled faintly and said: "these are your people and people. I can't help you now, but if you don't obey me, then at least I can kill them all."

Speaking of this, mosquito blood evil's eye also flashed a wisp of killing machine, then the voice also suddenly became cold: "do not believe, you try?"

"You bastard!"

Hearing the words of mosquito blood, the emperor immediately became more angry, and then a man sprang up behind the emperor who was watching the battle in the distance. Then he grabbed the emperor's neck with one hand and lifted it up: "if you dare to move them, I will kill her!"

"Ah, forget about xiao'ao..."

Looking at the emperor catching the sea emperor, the mosquito blood evil spirit slightly froze, then smiled: "if you want to kill it, kill it. This guy's strength is not good, and his kung fu in bed is rubbish. If you don't see him helping me open the wormhole, it's still useful. I'll kill him long ago."

At this point, mosquito blood evil once again wielded a sword, stabbed another Atlantis who was so frightened that he could not move. Then he turned his head to look at the angry and gnashing emperor and asked in surprise, "why don't you do it? Tut Tut, what's the emperor? It's really not a word! "

Later, the mosquito blood Sha also picked up the bloodthirsty sword and walked towards the next Atlantis.

Under the suppression of his terrible breath, the Atlantis didn't even have the idea of resistance, just like meeting the natural enemy, leaving only the instinct of trembling and fear!


Seeing this, the emperor finally knew that it was impossible to rely on the emperor to threaten this guy. Later, he bit his teeth and shouted angrily, "I agree to help you, but you must promise me several conditions!"

At this point, the emperor's eyes became even colder: "otherwise, as the emperor of Atlantis civilization, I swear that as long as I am alive, I will retaliate at all costs, kill you, and even die with you."

"Well, as long as you are willing to help me, there are still conditions to be discussed."

Hearing the emperor's words, the mosquito blood evil spirit smiled slightly, stopped killing, turned to look at the emperor and said with a smile: "but really, I appreciate you more and more."

The mosquito is not stupid. He killed the Atlantis just to make the emperor obey him. Now that the emperor has compromised, there is no need for him to kill any more. Otherwise, if it drives this guy crazy, it's a big problem

After all, each other has the power of time!

Even if the power of time is not complete, it can only speed up itself, which is enough to make it play a very powerful fighting force. Especially this guy has not fully mastered the inheritance of the kingdom of God. Once he has fully mastered it, even he has no certainty of victory!

Not to mention, there is a sand in the world that can't be destroyed!

"My condition is very simple, that is, I can help you, but only if we are equal cooperative relationship, not loyal relationship."

Seeing that the mosquito blood demon stopped killing, the emperor sighed with a little relief, then waved his right hand and threw the emperor aside, saying, "I will help you control the planet with all my strength and eliminate your enemies, but you will also help me recover the inheritance of our Atlantis civilization from some people. At that time, the planet belongs to you, the heritage land belongs to us, and we will leave here completely, and your well water will not offend the river. "

"Well, anyway, as long as the prince has occupied the tenth colony and completed the rite of passage, he will be able to return to the insect world and be at ease."

Hearing the emperor's words, mosquito blood evil lightly shrugged his shoulders and said: "as for your heritage place, seriously, I have no interest at all..."

It's not a lie. Babel Tower is good, but it's just the crystallization of some physical civilization. It doesn't mean much to the mosquito blood demon who is the prince of the insect world.

However, when he said that, he paused and then asked: "but I advise you to consider whether you want to be loyal to me. The inheritance you get is good, but the kingdom of God is not yours after all. In this way, your foundation is much worse than that of other powerful people at the same level. But as long as you are loyal to me, then I can help you make up the gap. Then, with your time ability, I think your future will be bright! "

If the mosquito blood demon just used the emperor as a temporary tool to help rule the earth and eliminate the sand, then he changed his mind after seeing the emperor's time power.

The ability to control time is extremely rare and powerful, so he wants to cultivate the emperor well, even as his number one hand, so that he can play a great role in the ranking competition between princes in the future.

Of course, if he can get the loyalty of the emperor.

However, it is not in a hurry. He has enough confidence, as long as give him enough time, he will be able to accept the emperor for his own use!

After all, he is the royal family of insect world!

"As I said, our relationship is just cooperation. Loyalty or something, you'd better not be paranoid. "

Hearing the words of mosquito blood, the emperor refused without hesitation.

After accepting the inheritance, he didn't know where his defects were, but also knew the strength of the Insect Kingdom Royal family. So he also knows that if mosquitosha is willing to help him, he will certainly become stronger, and there is a bright road to the strongest road waiting for him.

But he just won't!

He is the emperor, the emperor who can't live, who is superior and never submissive!

Yes, he wants to be strong, but he will never sacrifice his dignity to be strong!

His master, can only be himself forever!

"Well, let's talk about it later." The royal family in insect world naturally has the Royal bearing, but this bearing, mosquito blood evil spirit, will only be displayed in front of the people he appreciates, and the emperor is undoubtedly the one he appreciates most now.

So although the emperor refused without hesitation, the mosquito blood demon didn't get angry, but smiled and said: "let's talk about it in another place. I heard that you Atlantis developed the so-called gene medicine for water separation? Well, that thing can be used well. With this gene elixir, the little guys under xiao'ao can help me conquer the world better! "

Speaking of this, the mosquito blood evil spirit also moved the vision to the sea emperor's body, smiled to ask: "is, small Austria?"

His smile is so gentle, even handsome, as if the person who let the emperor kill the emperor at the last moment was not him, but another person.

"Yes, my great master!"

However, after seeing the power of the mosquito, the emperor had already surrendered to it completely and was full of fear. So even though she was betrayed by mosquito blood evil before, she was still humble and even trembling to squeeze out a smile and nodded.

"Well, you look like that again. I said, I'm very easygoing, you don't have to be so nervous! " Looking at the fear of the sea emperor, mosquitosha smiled, then patted the sea emperor on the shoulder, and flew to the deep sea with the emperor and other Atlantis.