Infinite Evolution

Chapter 490

"Petrochemical fit gun!"

But Chu Xun is not fighting alone at the moment. Almost at the same time as azazler rushes to Chu Xun, the anger that has been waiting for a long time finally finds out the opportunity, drinks hard, and attacks azazler again.

Anger attacks in a very special way, because his "rubber body" ability has almost unlimited stretching ability, so he also played this ability to the extreme in the battle. I saw that after an angry drink, I stepped my feet on the ground, and then I leaned back, and then I stretched my body like a slingshot with the strength of my hands.

Finally, when the body was almost ten times longer, the anger suddenly released his hands, and then the whole person, like a sharp arrow, turned into a black light, and rushed towards assazler at an extremely fast speed!

As a "relegate God", the higher the angry power is restored, the greater the gap between the angry power and that of the strong at the same level will be. At the moment, he has recovered to the top of level 8. Although his combat power has not reached the level of heaven position, as long as he has enough preparation time, he can still play a fatal blow comparable to that of heaven position strong!

And this petrified fit gun is his strongest killing move at present!

This attack not only contains the power comparable to that of the heaven power, but also contains his strange petrochemical power. Once hit, even the heaven power will never be easy to suffer!

It has to be said that the opportunity for the angry attack is very good. At the moment, he almost passed Chu ten and rushed to assazler. If assazler dodged, it would also give Chu ten time to dodge and let Chu ten keep away from him!

And if you don't, then anger has a chance to hurt asazler. Once azazler is injured, and the energy of heaven and earth is cut off, so he can't recover quickly, the winning rate of Chu ten and others will be improved a lot!

This is to attack the enemy and save!


However, to his surprise, in the face of such a rapid attack, asazler just gave a scornful snort, and then he continued to rush towards chuxun.


At the next moment, the anger also rushed directly to assazler, and then he tried his best to blow his huge and incomparable fists towards him.

But oddly, just as the angry fists were about to touch the assazler, he suddenly felt that his fists suddenly met a strange force which was invisible and irresistible. Later, his fists were also stopped by this force. He stopped at a place less than a centimeter away from azazler and could not enter!

"What's the matter?"

When I saw that I was blocked by the strange attack with all my strength, I was shocked. But then, the strange force that blocked his fists broke out again, just like a spring that was suppressed to the extreme and then released abruptly, so I flew the anger out directly, and then hit it hard in the distance because of the impact of the previous battle shock wave On some of the mounds, the mounds were smashed to pieces, raising dust all over the sky.

At the same time, asazler did not seem to be affected by anything, even the speed of his advance did not slow down a little, and he still rushed towards chuxun.

"Are physical attacks ineffective? It seems that we can only use that move - mental maze! " Seeing that the full blow of anger didn't have any impact on asazler, he didn't bear too much pressure under the block of plague corpses and the cover of gluttony, and his eyes were suddenly set on the desire to pay attention to the battlefield, then he took a deep breath, encouraged all his mental strength, and swept towards asazler.

They all know in their hearts that the reason why they are able to compete with asazler at all levels and even have an advantage in some aspects is that Chu Xun's strange and powerful abilities have suppressed asazler from all aspects. If anything happens, they will die here today!

So at this time, everyone can die, but Chu ten can't!

Like anger, desire is also a "relegate God" who was defeated from heaven. Although the first World War in that year caused mental damage and was hard to recover, she still sent out a spiritual shock no less than that of the heaven's powerful under her full attack.

The attack speed of mental power is always the fastest, almost at the moment when desire is crying out, the powerful mental power has swept up in front of azazler, and then quickly condensed into a huge Crystal Maze with light golden glow, which encircles azazler.

The highest use of spiritual power - Spiritual materialization!

This mental labyrinth is the most powerful killing move that desire can exert at this moment. Because this mental labyrinth is the product of spiritual materialization, it can be immune to all physical forces theoretically. Unless you have enough spiritual power to defeat many illusions in the labyrinth and the spiritual puppets produced by spiritual materialization, it is impossible to break out before the labyrinth disappears Out of the maze!

However, the limitation of this move is also great. First, the real function of this move is to trap the enemy, but not to kill the enemy, so it can only play a role of delaying time. Second, the cost of this move is also extremely large. After the release of this move, the face of desire has become extremely pale, even the body has stumbled for a while, almost standing unsteadily. Obviously, in a short time, she can't fight any more.

Because of this, desire has not used this method until now!

"How could it be!"

However, at the next moment, the face of desire becomes more pale, and at the same time, the eyes are full of shock, even can't help exclaiming.

Because her mental labyrinth, which was enough to trap the heaven power, seemed to be a mirage in front of asazler at the moment, so directly crossed by him, leaving only one labyrinth behind him, but he himself did not even slow down, and continued to rush towards Chu ten!

Not only is physical attack ineffective, but also mental power ineffective?

Is this guy invincible?

Seeing this scene, not only the desire, all the people on the scene showed an unbelievable look, especially Chu Xun, who was facing the impact of azazler, his eyes became extremely dignified.

In this case, Chu Xun naturally won't fight with asazler, so he didn't want to, so he tried to launch the blink ability to avoid asazler, and then looked for an opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Although I don't know how assazler can achieve the immunity to physical and mental attacks, there must be a great limit or even backfire on his ability to rebel against the sky. So if he delays for a certain period of time, he may be able to survive the disaster and even find the opportunity to fight back!

However, at the next moment, Chu Xun was shocked to find that his blinking ability, which originated from the stray tiger beetle, suddenly failed!

This means that he has been unable to avoid the attack of assazler!

"There's no escape, there's no escape, isn't it This is the gaze of God! " Thinking of the cold drink before azazler, chuxun's heart sank.

A powerful man who can ignore mental and physical attacks, but also has destructive power, and can even block the enemy's blink ability, so that the enemy can escape It's just a mystery!

"No way, there is no real invincible power in the world!"

However, although the heart is extremely dignified, and even felt a deadly sense of crisis, but Chu still did not choose to give up.

He's never a man to wait and die!

"Die, you ants!" At the same time, asazler has also rushed to Chu ten's face, wielding a heavy fist and smashing it heavily towards Chu ten.

"I can't help it!" Looking at the assazler who had rushed in front of him and launched an attack at him with a swift momentum, Chu Xun, who was unavoidable, finally fell down on his heart and used the last killing move that he had been unwilling to use - the combination!

"Demonize the body, fit it!"

I saw that, with the sound of chuxun's shrill voice, the demonized body, which had been shot by asazler and rushed back to the battlefield at an extremely fast speed, suddenly turned into a strong black light, and then fell from the sky and into chuxun's body at a speed close to light just before asazler hit chuxun.


In a flash, chuxun's body also bloomed with a strong and extreme light like a black hole, completely wrapping him. At the same time, a kind of unspeakable savageness and ferocity also broke out from Chu ten.

As if, what is the most ferocious beast out of the general!

"Sure enough, there is a card!"

Feeling the horrible breath from the black light, asazler's pupil suddenly shrank, and then without hesitation, he again wielded a heavy fist to smash the black light completely wrapped by Chu ten!


At the next moment, there was a loud roar from the black light, and then a terrible shock wave that could destroy everything came out of the black light and swept around.

Then, the whole ground began to shake violently, and burst out countless cracks, and then they cracked and collapsed, as if a super earthquake had occurred.

But no one cares about it. Everyone's eyes are focused on the center of the explosion, which is blurry because of the huge amount of dust swept by the shock wave.

Face to face with asazler's all-out strike, chuxun Is he still alive?