Infinite Evolution

Chapter 437

The interior of the exclusive private rooms of the five luxury ethnic groups looks more exquisite and luxurious than the exterior. The rooms here are not only extremely spacious, but also have sofas and beds for rest. In addition, there is even a large refrigerator with a variety of food and drinks.

In the middle of the room, there is a large dining table with all kinds of fresh fruits. These fruits have been washed just now. There are still some water drops on them. They look very attractive.

"Wow, the virgin fruit, it's rare!" Looking at all kinds of fruits on the table, the bear child immediately cheered, then picked up the saint fruit and threw it into his mouth and ate it.

While others, including Yang Ling, also had a bright eye, and then they took a little fruit and tasted it carefully.

It can't be blamed on them. It can only be blamed that the damned climate and geological soil of the last age are so weird. Except for a few vegetables, fruits and fruits that can be planted in large areas, most of the fruits before the catastrophe were hard to see in the outside world, and only some big nobles would spend a lot of resources to cultivate them.

So it's a bit sad to say that they haven't eaten fresh fruit like the virgin fruit for a long time

"These guys!" Looking at the bear children and other people's food samples, Chu Xun subconsciously looks at angel. Fortunately, angel did not feel anything different, but picked up a fruit to eat.

After all, in angel's view, the reason why bear children and others are so straightforward is that they have regarded her as their own person. For her who has no friends since childhood, this feeling is very good and wonderful.

"By the way, Qi'er, is that ice and water strong? How do you look like you are all in awe of her?" Chu asked curiously before the auction began.

"Sister Ruoshui is very powerful. Apart from brother mu, no one in the young generation of sky city is her opponent!" Hearing Chu Xun's words, angel's face showed a trace of admiration, saying: "if sister Shui's ability is a rare ice variant [Yanbing]. So her power attack can not only freeze the ice power, but also the temperature of the ice is extremely terrible, and it can explode, so it has no less destructive power than the fire power, very powerful! "

Here, angel paused a little, and then continued: "but the most admirable thing is her fighting spirit. I don't know why, she is very persistent in her belief of becoming stronger, and she always challenges all kinds of strong enemies. Although she is often severely wounded and rescued by the guardian, her strength is getting stronger and stronger. The reason why shishao and qinzhan are afraid of her is that they have been taught by sister Ruoshui! "

"I see!" Hearing angel's words, chuxun nodded slightly. That ice if water is really strange, she seems to have some ability to hide breath, so even Chu Xun can't feel the strength of her breath, and can't judge his strength.

But soon, Chu ten thought of another thing, and then continued to ask: "even people with such a strong ice and water can't beat brother mu. What is the origin of brother mu?"

"Brother Mu seems to be the adoptive son adopted by the speaker. He is much older than us, and his strength is naturally stronger." Angel thought for a moment and said, "but brother Mu seldom gives a hand, and it's strange that people who lose to him will forget how to lose, so if sister Shui is very unwilling, she always wants to fight with him again."

"Even forget how to lose? Is it a psychic ability? " Hearing angel's words, Chu Xun also slightly frowned, a little curious about the wood elder brother who had no head or tail.


At this time, the center of the auction ground suddenly sounded a clear bell. The bell was not only clear, but also melodious, which soon subdued the noise in the auction room.

And as the bell fell slowly, a ray of energy light appeared on the auction platform, completely enveloping the whole auction platform.

This is the old rule of sky auction house. There are many kinds of things to be auctioned, even many powerful dangerous creatures. So once the auction is opened, a strong energy shield will be covered on the auction house to avoid all kinds of accidents.

"The play begins!"

Seeing the auction house shrouded in energy shield, Chu Xun's eyes also flashed a trace of excitement.

After waiting so long, the auction is finally about to start!

Click, click, click!

As the energy shield completely covers the auction platform with a diameter of more than 30 meters, waves of movement and metal friction sound from the auction platform. Then I saw the ground of the auction platform slowly split, and a lifting platform slowly rose from under the auction platform.

At the moment, there is an old man in purple suit standing on the lifting platform. As soon as the old man appears, a terrible breath spreads around him. Under the pressure of this breath, even Chu Xun feels a little hard to breathe, while others close their mouths unconsciously.

In a flash, the whole auction house became more quiet.

"It's a strong momentum. I'm afraid this man is also a quasi ninth level strong man of death knight level!" Feeling that strong breath, Chu ten day slightly narrowed his eyes, eyes flashed a wisp of fine awn.

Just an auction sent a quasi-9 level strong man to sit in the town. It seems that the Supreme Council's inside information is even stronger than he imagined!

"Grandpa Ziyan?" Angel obviously knew the old man, so when she saw the old man, she was also surprised, and her face showed surprise.

"Ziyan, the steward of the magic city, has the quasi-9 level strength, only one step away from the 9 level. But unfortunately, he seems to have suffered some kind of dark injury and used a large number of low-level nuclei, which led to being trapped in this last step and unable to advance to heaven! " Yang Ling downloaded a lot of confidential information from Longbao, including the identity of the old man. So when Angel screamed out, Yang Ling also told everyone the information he knew: "because he couldn't break through, Ziyan began to concentrate on handling sundries for the magic city, and became the top leader in the magic city besides the magic girl. But as he grew older, he rarely left the magic city. I didn't expect that he would come out to be the host this time! "

"It seems that the auction is really important!" Hearing Yang Ling's words, Chu ten day slightly frowned.

In order to ensure the shock effect, they have not been able to spread the news that the panacea can help to break the ranks, so it is obvious that the old man did not come for the panacea.

So it's not a panacea, but it's qualified to invite such a powerful person to sit in the auction. Obviously, it should be the so-called cross era invention developed by shendun city and Langcheng together!

So what is it?

Think of here, Chu ten days heart also felt a trace of curiosity.

"Ha ha, my husband Ziyan has not appeared for many years. I think many people don't know my old bone." At the same time, the purple robed old man also looked around the crowd and said with a smile.

"Old Yan, how can we forget you!"

"Yes, you can be the one who has the title of" Yan of disillusionment "and has swept all the lists on the reward list. We will never forget your legend!"

"I didn't expect that Yan would show up. It seems that there are many good things in this auction!"


Those who are qualified to participate in the sky auction are all noble families. These people may not understand the hardships of people's livelihood, but they remember better than their parents about the strong people they can't provoke in the sky city. After all, I forget that my parents will not die, but if I forget these people and offend them again, I'm afraid it will be worse than death.

So seeing the appearance of the purple robed old man, someone immediately complimented him in the audience.

"Ha ha, it seems that my old bone hasn't been completely forgotten. It's really good news." Hearing the compliments from the crowd, the old man in purple gave a little smile, and then directly opened the door to the mountain and said, "well, you must have been looking forward to this auction for a long time, so I'm not talking nonsense. Next, please enjoy this auction feast

Later, he clapped his hands gently, and a crystal cabinet rose slowly from the ground and appeared in front of the crowd.


With a slight sound, the crystal cabinet slowly opened, and then a terrible cold came out of it. Where it passed, even the ground began to form a thin layer of frost.

The first auction, it's coming!