Infinite Evolution

Chapter 433

In the underground base of Longbao and the super gravity training room, Chu Xun was standing in the center of the room, like a long gun, with his eyes closed and his body straight.

At the moment, he was only wearing a pair of shorts, which did not divide his whole body into bulges, but they were very well proportioned one by one, looking like the explosive muscles of a cheetah exposed to the air. And strangely, as he breathed and inhaled, his muscles began to wriggle slightly, as if he had his own life.

Hum! Buzz! Buzz!

At this time, there was a slight buzzing sound in the dead corners of the training room. Then, a small gun tube extended from all corners of the room, even from the ceiling, aiming at Chu ten. And on top of those barrels, a flash of brilliant energy is gathering rapidly.

This is a very rare miniature nuclear gun!

Jiong! Jiong! Jiong!

The charging speed of the micro crystal core gun is very fast. Almost in a blink of an eye, these crystal core guns will be fired together, and countless channels of energy will be fired towards Chu ten day.

At the same time, Chu Xun, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and began to dodge in the simultaneous shooting of the crystal core gun at a very fast speed.

Chu Xun's speed is extremely fast, and it seems that he can not predict, so although the crystal core beams are dense, Chu Xun can still shuttle in the beam like a stroll in the courtyard, even if he is not hit for a while.


But soon, a bigger challenge will come. With the sound of the electric arc, the room will be filled with electric light.

Different from the straight energy beam, the speed of arc shooting is not only fast, but also irregular. In a flash, Chu Xun's dodging difficulty also rises in a straight line, and even several times he almost was hit by the twisted and jumping arc.


At this time, Chu ten suddenly sprang up and stepped on the wall of the room. Then the whole person walked on the wall, avoiding the most intensive attack. Innumerable energy beams and electric arcs bombarded the original battle site of chuxun, making pits on the ground made of super strength alloy.

Shoo shoo shoo!

But even more excessive, when Chu Xun was almost forced to walk on the wall, small colloidal marbles were also ejected from all corners of the room. These marbles not only shoot very fast, but also bounce violently when they are hit by an arc or hit a wall, thus completely changing the trajectory of their actions.

In a flash, the whole room is almost completely filled with electric light, energy beam and the rebounding small marbles. It can be said that even a mosquito will be hit and torn in a flash. However, in this seemingly no room to dodge, Chu Xun is still like a ghost. He can travel freely, even without any energy beam, arc and marbles to hit him.

This is just the body method of ghosts!

"This boy is a monster. In just a few days, I have mastered spider dance, round dance, big gun post and even the most difficult muscle breathing method. It is estimated that in a few days, he will be able to master the rest of the dragon and snake steps and strike together. " Through the monitor, madman Chu clearly saw all the performances of Chu Xun, and then he shook his head and said with emotion, "it's almost as easy for him to condense the territory with his current ability after he fully mastered the seven killing techniques and then combined them with his own ability."

The seven kill combat technique is a basic combat technique composed of seven different cultivation methods. Most of the seven methods of cultivation originated before the catastrophe. Although they were not advanced or even specialized, they were enough to lay a foundation. Especially when the seven kinds of combat techniques are fully cultivated, all kinds of abilities of the martial arts will be greatly improved, so that the martial arts can easily understand the domain and create their own high-level killing moves.

The seven cultivation methods are as follows:

spider Dance: created by a martial arts master before the cataclysm, it was originally called "spider climbing water". When cultivating to a higher level, you can control your balance to a great extent, or even "the water is no more than your knees", climbing on the water like a water spider. The cultivation of this method can be said to be the second most difficult skill in the seven kill battle. Without a strong physical quality and a certain level of martial arts, it is almost impossible to cultivate it successfully.

Wind fighting technique: originally called "wind leg technique", it is the leg skill of a martial arts family before the end of the world. After being improved, it is specially used to strengthen the control ability of its own center of gravity, so as to achieve the effect of moving forward and backward as wind, but still as mountain.

Round dance step: this can be said to be the basis of spider dance. It is a kind of step created by a strong system martial arts master, combining various body methods, steps and their own combat experience before the end of the world. This step is mostly to rotate, bypass, unload and other ways along the direction of the enemy's attack to dodge. Because the steps are similar to dance steps, they are called round steps. [Vincent's step against the tyrant was the round dance step. ]

big gun stake: a stake method of ancient Chinese martial arts before the end of the world. If the seven kill technique is the basis of all high-level techniques, then the big gun post is the basis of the seven kill technique. Standing on this pile often can not only improve one's physical quality, but also gather one's own spirit to the greatest extent, so as to improve the effect of reaction.

Muscle breathing method: this method is the most difficult one to learn in the seven kills, because it is not only a body action, but also to learn to control your own muscles. Let your own muscles as if you can breathe, so as to achieve the effect of soft like cotton, hard like steel. In this way, the warrior can also have stronger defense and unloading ability in the battle. It is similar to the "cotton belly", "Golden Bell mask", "iron cloth shirt" and "Yoga" in martial arts before the catastrophe, but it combines the advantages of various martial arts. It's extremely powerful and extremely difficult to control.

As for the final joint attack of dragon and snake, they are two sets of martial arts in one continuous line. The former practice to the extreme, can let people burst out in an instant extremely powerful power and speed, to the extent of walking dragon and snake. The latter is to use the speed and strength of this pace, combined with their own strength, to break out the strongest blow.

According to the legend, it was created by a certain "invincible" strong man in history. The strength of the strong man can even be said to have hardened his body to the extreme of mortals. However, the acme of mortals is just the acme of mortals. This invincible strong man finally goes to bed at the end of his life and turns into dust.

Spider dance, wind fighting technique, big gun post, round dance step, muscle breathing method, dragon snake step and dragon snake strike together. These seven cultivation methods are respectively specialized in seven abilities, including balance, center of gravity, reaction, Dodge, defense, assault and attack. It can be said that as long as you control these seven abilities, even if you don't understand the domain, your combat power can be increased at least three times!

However, these kinds of fighting skills may be difficult for others, but it is not difficult for Chu Xun, who has super physical quality and strong mental power and can better control his body. Especially in the spider dance, Chu Xun, who has the body ability of spider, has learned it successfully in a flash, which can be described as speed.

After mastering spider dance, round dance step and big gun post, Chu Xun, who had abnormal intuition, spider induction and bullet time, became more terrible in Dodge and response. It can be said that if we only talk about reaction ability and dodge ability, there are few people below the sky level who can compare with him.

At the same time, Chu Xun, who initially mastered the muscle breathing method, cooperated with his own spiritual ability, and his own defense was greatly enhanced. Next, he only needs to master the rest of the dragon and snake steps and combine them, and then he can try to create his own domain.

But this can only be said later, because Chu is now facing a more important thing.

Because sky auction will officially open in a day!