Infinite Evolution

Chapter 426


Looking at the cold eyes of the doctor, Chu Xun felt cold. Since he was dissected last time, he had an indelible shadow on the cold but crazy man.

But at the same time, he felt a little puzzled. He clearly caused heavy damage to the intelligent zombies, which should be due to great achievements. Why does it seem that the doctor is dissatisfied with him now?

Is it worried about the Revenge of the emperor and the intelligent zombies?

No, according to the doctor's performance just now, he should not care about this at all, right?

"The plot of breaking insects and demons, and then entering the corpse region to kill more than 30 cities, even led to the fall of the death knight who was the head of the four knights in the corpse region, so that the corpse Emperor gave up an energy to separate himself for pursuit. Chu ten, you have made great achievements and made great achievements this time! "

Looking at Chu Xun's slightly puzzled look, the doctor's eyes became even colder: "but do you know that when you are killing all directions in the corpse field and making the most of the limelight, your friends and teachers are just like crazy, searching for your trace in the whole human field, and even several of them are seriously injured due to some accidents? ”

here, the doctor also unconsciously clenched his fist, and even a cold opportunity appeared in his voice: "then do you know that angel almost failed to break the barrier because he was worried about your safety, and almost was backfired by the power. If she had not been lucky and survived, she would not be alive now."

"They..." Hearing the doctor's words, Chu Xun's heart suddenly shuddered, and he finally knew why the doctor's attitude towards him was so cold.

But he never thought that Chu hang and other people would take a huge risk, looking for his trace like looking for a needle in a haystack in this critical human land, not to mention that angel would even die because of his affairs.

Think of here, Chu ten day heart can not help but feel a touch and guilt.

"Now you know guilt? What did you do before that? " Looking at the guilty color of Chu Xun, the cold color in the doctor's eyes faded a little, but the voice was still cold: "since you have the ability to kill more than 30 cities in the corpse field, or even the death knight is not your opponent, can't you break through the border and return to the human field?"

At this point, the doctor's tone was also a little higher: "don't you know that everyone is worried about you? Or do you think that no one can deal with you with your strength? "

"Sorry to worry everyone!"

Although the doctor's words were extremely harsh, even cold, Chu Xun still noticed the doctor's concern for him. So after taking a deep breath, he immediately apologized and explained: "in fact, at the beginning, I wanted to break through the border and return to the human domain with all my strength, but who knows that some accidents happened later, and then things went out of control..."

Later, Chu also slowly told the doctor everything he had experienced in the corpse field.

"It turns out that the nuclear explosion reaction detected by the Supreme Council was caused by you..." After hearing Chu Xun's words, the cold color in the doctor's eyes finally disappeared, but instead, it turned into a kind of inexplicable fanaticism: "there are many people who can withstand the power of nuclear explosion without dying, but there are few who can absorb the radiation power in the nuclear explosion. Over the years, I only know that two people have done such a thing, and you are the second! "

But when talking about it, the doctor's eyes to Chu Xun became even hotter: "strange evolution ability, separation ability, and your lovely pets, tut Tut, you are full of attractive secrets..."

"Cough!" Looking at the doctor's hot and dangerous eyes, Chu Xun felt a little cold in his heart. Then he quickly coughed a few times, turned the topic aside and said: "doctor, these things are still to be discussed later. I wonder if you can help me and angel to report their safety first, so that they can know that I'm ok?"

"You don't have to tell them that. But you'd better go back to Sky City as soon as possible. I'll let them wait for you here! " The doctor nodded, and then said lightly, "in order to save you, I not only used my energy to collect research materials, but also opened a secret card hidden in the corpse field. The so-called cost is huge, so as a compensation, you must let me study for a month after you return to Sky City, and your pets are the same, you know?"

"I see..." Looking at the fever hidden under the doctor's indifferent expression, Chu Xun knew that he was only afraid of being unable to resist the fate of the study this time, but he could only nod his head.

But soon, he thought of another thing, and then he said with some worry: "by the way, doctor, the hungry knight has saved us, will he be ok?"

"Don't worry, maoqiu is much smarter than you. He will be OK." When it comes to the hungry knight, the doctor said without any worry: "as far as I know, he has now let the plague knight and the war knight die in your separate hands, and then he escapes from your separate hunting range. I advise you to put up your separate body at once, otherwise you will be unlucky if the corpse emperor who is returned meets you! "


At the doctor's words, Chu's face changed slightly, and then he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to release the ability to separate from the gene of giant worms.

Soon, he saw a black light rising from the distance and disappearing into chuxun's body at an extremely fast speed. With the black light coming into the body, Chu Xun suddenly saw a fierce sense of killing. But soon, the sense of killing lurked and never affected him.

"Well, the corpse emperor is afraid to come back. The speaker and the phantom have just heard that they are bringing the black devil back to the city of the sky. Do you want me to take you there?" Seeing Chu ten day call back the separation, the doctor's eyes slightly flashed a trace of fine awn, and then asked.

"No, just bring me something back to angel and they'll be back as soon as I can." Chu thought for a moment, then shook his head, opened his left palm, handed 10 red pills to the doctor, and said: "please take these panacea to angel, my teammates and my two mentors, I believe it will be useful to them. As for the remaining three, I'll give them to the doctor, the speaker and the phantom. It's a little bit of my heart! "

Although the enemies killed in the demonized state are not included in the contribution points of the system, even the three Knights cannot be included in the points because they are not killed by Chu Xun himself. But even so, Chu Xun, who almost killed all the Black Knights and blood knights and countless zombies by himself, still has a huge score that he could not imagine at all.

For him who now has tens of billions of exchange points, this panacea can almost be taken as a sugar pill, let alone just 10, even 100, 1000 of which can be easily exchanged!

But of course, he will not exchange too much at one time. After all, things are rare. For him without any background and capital, the panacea has almost become the only way for him to make money and become rich. If he wants to rapidly evolve in the future, he can only hope to exchange the panacea for the crystal nucleus.

I don't know how many crystal nuclei those local elites would like to spend to buy this kind of magic medicine that can cure all injuries, so they have a second life?

But surely the price is not low?

Think of here, Chu ten days heart can not help but feel a trace of expectation and excitement.

"This is A panacea? " Seeing the pills delivered by Chu Xun, the doctor was stunned at first, and then seemed to think of something. There was an unbelievable color on his face, and he exclaimed, "how can there be so many panacea in your hand?"

Speaking of this, the doctor's face also showed uncontrollable excitement and fanaticism: "this is the legendary panacea that can cure all injuries and diseases. Even before the cataclysm, I only heard his legend, but I never saw it. I didn't expect that you still have so many? If I can analyze the formula of this medicine, and then combine it with angel medicine to improve each other, then I will be able to create stronger medicine, or even... "

But the doctor suddenly seemed to think of something, and immediately shut up, snatched the Almighty medicine in Chu's hand, then nodded and said, "OK, I'll give it to them for you. Well, don't worry. If I have something else to do, I'll go first! "

With that, the doctor's figure also turned into a fuzzy white light, which disappeared in front of Chu ten's eyes.

"The doctor is really an acute child, but Can he really give them the panacea... " Recalling the fanatical appearance of the doctor, Chu Xun reluctantly shook his head, then took a deep breath, summoned Optimus Prime, who had been recovered together with the rebel aliens on the battlefield, and finally jumped into the car to let Optimus Prime take himself to the direction of the sky city.

While Optimus Prime was moving at full speed, Chu Xun was also sitting in the car, his eyes closed and he felt the energy in his body.

The reason why he didn't return to the city of the sky with the doctor at the first time is that he didn't adapt to the feeling of being caught in the hands of the sky power, and that he also hoped to properly adapt to and control his new power on the way back to the city of the sky.

Both the spiritual power and the new pestilence power obtained from the pestilence Knight are extremely powerful, but they are extremely dangerous. If the control is not good, once the power is out of control, it is likely to hurt people and yourself.

He doesn't want his brother to be hurt by his own mental power or pestilence power

What's more, he will surely see Angel after returning to the sky city. If angel is hurt by the power of plague when they are in contact, he will die!