Infinite Evolution

Chapter 423

"So fast..."

Being grabbed by the black devil and taken away in the air, Chu Xun was shocked.

Although his strength is only 7 levels, his reaction speed is no less than that of the 8 level strong, or even stronger. But just now, he was caught and taken away by the black devil without even making a basic response. This speed even exceeded all the level 8 strong men he had seen, even the death knight with the level 9 strength was far inferior.

And more importantly, being caught in the black devil's hand at the moment, he can obviously feel the terrible power and negative emotions that are expanding in the black devil's body. That kind of negative emotion is even stronger and more terrible than the negative emotion in his demonized real body. I don't know how the black devil controls that kind of negative emotion.

"Eh? Who is the best? "

At the same time, the corpse emperor, who was approaching in the direction of Chu ten and others at an extremely fast speed, also noticed the huge figure rising from the sky and sending out a strong smell of killing and violence, and then he was slightly surprised.

But soon, he found something wrong, and then he responded with a sneer: "Oh, it's a fake position. I thought there was a strong one!"

Later, the black light of the corpse emperor accelerated again, with strong wind and shock wave, like a supersonic fighter, and continued to chase forward.

The speed of the black devil and the corpse emperor is very fast. Under their full flight, the two people are like two black lightning strokes across the sky. In only 20 seconds, they have crossed hundreds of kilometers between the human domain and the corpse domain, and will officially enter the human domain.

Such speed, at least more than 20 times the speed of sound, is terrible!

However, it is clear that the speed of the corpse emperor is still far faster than that of the black devil. Even though the black devil and Chu ten have been as far apart as possible before, the black streamer of the corpse emperor still catches up with them in this short period of more than 20 seconds, which is getting closer and closer to them. Even if it wasn't for the black devils to change into the black devils, they already had the power of pseudo heaven position. With the great power between the corpse emperor and the black devils and Chu ten, the corpse emperor could completely use the vitality of all things to lock and shackle them.

At the same time, in the pursuit process, the corpse emperor also completely ignored the demonization of fighting with hungry knights, plague knights and war knights. After all, in his opinion, this split body is only a summon of Chu ten. It can be solved by the three knights. His most important task is to kill Chu Xun and complete the gambling agreement between him and guhuang.

"Coming into the human domain?" However, seeing that the front has officially entered the human domain boundary, the corpse emperor's eyes also flash a trace of dignification and doubt.

Although in the struggle between the intelligent zombies and human beings, the intelligent zombies have an absolute advantage, most of which are the advantages of the grass-roots level and the power. If we talk about the high-level combat power, after the "that" event, the high-end combat power of the intelligent zombies is not superior to that of human beings, or even at a disadvantage.

What's more, some of the top powers in the human society also make the corpse emperor extremely afraid. If meet those guys, then even he may not be able to leave!

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the fake heaven throne, I would have taken that human!" Think of here, corpse emperor heart cannot help but get a burst of exasperation.

Pseudo celestial potential is between the 8th and 9th order, but it is not a special existence of the 9th order. This kind of person often has 8 levels of peak combat power, and at the same time has a kind of special powerful ability, so that they can break the sky barrier in a short time, absorb the nearby heaven and earth power for their own use, and finally have the combat power similar to that of the sky strong.

Of course, the false is false after all. The strong of the false sky position not only need to pay a huge price to break the sky position barrier temporarily, but also have the sky position power in a very short time. And after breaking the sky barrier, their own combat power will be far inferior to the real sky power for various reasons.

However, there is an advantage for those who are strong in pseudo celestial position, that is, they will be able to ignore the shackles of the vitality lock of all things after having the celestial position power, so although they can't fight, they may escape.

Like now!

"Hum, I don't believe it's so clever!" However, after a moment of hesitation, the corpse emperor bit his teeth, and then accelerated his speed and ran after him.

The battle was almost an accident, so he thought it was impossible for the human side to set a trap for him, and it was impossible for those who were strong in the sky to arrive so soon.

What's more, guhuang's gambling agreement with him is very important. If guhuang and his seven sins can be accepted, then he can become the real emperor in the dead. Even if those old people who have been shut up go out, he doesn't have to worry about his rights being restricted or even controlled.

"Things seem to be getting worse!" At the same time, Chu Xun, who was caught by the black devil, was also in a deep heart and cried "bad" secretly.

On the one hand, it's because the black streamer of the corpse emperor has been catching up more and more. It's estimated that they will catch up in a few seconds, and they will surely die at that time.

On the other hand, it is because he can clearly feel that the fierce Qi emitted from the black devil seems to have reached a critical point, and the black devil is obviously beginning to be controlled by the fierce Qi, becoming more and more manic and angry.

This point, from the black devil that grip more and more tightly, even card Chu ten's painful right hand will be able to see!

This guy, he's almost out of control!

"Boy, I can't control myself..." Sure enough, just then, the dark devil's oppressive, hoarse voice suddenly came into Chu ten's ear: "and now what we can do is to give you the last ride You're going to ask for more! "


With the sound of the black devil's words, Chu Xun felt that his body was suddenly pushed by a huge force, and then he was so directly thrown by the black devil in the direction of the human domain. At the same time, a light green light also surrounds his body, making his body lighter, wind resistance smaller, and "flying" faster.

After chuxun was thrown away with the last reason, the eyes of the black devil turned into a black, without any white eyes, which seemed extremely strange.

At the same time, his breath became more terrible. At the same time, a black fog came out of him. At last, it became an incomparable black array with a diameter of more than 100 meters under his feet.

"Hahaha! I finally came out, this time, I will never be sealed back! Fresh flesh and blood, painful soul, benmo is here! "

Then, the dark devil, whose eyes had been blackened completely, burst into laughter. At the same time, there was also a trace of unspeakable terrible murderous opportunity and greed in his eyes.


However, at the next moment, the face of the black devil, who was still relaxed, suddenly changed. Then, looking at the corpse emperor in the distance, he could not help swearing: "I just woke up and found such a strong enemy for me, so you want to die?"

Obviously, this guy who called himself "benmo" has realized the dread of the corpse emperor!


At the same time, the corpse emperor who felt the black devil's breath suddenly became stronger could not help but look at him.

Because he was surprised to find that if this guy was only a pseudo celestial being before, then the breath he exudes now is a serious celestial being!

What the hell is going on!

"Well, how about heaven? Kill those who block my way!" However, after the initial surprise, the corpse emperor continued to speed up and rushed towards the black devil.

After all, judging from the breath and the control of the vitality of the heaven and earth, this guy is only a newcomer to the heaven position at most. He belongs to the lowest level of "little heaven position". With the strength of the corpse emperor, he can crush this guy who claims to be the demon!

"Damn it!" Seeing the corpse emperor coming with all his murderous spirit, the black devil's eyes flashed a light of dignified color. Then he waved his hands and said in a deep voice, "the black corpse's spirit is broken!"


As the voice of the black devil falls, the black array under his feet also blooms with endless black light. Then, a strong black fog also quickly escaped from the black array, and finally gathered in one, turned into a huge black shock wave, and shot towards the corpse emperor.