Infinite Evolution

Chapter 416

"Damn, what a bunch of tough guys!" Looking at the queen who has been bruised, covered in blood, and even his head has been blown to pieces, and his tail has been cut off. However, the face of the death attendant who is leading a group of Black Knights to attack becomes more ugly.

The development of this battle has been far beyond their expectations, even they have no time to respond, the death knight has been defeated and died, and the plague knight and the war knight also arrived.

However, although the plague knights and war knights were not their immediate superiors, they immediately responded to the order of the corpse emperor, trying to get rid of the alien queens and these high-ranking aliens, and fully helping the plague knights and war knights to complete their tasks.

After all, they are strong men of level 6 and above. In fact, the number of dead attendants is as high as level 7, and there are thousands of them. If they can get to the battlefield in time, their ability will play a significant role, even play a key role in turning the situation around.

However, when they were ready to break through, the alien queen seemed to find out their intention, and then led all the high-level aliens and countless ordinary aliens to launch a crazy counter attack.

Although these aliens are inferior to them in strength, they are too many in number, fearless and crazy. Under the crazy counterattack of these aliens, the death attendants and others were trapped here, unable to break through in time and rush to support them.

In desperation, they can only attack with all their strength, attempt to kill the alien queen, and then break through and support.

However, after countless times of city extermination in the corpse Kingdom, the strength of the alien queen who has been supplemented by a lot of flesh and blood and original crystal core has been further improved, even better than the seven level strong like the death attendant, plus numerous high-level aliens and ordinary aliens escorted by them, so they have not been able to kill the alien queen in a short time, and are dragged by life Here it is.

Thinking of this, the dead man could not help but feel a burst of anger.

These enemies are so stubborn and difficult to deal with!

"Dead man Well... That man Come on! "

But in the Deacon's heart, the anger had already accumulated to the limit. When he was ready to cooperate with those Black Knights to give the alien queen a final blow, a voice full of panic and fear began to tremble.

It is the first scout among the Black Knights, the Black Hawk, who gives the alarm!

His vision is the best, and his powers are not suitable for fighting, so he just drifted away from the battlefield and watched the whole battlefield.

That's why he's so scared right now!

Just now, he saw with his own eyes how the human beings, even some immature ones, killed the corpse slaves transformed by the death knights and forced the plague knights to flee in a hurry!

Such enemies can't resist alone at all!

"What?" Hearing the trembling figure of the Black Hawk, the death attendant's face suddenly changed, and then turned to look at it immediately.

But not far away, Chu Xun was running towards them with cold face. Where he passed, those zombies who blocked the way seemed to be severely attacked by an invisible force. They were quickly blown to pieces, turned into countless wreckage blood fog, and spread around.

At first glance, Chu Xun looks like a super fast "sprinkler", but those sprinkled next to him are not water, but countless pieces of debris and meat, and the blood mist formed by the rapid spraying of corpse blood.

"Tie the array. The element system and strong system black cavalry conduct cross defense to form a double-layer defense line!" The death attendant is indeed the most trusted deputy of the death knight, so although he is shocked and even scared at the moment, his fighting quality far surpasses that of others makes him calm immediately. Then he takes a deep breath and says: "don't panic, everyone. He is just a 7-level slave. We have thousands of black riders here. Even one can drown him by spitting!"

"Yeah, afraid of a loser!"

"It's only level 7, so is the Deacon master. Besides, we have so many people!"

"Join the battle, and kill this slave!"

"As long as we kill him and get the recognition of his majesty, we can go to heaven step by step!"


At the words of the death attendants, the black cavalry who had focused all their energy on the battle also shouted, and then immediately got off their horses and got ready to fight.

However, unlike the black cavalry who had been fighting wholeheartedly before, some of the black cavalry who noticed that Chu Xun was fighting with the plague cavalry were very sad, and their faces became extremely ugly.

But they also know that there may be a chance for them to fight with all their strength in this situation. But if they are timid and leave without fighting, even if they don't die in Chu ten's hands, the corpse emperor won't allow them to continue these "humiliations"!

So after the initial fear, these black cavalry who knew that Chu Xun was terrible became more resolute and calmer with the mentality of breaking through all kinds of difficulties and fighting against each other.

So, before long, a huge circle formation was completely formed. This formation was isolated between Chu ten and the alien queen. Most of them were used to deal with Chu ten, but a small number of black cavalry continued to attack the alien queen. The attack made the alien Queen's body acid and blood splattered and screamed.

Obviously, they also want to solve the emperor of the alien corps as soon as possible, so that the alien Corps will be completely confused, and eventually completely defeated.

"Damn it, stop it!" Seeing the strange Queen's blood splattered under the siege of the black cavalry, Chu Xun's anger suddenly surged, and then roared with all his strength, and swept away towards the black cavalry.

Although Chu Xun is only at level 7 at the moment, after systematic strengthening and constant tempering of the terrible negative emotions, his mental power is as powerful as refined steel. Even in terms of strength, he has not lost to some level 8 mental system powers, but he is far inferior in flexible use and skills.

But now he doesn't need any skill to use. What he wants is the rolling on the strength. Directly with the explosion of Chu Xun's terrible mental power, there was a wave and ripple in the air, which was visible to the naked eye, and the corpses and soil on the surrounding battlefield burst together, and then were blown away in an instant and swept around. The whole picture looks like an invisible wave is rolling towards the round battle formation composed of Black Knights.

"Ah ah ah!"

At this time, the intelligent zombies of several spiritual departments in the Black Knight battle formation seemed to be stimulated violently. Suddenly, they screamed uncontrollably, and even a lot of blood flowed out of their eyes, ears, mouths and noses.

At the next moment, they finally couldn't support themselves. Their whole heads exploded like balloons with excessive air. They turned into countless wrecks, brains, broken bones, and blood sprayed on other Black Knights around them.

"Here What's going on? "

Seeing this scene, all the Black Knights were stunned and did not know what happened.

Only the death attendant with the most combat experience showed the color of fear in his eyes, and then he couldn't help shouting: "everyone gather their spirit, defend with all strength, and don't have any reservation!"

He fought with the death knight for many years, and participated in countless wars, so naturally he also knew that the reason why the spiritual Department intelligent zombies just died was that the mental power inside their heads was interfered by a kind of terrifying spirit power that was more than 100 times of them, which led to the total loss of control, and finally blew up their heads.

And the appearance of this scene means that they will suffer the most terrible spiritual shock ever!

Boom boom boom!

Almost at the same time when the death attendant gave a warning, the invisible wave of spirit finally came under the impetus of Chu Xun's anger, and then it hit hard on the energy shield composed of numerous powers in front of the black cavalry array, making a thunderous roar.