Infinite Evolution

Chapter 414

In addition to being demonized, this is the first time that Chu Xun has faced up with the eighth level strong.

Although the death knight has lost the most powerful power of death after he was transformed into a corpse slave, his power, speed and defense still remain at the original level. In addition, the immortal body and the virulent plague brought by the power of plague make him quite terrible to some extent, which can not be underestimated.

What's more, special corpse slaves like death knights often have some weird abilities that ordinary corpse slaves don't have, which makes people defenseless!

So in the face of the death knight, Chu Xun's keen intuition made him aware of the great danger and pressure.

"Host, the system has calculated the most basic fighting skills and fighting mode according to the various abilities the host has now. Do you need the system to remind the host to correct its own fighting mode in the battle?"

However, it is fortunate that Chu ten has a trusted helper, the system. Just as the death knight rushes to Chu ten and is ready to launch an attack, the system reminder suddenly rings in Chu ten's mind.

"Sure, hurry up!" Hear the system remind, Chu ten spirit a shock, then right foot to ground a pedal, the whole person with extremely fast speed back.

But after losing the bone and flesh wing, Chu Xun's speed is not as fast as before. Although he still surpasses most of the 7-level strong men, he is still slightly inferior to the death knight with 8-level strength. So even though he had retreated for the first time, the death knight came after him like a shadow. Then he waved his right paw and slapped him in the head with a loud voice.

In the case of the loss of exoskeleton armor, Chu Xun's defense is not as good as before. If he was hit in the head directly, I'm afraid that his whole head might explode like a watermelon.

After all, it's level 8 power!

"Host, block with right fist, then gather spirit, use spirit power, combine body power for defense!" At this time, the sound of the system suddenly sounded from Chu's mind.

"I see!" At the prompt of the system, chuxun's eyes were fixed, and then he suddenly waved his right fist to block the sharp claw from the death knight. At the same time, with his full attention, he also felt that there was some invisible power rushing out of his mind, directly acting on his right fist, making his right fist more solid and powerful like a set of invisible armor.


The next moment, a dull crash broke out between chuxun and the death knight. Later, he saw that Chu Xun, like a shell, had been knocked out by the death knight with a fist, and the death knight also trembled because of the huge collision force and stepped back several times.

"Useful!" Although he was shot by the death knight, Chu Xun's face was a little surprised. Because he found that the defense and strength of his fist had been improved a lot after his mental strength was concentrated on his fist. Even if he had just received the full blow of the death knight, there were only a few faint, black blood marks on his fist. Besides a little light red blood, he had not been seriously injured.

This kind of defense is not even worse than that with exoskeleton armor!

As for the pestilence force on the claw, it was almost useless to Chu Xun. His wound was just infected and blackened, and then it quickly returned to normal. The pestilence force was naturally assimilated by the mutated pestilence force in Chu Xun's body.

"Host, don't waste your blood, manipulate your blood with mental power and attack!" At this moment, the prompt sound of the system rings again: "after system calculation, in this case, it's better to condense the blood into needle or arrow type, because it can reduce air resistance, strengthen penetration, and make the attack of the host blood faster and stronger!"

"Good!" At the prompt of the system, chuxun's eyes brightened, and then his spirit was focused on the reddish blood flowing from the paw mark of his arm.

Shoo shoo shoo!

At the next moment, the blood seems to be driven by some kind of force. It bursts out at an extremely fast speed, and finally turns into a light red blood needle, covering the death knight.


Although the death knight has no consciousness, his body fighting instinct is still there. In the face of the light red blood needle coming from the shooting, he immediately roared, then his body suddenly deflected and leaped, avoiding the blood needle at a very fast speed, and continued to rush towards Chu ten day.

Poop poop poop!

But at this time, the blood needles that he had just dodged suddenly turned under the influence of Chu Xun's mental power, and then directly hit the death knight, making a dull sound.

Hiss! Hiss!

The power of these blood needles is not enough to defeat the death knight's defense, so after hitting the death knight, they explode one after another and turn into blood again. But then, a dense sound of corrosion suddenly sounded from the death knight. At the same time, there were bursts of blue smoke, which looked terrible.

"Host, continue to attack with blood. Your blood not only has strong corrosiveness and virus infectivity, but also has the energy phagocytosis of the Scarab gene. It has great effect on both the entity and the summoned creature! "

"Especially at this moment, the enemy you are facing is already dead. Now it is only the plague power and the plague corpse in his body that support him to fight. As long as you devour the power in his body, he will become a corpse again!"

Just then, the system's tone rings again.

"I see!" After getting the systematic prompt, Chu Xun began to adapt to his own strength. He took a deep breath, strengthened his self-healing ability, and then let more blood gush out of the claw mark. Relying on his mental power and blood control ability, he turned those blood into a blood arrow, with a loud air breaking sound, toward the whole body corruption, and constantly smoke death The dead Knight shot away.

It has to be said that Chu Xun's restraint to death knights is too great. His blood arrow manipulated by spiritual force is like having the ability of automatic tracking. No matter how the death knight dodges, it can't be avoided, and finally it is hit. Although the penetrating power of these blood arrows can't break through the death knight's defense, the corrosive power of acid blood is enough to corrode the tough muscles of the death knight one by one, and then drill into the death knight's body along these blood holes.

What's more, the power of the mutated plague and the energy phagocytic ability obtained by relying on the Scarab gene of Chu Xun are almost the stars of the death knight. The plague virulent poison that ordinary people touch will die in his body has become the best nourishment for Chu Xun, so within a long time, there are more and more blue smoke coming out of the death knight, and the pus blood flowing out of him is also chasing Step from infiltration into a gush, best turned into a dirty and corrupt blood man, crash to the ground.

At the moment of his fall, his body exploded and disintegrated, just like an open rice bag. Countless small white "rice grains" rushed out of his broken body and spread around.

A fierce corpse slave with 8-level combat power, even enough to make many 8-level strong people headache, was killed easily by Chu Xun in three or two!

Although most of this is due to the ability and ability of Chu Xun to completely control the death knight, which makes the death knight's powerful close combat power, terrible resilience and the deadly plague poison that people touch have no room to exert its power, but to do this, it shows Chu Xun's terrible and potential.

Don't forget, he's just in charge of these abilities now, and he hasn't mastered them yet.

It can be imagined that once he is fully in control of these abilities, his combat power will never be inferior to his demonized separation!

"That's how it was solved..." But it was not until the death knight completely fell down, and countless corpses began to spread around, and began to phagocytize the corpse aliens and corpse zombies controlled by the plague knight. Chu Xun then reacted and said to himself with an unbelievable face: "is this true? How can it feel a little weird? Or Am I really so strong? "

And in Chu ten days because of oneself suddenly become strong strength and some stupefied God time, the system voice also rings again from his mind.

"Yes, although it's dangerous, it's also a great opportunity for the host to further improve your strength and potential, especially in terms of potential. It's no exaggeration to say that the host now has the potential to be the strongest

"Please remember, host, your strongest combat power is no longer strength and speed, but your mental power, sour blood, and the power of the mutated virus!"

"The power of spirit is amazing. It can not only attack the spirit of the target directly, but also turn it into mental power to strengthen their physical defense, strength and even individual speed."

"Acid blood is extremely corrosive, and in combination with the host's ability to control blood, it can almost completely crush the so-called blood power. Combined with the power of the mutated virus, the acid blood of the host is almost unstoppable! "

"So, as long as the host makes good use of these forces and integrates them with your physical strength, then your combat effectiveness will be improved qualitatively! Even if the host can use these new abilities to further sense the energy in his own body and condense the domain of the warrior, then with these abilities, the host will have the same level of invincible power, even the invincible power under heaven! "

"If we combine the powerful demonization of the host, the host may even have the power to challenge the strong when both the demonization of the host and the ontological power reach the top of level 8, and the host can fully control the negative emotions of the demonization of the host!"

"Challenge the power of heaven?" Hearing the words of the system, Chu Xun's eyes suddenly brightened and his heart became extremely excited.

It's right to say systematically. Although his fighting style and fighting style will have to be changed after he can't enter the fighting form, and he may even have to relearn those fighting techniques to make his fighting rhythm perfect again. However, with his current physical quality and learning ability, it's not very difficult to master these basic fighting techniques.

That is to say, as long as you give him a certain amount of time, he will be able to condense his own domain!

Ability of time domain