Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 84


Tony listened to Su Chen's words, his head was confused and he opened his mouth, but he could not speak.

Isn't it obvious that the administrator said this?

If a world, the protagonist is not one, and the protagonist will eventually die, there is a great probability that the dead will be the most important protagonist.

Because the most important protagonist, or the central figure in the protagonist group, will make the world usher in a sublimation.

According to the administrator, he is the most important one in the protagonist group.

So, in the end...

well Will he die?

"Yes, that's what you guessed."

Su Chen looked at Tony and nodded.

Isn't the final outcome of the Avengers alliance ended with the death of iron man?

However, since Tony has joined the communication group, his fate has changed.

Destroy tyrants?

He is powerful, especially after the stone inlaid on the infinite glove is perfect, it can kill half of the universe with one ring finger.

But no matter how powerful he is, he is still not beyond the scope of Marvel's world.

Infinite dimensional communication group can attract the strong in all dimensions.

From this point of view, the outcome of exterminating hegemony is obvious if it is against the communication group.

Perhaps there is no strong one in the world that we are linking up with, but in the future, there will be.

Even for those who are strong, mieba is just a stronger mole ant.

Tony took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

The administrator will not be aimless, that is to say, if he continues according to the original track, the future... The world will sublimate with his own death.

Maybe in the long run, his death can make the world sublimate, which is a perfect thing.

After all, he is just a person, too small for the whole universe and the whole world.

But in this world, who wants to die?

What's more, he has been in contact with such a wonderful exchange group, and his future experience will be extremely wonderful.

How could he die without experiencing such a wonderful life?

Traveling through the world, witnessing innumerable wonders, exotic beauty, and fighting with all your friends, this is an exciting experience.

So he didn't want to die.

Now that he knows the news in advance, he has to start preparing ahead of time.

As much as possible, make yourself stronger.

As long as you are strong enough to be fearless and the whole world is afraid of you, no one can kill you in that world!

Of course, at that level, it will be very easy for him to realize his idea.

A group of people flying very fast, before long, they arrived at the boundary of Shenhuo villa.


Yang yisighs and frowns, and the sky eye opens between the eyebrows, emitting a faint purple light.

"Sigh, what's the matter?"

The king looked at Yang with a sigh of seriousness, and his heart thumped with a premonition of foreboding.

Yang yisighed, took a deep breath, turned and said, "elder brother, I have observed that the bloody atmosphere is soaring above the Shenhuo mountain villa, and the killing intention is constantly turbulent and spreading. Over there, fighting is going on. "

Yang's heavenly eye, which can penetrate the enemy's Qi, can naturally see things that ordinary practitioners can't see in the distance.

The elder sister-in-law is the eldest lady of Shenhuo mountain villa. This time, they really came to the right place.


The king's despotism was shocked, and immediately burst out all his strength and rushed to the front crazily.


You can't do anything!