Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 3

Su Xiaoge: "Tony Stark, say faster, that's Tony shit big?"

I'm not slim: "yes, that's right. The name sounds very touching and interesting to say."

Fire shadow fourth generation of eyes: "you say so, indeed It's interesting. "

Tony has no money: "you You, hum, if we don't live in a different world, I have to let you know why the flowers are so red

Su Xiaoge: "excuse me, excuse me, Mr. Tony Shida. It seems that you are the best in this group."

In fact, Su Zhizhi was embarrassed when she said this sentence.

Because in this group, he is one of the most delicious, no one!

But there is no way, for his own purposes, he can only brave the scalp flicker down.

Tony has no money: "huh? impossible! Absolutely impossible! I don't know. Can't I be better than a brag slim

Tony didn't have money: "just a slim, can't you make it?"

Yes, in his mind, limulu is a bragging slim.

Wherever slim is, it's the lowest level of magic.

Even if there is a normal human soul in this slim, so what?

Slim, it's just slim after all.

At most, this slim can boast that he has swallowed a giant dragon. It's a great trick to slide the world!

Su Xiaoge: "brag SLM? Mr. Tony, I'm afraid you haven't seen the hanging force, have you? Unfortunately, limulu, our cute king, is such a force

I'm not slim:

I'm not slim: "cute king? When did I have this title? "

It's true that he's cute as slim, a little popular with women, but he can't wear the title of cute king, right?

Cute king?

What the hell is this?

"Ding, little brother Su uploaded a small memory scene" about my reincarnation into slim. "

"The fourth generation of fire shadow has been accepted."

"Tony has no money to take."

"I'm not that slim has received it."

Upload the memory scene, which is a new function of Su Chen just found in the dimensional communication group.

However, this function appears at the right time. He can blackmail the members of the group by taking advantage of this opportunity.

Of course, he can't be so blatant.

The world is infinite. No matter what you get, you have to pay a price.

Is that a good reason?

After all, he is not related to his family. How can he upload the memory scene?

As for uploading the memory scene about Meng Wang?

That's because the growth speed of Meng Wang is too fast. The enemy all come to deliver food and experience, and they grow to the peak without any danger.

In this case, this is a good example.

Su Xiaoge: "Tony doesn't have any money, Mr. Shita. How do you feel now? Do you still think limulu is just a bragging slim? "

Tony doesn't have money:.... "

After he opened the memory scene, the surrounding scenery changed, which made him have the illusion that he was going through time and space and watching the war nearby.

In addition, he directly jumps over the beginning and looks at the section of LIM Lu hanging and beating the pig head emperor.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew in his heart that he It's not really a match for this cute slim.

Is he really one of the best in the group, Tony Stark?

It's not scientific!

I'm not slim: "ah! As like as two peas, I have just recovered the wolf wolf. The front part is exactly the same as mine. Is it really my future?

"If it is true as you said, I am afraid so. If you can break through the existence of the future at will, you are worthy of being the administrator invited by the group leader! "

From just now on, he has been diving to watch the screen.

After all, he really didn't understand the current situation, but after watching the memory scene and seeing what limulu said, his heart suddenly became agitated.

If only he could know what was going on in the future?

"Ding, I'm not slim. I sent an exclusive red envelope."