Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 96: focus

At 10 o\'clock in the morning, Yang Cheng left tired Susu to rest in the hotel room, sitting in the back row of the yellow Rolls-Royce Phantom rented from the hotel, looking straight out of the window, and the view of Beverly Hills was impossible. He greeted him, and he was full of scenes of He Susu doing morning exercises.

   He didn\'t dared to toss too hard, after all, the little girl was the first time, and his body had just recovered, but although the time was short, the two men\'s water and ru blended, and at the same time reached the highest state of harmony, Yang Cheng was extremely satisfied.

Yang Cheng and James Deserts met at an IN-N-OUT burger in West Hollywood. This place was booked by James Deserts, and Yang Cheng did not object. During his college in Los Angeles, he patronized this famous West Coast burger chain. shop.

   Driving a Rolls Royce to eat burgers, such a unique scenery is not uncommon in LA, no one doesn’t like burger fries.

   Entering the store, there are not many people, mainly because it is not lunch time. Looking around, there is no sign of James Deserts, and they said to Hansen, "Order first, order what you eat, and check out together."

   After that, she stepped forward and lined up. There was only a little girl carrying a backpack in front of her. She was suddenly surrounded by five brawny men of different skin tones, shocked.

  Oh, Yang Cheng\'s looks are not fierce, and he just showed a gentle smile, staring at Hansen and the others, "Relax, don\'t scare people."

   Especially Andrew was the most embarrassed. He touched his bald head and split his mouth as much as possible. This big white tooth came out like a ghost at night.

After the little girl ordered the meal, she hurried away. It was Yang Cheng’s turn to hold the dining table with her hands. She hadn’t eaten all morning and needed calories. She organized a match in her mind and smiled to the waiter, “Hello, I want a cheeseburger, 3 slices of beef, 2 slices of cheese, grilled onions, pickles and yellow peppers, with mustard and special sauce, 2 welldonefries (fries longer fried), and a cup of vanilla milk at the end Xi."

   After the waiter finished recording, he pointed to Hansen and the others behind, "Wait for them to pay the bill together."

Hansen’s cattle are much more fierce than Yang Cheng. They all ordered the largest size, which is 4 slices of meat and 4 slices of cheese. Like Yang Cheng, they each ordered two cheese fries. After this meal, they did not exercise continuously. For hours, don\'t even think about reducing calories.

   Yang Cheng settled the bill, more than 100 dollars less than 200 dollars, found a corner to sit down, with Erlang\'s legs tilted, his chin supported, and leisurely humming at the scenery outside the window.

Their burgers are equivalent to a\'private order\'. The feature of IN-N-OUT is on-site production, so the waiting time for a meal is slightly longer than that of ordinary fast-food restaurants. At this time, two high school girls with freckles on their faces are underage. , Walked over with a worried and surprised expression arm in arm, and was stopped by Hansen.

   Yang Cheng was curious, waved his hand to let Hansen let him go, and smiled politely, "Ladies, what can I do for you?"

   Little girls like to hear other men call them ladies. It’s cool, they are not kiddies.

   "Are you Jason? Miranda Kerr\'s boyfriend?" One of the girls with lighter freckles and a little taller bravely asked.

   Yang Cheng was taken aback, and didn\'t know whether to answer yes or no, "Uh... Is there anything wrong with you?"

"We are fans of Miranda. I saw your press conference yesterday and thought you were cool. You and Miranda match well, much better than the British elf clown." Another girl with heavier freckles was suddenly filled with indignation. Explained.

   "Puff...haha..." Andrew smiled.

   Yang Cheng glared, and immediately put it back, but seeing his face that was almost like a sauce eggplant, he knew how uncomfortable he was.

   "So, can you sign for us?" The girl who started talking took out a notebook and a water-based pen from her bag and handed it to Yang Cheng.

   "I\'m not a celebrity, why do you remember asking me to sign?" Yang Cheng thought for a while and wanted to take it over, turning over a blank page on the book, brushing and signing his Chinese name, and wondered.

   "You are Miranda Kerr\'s boyfriend. Once you get married, the signature in my hand will be worth money. This is an investment! I don\'t understand such a simple truth. You are still a businessman at a loss!"

   Yang Cheng\'s kind attitude made the two little girls let go of their nervousness, and they didn\'t hesitate to talk.

   Yes, it’s the first time I was criticized by the two little girls when I grew up.

It’s funny. I touched my nose and added another sentence under the signature. Then I closed the notebook and said to the girl, “You two are the first to ask me for autographs. To commemorate, if this signature is not To bring you income, just think of a way to find me with this signature. Then I will satisfy your small wishes, such as providing you with a well-paid job, or investing in your startup company."

"Really?" The two girls hugged each other happily, opening their mouths wide in disbelief. They were also on a whim. They rushed over without thinking through their heads, thinking that Yang Cheng was a rich man. Disdainful of talking to them, I didn\'t expect not only to have the signature but also the surprise.

   "Of course, this is my promise to you." Yang Cheng smiled and gave a definite answer.

   "Papa..." Not far away there was applause from a fat white man, "It turns out that Mr. Yang is such a person who has such a fun in life."

   Yang Cheng read the information and was impressed by James Deserts’ appearance, but he couldn’t help but, his weight was almost equal to Alan.

   "Mr. Deserts, good morning, sorry to make you laugh." Yang Cheng stood up and shook hands with James Deserts.

   When the two girls saw Yang Cheng\'s arrival, they said goodbye to Yang Cheng sensibly, and reminded Yang Cheng not to forget the promise before leaving.

   "No, no, those who can smile to the children are all kind people, and the promise between you is interesting, isn\'t it?" James sat down opposite Yang Cheng.

   "Indeed, life is fun everywhere, Mr. Deserts, have you ordered?" Yang Cheng also sat down again and asked casually.

"Call me James. I have had breakfast. The reason why I asked you to meet here is to see what kind of person you are. I will not deal with someone who disdains junk food, even the desire to talk. nothing."

   Yang Cheng is speechless, what kind of logic is this tm, is it a bad person to disdain to touch junk food? What about those vegetarians? Is it too hypocritical? It seems that Eddie is right, this person is very difficult to deal with.

   "I used to eat here during my university days. The taste is great. After a few years, I really miss it."

Andrew put the dinner plate in front of Yang Cheng, said thank you, took the burger and took a bite, full of fragrant gravy, mixed with sauce, the stimulus of pickled cucumbers makes people appetite, and the fried is slightly golden Scorched coarse fries, stuffed with milkshake in the mouth.

   "Hmm~" A contented voice came from Yang Cheng\'s throat.

   "This is the taste." After eating several big mouthfuls, my appetite is no longer empty.

   "It\'s good to be young. I think I ate burgers like you back then, with three bases." James Deserts said enviously.

   "Hehe, after all, it\'s junk food, you can\'t eat it every day." This sentence is for James\' previous words. Junk food is junk food and cannot be compared with others.

   James didn\'t expect Yang Cheng to be in trouble, and he was taken aback for a few seconds before he jokingly said, "Haha, interesting, you are looking for me for Focus Films, right? Are you afraid that I will turn my face and leave?"

Yang Cheng also became gentle, took a bite of a hamburger, picked up the root fries and shook it in the void, "I\'m not afraid to tell you the truth, I have to get Focus Pictures, and I don\'t hesitate to offend Universal. Selling the shares to me, it is your best choice for you to take the money to enjoy your life, otherwise, you won’t blame me for not reminding you if you lose your wife and lose your troops.”

   "Is this a threat?" James lost his smile.

   Yang Cheng pretended to be thinking, tilted his head and put the french fries in his hand into his mouth, biting halfway, "Well, this is a threat!"

   "Hahaha, you and the Chinese I know are not the same. They are both muffled and made a fortune. Few people show up like you." James burst out laughing, and Yang Cheng in the corner heard the echo.

   "It\'s nothing different. I\'m just too lazy to engage in conspiracies. It doesn\'t mean I don\'t. You can also leave now and try to see how I am different from other Chinese." Yang Cheng didn\'t understand the ridiculousness of this, it was a weird one.

   James shook his head, the fat on his face trembled, "No, no, I\'m not an idiot. Sun Tzu\'s art of war was invented by your Chinese ancestors."

   After a pause, the conversation turned, "However, it is impossible for me to hand over Focus Pictures so easily with a few threats from you."

   Yang Cheng swallowed the French fries, took a sip of the milkshake, snapped his fingers at Hansen, "Give the envelope to Mr. Deserts."

"What? Is it my black material again? The Indian Asan from your company showed it to me. It\'s useless to me. If you want to, you can expose it." James looked more contemptuous and thought Yang Cheng said. It\'s so ruthless, what\'s the big trick? UU reading

"Don\'t worry, open it and let\'s talk about it." Yang Cheng said and motioned to Andrew. The two of them switched to fries. The cheese sauce mixed with mayonnaise and chopped green onion was sprinkled on the fries, more than simple French fries. The taste and mellow cheese entrance make people have an infinite desire to get fat.

   James Deserts opened the envelope suspiciously and pulled out two photos. The one above is a young girl. The angle of the photo capture is very clever, just to capture the confusion on the girl\'s face.

   "This is my lover, want to threaten me with her? She is not qualified." James didn\'t care, and Yang Cheng sighed, "You are really cold-blooded, keep watching!"

   The next photo is a B-ultrasound photo. There is an obvious black spot in a gray fog. Although James has no children, he has lived for more than 50 years. He still knows what a B-ultrasound is.

   "What do you mean?" He firmly grasped the trembling hands of the photo, showing his uneasy heart.

   Yang Cheng raised her eyelids, "It\'s what you mean."

   "I have a baby?" James lost his focus in an instant, and he was at a loss.

Speaking of Yang Cheng’s luck, when he could not find a breakthrough point in reading James’ materials, he suddenly saw a show in person on TV. He suddenly discovered that James Deserts had been married three times and had countless lovers and potential. The actresses I\'ve ever had can fill up a bus, but they don\'t have a child, let alone sons or daughters.

   With the thought of giving it a try, he sent someone to investigate which woman James was the most favored, but it really made him run into a big luck. He accidentally found that the woman in the photo went to the hospital for examination by herself, and then there was the scene before him.

   The odds are the same as winning the jackpot, right?

   "How about? When will the share transfer contract be signed?"