Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 94: Dinner (2)

After Amanda, heavyweight guests appeared on the stage. HSD Post owner Graham family member, News Corporation CEO Robert Thomson, New York Times chairman Arthur Schulzberg Jr., Viacom and Concass Special representatives, etc., almost all influential figures in the media were present, and even if there was an important matter that could not come in person, they sent a letter of sincerity to express their sincerity.

   These tycoons did not come empty-handed, and they brought their own reporters. How can such good news materials be wasted? They are really news stories, and they all want to go to the eyeballs in person.

   Yang Cheng’s original intention was to hold a small banquet and call in his colleagues. It was regarded as a pier to say some kind words. The younger brother just arrived at the pier and had no intention of fighting for the throne. Everyone should take care of them.

  Who would have thought of doing such a big deal, especially when Michael Bloomberg took Georgina and Warren Buffett to the finale, Yang Orange almost freaked out.

   Uncle, who invited you two great gods to come?

   Outside the lobby of the Waldorf Astoria, the night was flashing off and the lights turned into daylight, and the shutter sound was like a gunshot.

After the flash baptism at the morning press conference, Yang Cheng, who had experience, squinted his eyes and walked out quickly. LV Menswear Design Director Jimmy Jones tailored Yang Cheng’s suit. The breathable fabric perfectly fits the figure. The pace of walking can\'t destroy the calm and noble beauty.

"Good evening, Mr. Buffett, Uncle Michael, and Georgina. I didn\'t expect you to be here too. It is a great honor." Yang Cheng smiled calmly, shook hands with Warren Buffett and Michael Bloomberg, and posted to Georgina. Greetings face to face.

"Jason, you call Uncle Michael, but you call me your husband. In your Chinese terms, this is favoritism. I even hugged you when you were a kid." Warren Buffett has a ruddy complexion, who can see this silver thread The old man is already 84.

Regardless of whether the outside world praises or criticizes the old stock god, Yang Cheng is full of admiration and respect for his achievements, especially the elderly\'s enthusiasm for charity. This alone makes no one qualified to comment on him. of.

Yang Cheng laughed blankly and covered her face in embarrassment, "Well, Warren, you are really close to God in my heart. Your investment case has almost run through my entire study career. I don’t respect idols. For too much."

   "Oh, jason, if I don\'t believe you, you Chinese don\'t believe in God." Warren had a small temper like a kid.

   Watching Yang Cheng standing there and laughing, Michael interrupted, "Well, Warren, you should get used to the children\'s admiration of you."

   "Hehe, I know, just kidding, lest Jason go back and scold me as an old man for uninvited."

   This old guy is in a good mood today. He muttered in his heart and said, "Why, this is not a place to talk, Warren, Uncle Michael, Georgina, shall we enter the venue first? Let\'s talk slowly."

   When Yang Cheng led the three people into the bright and luxurious banquet hall, it attracted the gaze of many people present. He was as surprised as Yang Cheng. How could Buffett come?

   Yang Sen and Liu Yun, who soon separated the crowd and walked over, told Yang Cheng the answer.

   "Hey, good evening Warren, I thought you would be late." Jansen shook hands with Warren Buffett.

   Warren said politely with a smile, "Yang, thank you for your invitation. Many friends have come. I think this will be a nice evening."

   Janssen greeted Michael Bloomberg again, turned around and said to Yang Cheng, "You take Georgina to eat something, let’s talk about Delta Air Lines."

Yang Cheng understood the reason for Warren Buffett’s sudden visit. Janssen called in the waiter. Several people took champagne and found a place to talk about business. Georgina looked at the direction they were leaving, touched Yang Cheng and asked, "Yang What did my uncle just say about Delta Air Lines? You want to buy again? Yuanshan has been moving during this time."

   Yang Cheng turned her head, her deep gaze slid across the dazzling ruby ​​necklace on Georgina’s pink neck, “It’s a beautiful necklace, it matches you very well.”

  Georgina made a boring gesture to stop, "Stop, I know you won\'t say it, it\'s boring, I\'ll go to Amanda and the others to play."

   "I\'ll be with you." Yang Cheng\'s ‘shameless’ refreshed Georgina’s perception.

   laughed all the way to find Amanda and Lydia, and then Yang Cheng found that Paris that B was also there, she couldn\'t be missed.

   "Parris, good evening, I didn\'t expect you to be there?" Yang Cheng said hello helplessly, can\'t you drive them out when everyone comes?

"Don\'t put on this disgusting expression, am I very annoying? Besides, the Waldorf Astoria is under the Hilton name, should I come?" Paris also knew that Yang Cheng\'s words were more joking, but he was still dissatisfied with Yang Cheng. His expression, choked unceremoniously.

   "Should I, am I not a surprise for your arrival?" Yang Cheng, what else can she do besides a wry smile and apologize, I really hope that a bodhisattva sends a kind heart and quickly accepts this fairy.

"Oh, do not tell this **** nonsense, jason, we get down to business talk, right?" At this point Amanda, carrying dishes, while eating with a fork truffle cake and interjects.

"Bitch, you are the last generation of beggars do? Look at your eating phase." Paris of genuine rival arrival, mouth sarcastically.

   Amanda glanced at Paris faintly, "I was eating at the banquet held by Jason. It\'s not your place. Can you manage it?" After that, he deliberately inserted a large piece of the entrance.

   Images, images, these two women are not going to be good for one, and Yang Cheng complained in her heart.

   "Two grandmothers, stop arguing, give your little brother a face, and finally hold a banquet, but don\'t mess up with me."

"Well, give jason a face, or you want to look good this bitch." Paris of mouth has always been the upper hand unforgiving, especially coupled with that shrill voice, with no way out!

Amanda didn’t know whether it was because she was too old to disdain the verbal quarrel, or she really gave Yang Cheng a face. Mirror and lip gloss, simply put on makeup, and said seriously, "Jason, how did you think about what I said last time?"

   Yang Cheng stayed, "What\'s the matter?" He really didn\'t think of it.

   "Cooperate with Hearst Group." Amanda reminded patiently.

   Yang Cheng suddenly remembered that at the party at Jerry Kushler\'s house, Amanda said something like a joke. It was obviously serious to mention it again.

   After hearing the two talk about business matters, the ladies around them dispersed, only Paris, Lydia and Georgina did not leave.

"Which aspect of cooperation? Hearst Group has a big business, and its main business involves 15 daily newspapers, more than 30 weekly magazines, more than 300 magazines and publications worldwide, and a TV network covering nearly one-fifth of American households. The forum company is not of a magnitude at all, or is it something you couldn\'t solve with the last sentence, and you can solve it with me?"

   Yang Cheng’s words are not difficult to understand. If you don’t show me something real to impress me, don’t mention cooperation.

   Amanda took a breath and resumed her state when she was in the company. Her serious expression made people dare not underestimate, but that pretty face really made people play.

   "Everyone now sees that the paper media may have encountered some problems in the development, and looking back at the more than one hundred years of the Hearst Group\'s history, there have also been many times when it was not friendly to the media."

After a pause, seeing Yang Cheng listening attentively, he continued, “We first started as a newspaper, and later as a radio station and TV station. We have all experienced downturns. Now the wave of paper media is partially replaced by digital media and online media. For our group with a century-old history, this is a staged event that continues to occur."

   "Do you know what I mean?" Amanda asked Yang Cheng, just like a teacher in a class, and suddenly asked if the students below were listening carefully.

Yang Cheng stretched his hands, glanced at Georgina, who was smiling with his head down, and Paris, who was full of disdain. He sipped the champagne and replied, “You mean similar disasters. Hearst Group has experienced many times. Coping experience?"

Amanda nodded and smiled, "So as early as the year when the Internet bubble Hearst Group realized the erosion of paper media by this wave, and the first project Netscape invested for this was actually The starting point of the browser Internet and the opening of the Internet layout. So far, Hearst Group has successfully completed the task of complementing paper media and the Internet. When other newspaper groups went bankrupt and insolvent, Hearst still stood firm. ."

   Damn, this is a banquet, not a podium. Yang Cheng\'s patience is gradually worn out, "sowhat? Do you want to say that Hirst has anticipated the next wave?"

   I didn’t expect Yang Cheng’s casual words to make Amanda shine, “Sure enough, I didn’t misunderstand you, should we really get married? Think about it!”

   "Puff..." Yang Cheng\'s soul seemed to have been QJed 100 times, can we not mention this?

   "Speaking of business, what does this have to do with the cooperation you mentioned?" Yang Cheng quickly returned to the topic.

"It\'s very important, because the next wave that is coming is not technology, but a market in my opinion. The impact of emerging markets on the traditional market. When domestic media giants step up their integration, Hearst Group I hope to set the goal far and plan ahead."

When Amanda said this, Georgina hugged her shoulders and hung her head, as if she was reminiscing about something, and Paris was completely blinded. You let her design clothes and jewelry. It’s okay to let her play business. It\'s better to let her die on the bed.

   Yang Cheng thoughtfully, her dark eyes seemed to be able to swallow all the black holes, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly and said slowly, "So you asked me to cooperate to bet on emerging markets!"

   "And this emerging market is~"

   Speaking of this, there was a conscious pause, and the three of Amanda and Georgina looked at each other and laughed in unison, "Country Z!"