Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 73: gift

Opening the door, a dark and narrow corridor appeared in front of him. Yang Cheng did not hesitate, stepped across the threshold and walked inward along the path. The path was paved with pebbles, just like a blind person stepping on the blind path, although invisible, But not to be lost.

   Human beings have subconscious fears about the dark environment. Even Hansen, who has received hard training, can inevitably put his hands on the holster unconsciously.

After moving forward about 7, 8 meters, an orange-yellow chandelier at the end of the corridor suddenly lights up, and the wooden door on the side is also opened. According to the general logic, a person should appear at this time. The skinny old man, with a gloomy expression, asked who came.

   On the contrary, the one who opened the door to welcome in Yang Cheng was an energetic and childlike old man with a kind smile on his face. He said to Yang Cheng, "Welcome, this guest."

Sideways let Yang Cheng and his party enter the house, and the line of sight suddenly widened. This is a small house with an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. The furnishings are old but very warm and not complicated, except for the valuable old Huanghuali tea table. In addition, there are only two chairs and bookshelves on two walls. The books on the bookshelves have obvious traces that people have often looked through.

   After turning around, Yang Cheng pointed to the still warm tea at the tea table and smiled, "Lao Liu is still so artistic?"

   The shop owner, who is called Lao Liu, smiles undiminished, "Do you know the old man?"

"Lao Liu forgot? I\'m Yang Yuanshan\'s grandson, Yang Cheng." Yang Cheng didn\'t mind that the old man forgot about himself. It was too long. Last time he came here when Yang Yuanshan was 14 or 5 years old. It was more than 10 years. Over the past, I have changed a lot, but Liu Lao is getting younger and younger. As for Liu Lao\'s full name, Yang Cheng is not clear. Grandpa asked him to call it that way, so he called it.

"Oh, I said that I looked familiar with you. It turned out to be Lao Yang\'s grandson. Hey~ He is so big in a blink of an eye. How is your grandfather?" Liu Lao suddenly leaned closer and carefully confirmed Yang Cheng\'s face with emotion. Tao.

   "It\'s good, it makes Old Liu worry." Yang Cheng replied when he patted the solid tea table.

"Little friend, what are you going to buy this time?" After Liu returned to the tea table, he motioned to Yang Cheng to sit down, and started the movement of flowing water with both hands, ironing the pot, washing tea, and making tea. Although this set of movements is not as good as that of women Soft and elegant, but not a fairy.

I poured half a cup of tea and placed it in front of Yang Cheng. The turquoise tea cup of Ru Kiln was paired with light yellow tea soup, and a faint smoke curled straight up, making the impetuous heart calm down quickly, and Yang Cheng unconsciously slowed down. , Picked up the tea cup and smelled the tea in front of his nose.

Close your eyes, peck the aroma in the first sip, let the tea soup revolve in your mouth, and the aroma will diffuse; in the second sip, taste the tea soup, and taste the sweetness and bitterness of the tea; the third taste, fine Taste the charm of tea carefully, distinguish the quality of tea, and appreciate the historical connotation of tea. This is the tea ceremony.

Yang Cheng was taken by Liu Muqian to drink tea since he was a child. She didn\'t dare to say how much tea she knew, but she also had a unique experience. Feeling the fragrance and unique refreshing taste in her mouth, she put down the tea cup and looked up at Liu with a smile on his face. Old, "Liu\'an melon slices are still teas picked from the Bat Caves in Qitou Mountain, LA. No wonder Grandpa said that there are nine out of ten good things in the world."

"Haha, my little friends are not bad too, now there are very few young people who can drink Luan melon slices, and the ones who can also produce them are only a fraction of the difference. Not bad! Really not bad!" Old Liu laughed loudly and slapped his hands. praise.

   Yang Cheng touched his nose, "It\'s a fluke. I drank it once at Grandpa\'s when I was a child. It was also that time that I was impressed by the subtle aftertaste of this tea. I call that taste ‘shit.’"

"It\'s interesting to say that it\'s not wrong. The reason why this tea is so popular with several great men is that it is also due to the feces pulled by swarms of bats in the bat cave as nourishment?" Quite agree with Yang Cheng\'s point of view.

   "Lao Liu, I\'m here this time to choose a few good items as gifts. Do you have any recommendations?" Yang Cheng leaned forward and picked up the justice cup, poured himself a cup of tea, and got to the point.

   "Most of the people who come to me to buy things are for the same purpose. The old man has good things, depending on who you need to give it." Liu Lao dressed up, if he wears a bun on his head, he will be very immortal.

   "Send an old man from the rivers and lakes, and a younger sister who grew up together." Yang Cheng took a sip of tea and briefly introduced.

   "Born in Jianghu? I have an Emperor\'s samurai sword here." Liu Lao thought for a moment and gave a suggestion.

   was immediately rejected by Yang Cheng, "The old man killed a devil, and the katana in the house is enough to chop wood."

   "Oh? Still a hero, I think about it~ Actually, there are not many choices, such as calligraphy, Chinese painting, porcelain, or tea?" Liu Lao pondered.

   When talking about tea, Yang Cheng\'s heart moved. Grandpa Situ is not short of paintings, calligraphy and antiques, but good tea is not so easy to get. "Just these Liuan melon slices, do you still have them?"

   "You will choose, okay, give you 1 catty, I have less than half a catty left, and I don\'t know if it is enough to drink." Liu Lao ordered Yang Cheng, and regretted that he took the initiative to mention it.

   But I didn’t feel distressed. Although this tea was difficult to make, it was not as scarce as the mother tree, Dahongpao.

   Yang Cheng hurriedly thanked him, no matter how expensive a pound of tea is, it is not that expensive. The younger generation gives gifts to the elders. The most important thing is the heart, not the value of the gift.

   "How old is your sister?" Liu Lao poured water into the teapot.

   "22, just graduated from university." Yang Cheng picked up the Paixiu tea pet on the tea table and replied.

   "That\'s right, I just entered a set of Cartier bracelets the day before yesterday, wait for me a while." Liu Lao put down the kettle, got up and exited the cabin.

   Yang Cheng stood up in front of the bookshelf with a teacup, and looked at the collections of books secretly admiring Lao Liu\'s literary background. From the yellow marks and folds on the surface of the books, it is not difficult to see that they have been read many times.

After waiting for less than 5 minutes, Mr. Liu returned to the house with a kraft paper bag in his left and right hands. He took out the cashmere box from one of the and put it on the tea table casually, "This is the person below. The purchased goods, the old man doesn\'t understand jewelry, please see for yourself."

This is a set of sapphire clips and diamond bracelets, each clip is designed into a flower shape, mainly with exquisite oval and cushion-shaped sapphires, embellished and cut with brilliant diamonds, very delicate and perfect, and can be decorated on the bracelet , Can also be assembled on other clothing.

  The sapphires and diamonds used are of very good quality. The gems are very transparent and cut into two different shapes, which better highlight its unique design, which is unique, beautiful and vivid.

With the appearance of this set of jewelry on the market, it is not available for less than 150,000 US dollars. The price is right. Sending Situ Yanran will not make the little girl feel burdened. The shape is worthy of the pure temperament of the boss Situ Yanran. , After a few glances, I have a judgment, the ability to appreciate jewelry belongs to the family!

   nodded and expressed satisfaction, "Lao Liu, I want this set of jewelry. How much does it cost to add tea?"

   "Make it up, 200,000 US dollars, you know my rules." The rules in Liu Lao\'s mouth refer to no bargaining, and only cash.

   No matter how large the transaction is, only cash is accepted. Check transfers are not accepted. People who come here for the first time don’t know the rules, but they don’t lose money.

"No problem, I brought cash." Yang Cheng snapped his fingers to the bodyguards behind him. One of the new bodyguards came over with a password box. A roll of US knives was neatly listed in the box, 5 rows and 6 columns totaling 30. Volume, which is $300,000.

   took out four columns of 200,000 dollars from them and placed them on the tray prepared by Mr. Liu. Yang Cheng raised his hand and said, “Liu, check?”

   "Alright, can I still believe you? I will patronize the old man\'s business more in the future." Mr. Liu picked up the tray and put it aside, he was ready to see him off.