Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 69: Guess boldly

"Set up a bureau?" Liu Yun patted Yang Cheng on the back, helping him follow his breath.

"Yes, before I boarded the plane, I suddenly remembered the background information of Louis Lehman. It was introduced that his biological mother was actually Paul Lehman\'s nanny and died unexpectedly when he was 8 years old." Yang Cheng lay down again and took it. After Liu Yun handed over the water cup with the straw inserted, she sucked some water in a small mouth, moistened her mouth and swallowed.

   "Does this have anything to do with the establishment of the bureau?" Yang Yuanshan also sat down. After all, he was too old to toss like this continuously, and his body was really overwhelming.

   "Yes, and it’s very relevant. My father and I have discussed this issue. What Louis Lehman does today is either a nerve problem or a serious childhood injury."

"Cough cough..." After coughing twice, he continued to talk, "Judging from his performance in front of me, there is absolutely no problem with his spirit, not only is there no problem, but his brain is also very useful! Then I wondered if he was a kid? Really suffered some kind of shock, such as seeing his mother being..."

   "What is it for?" Liu Yun didn\'t think much about listening to General Yang Cheng\'s fascination, so she asked smoothly.

   Can you see Yang Cheng roll his eyes and understand after asking, what do you mean by rolling his eyes? Look down on my old mother\'s IQ?

   smiled angrily and stretched out his hand to grab Yang Cheng\'s ear, but didn\'t work hard, knowing that his son\'s body was still weak.

   "Go on." Yang Yuanshan urged with a sullen face.

"This matter has always been stored in the depths of his mind. He is full of hatred for Paul Lehman. When he grows up, he has always wanted to avenge his mother. The cleverness he has shown since childhood is to get Paul Lehman\'s favor in order to get closer to him. ."

   After a pause, he took another drool and continued, "When I grow up, I will do no evil in order to relax Paul Lehman\'s vigilance against him."

"Wait, according to your analysis, Louis Lehman has had countless opportunities to attack his father over the years, why not? Paul Lehman wouldn\'t even guard his beloved biological son, right?" Liu Yun followed Yang Cheng After thinking about it, she thought it was unreasonable, so she interrupted Yang Cheng and asked her doubts.

"That\'s the truth, but don\'t forget, what is the most important thing to be born in a rich family? Ambition! And he and his siblings are half-parents, directly killing Paul Lehman. He can easily inherit the family property. You also know how much binding a will can have in the face of huge wealth."

   Yang Cheng\'s explanation is still convincing, Yang Yuanshan and Liu Yun did not refute, watching him wait for the next step.

   "Until I appear..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yun interrupted again. This time her expression was a little horrified, "Could it be that Louis Lehman hit our family\'s idea from the beginning? From the beginning of harassing me, he was in the layout?" If Louis Lehman really With such a layout ability, it is indeed worth fearing for others.

   Yang Cheng is speechless. From the perspective of storytelling, this kind of plot is more exciting and easier to attract the audience. However, he is not reading the story meeting, turning his wrists weakly and waving his hands without raising his arms.

   "How is it possible, mom, you think too much."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and said again, "Louis Lehman discovered that we were wooing Lotte and CJ two South Korean consortiums to try to compete for the Hershey Company. As a result, the conflict between the Yang family and Lehman’s family was intensified. At this time, I went to Brazil. , He pushed the boat along the water and provoked a confession between our family and Paul Lehman, so that he could reap the benefits of the fisherman."

   Liu Yun and Yang Yuanshan looked at each other, but Yang Yuanshan questioned it straightforwardly, "Your analysis is valid, but this is just a guess."

"Grandpa, this kind of thing itself doesn\'t need evidence. Should Louis Lehman tell you his plan? Also, why didn\'t he directly hit me and hit me with the truck\'s tonnage at the time without slowing down. Can I keep the whole thing? The corpse is not necessarily." Yang Cheng said this for so long, and her eyelids were heavy.

   "What do you mean? What didn\'t slow down?" Yang Yuanshan didn\'t understand, so Liu Yun hurriedly told Yang Yuanshan what Andrew said.

   "So, it is really the game set by Louis Lehman? But why don\'t you just kill you? Our will to counterattack will be stronger and stronger when you die." Yang Yuanshan asked still puzzled.

Yang Chengqiang held his eyelids to prevent them from falling, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "This is where he is clever. When I die, the Yang family must work hard. Although there is a gap with Lehman\'s strength, it is not as big as on paper. It’s half a catty, so even if Lehman wins, he has nothing left. Isn’t it a waste of work?"

Smiling and rejecting the straw Liu Yun handed over, "On the other hand, as long as I am not dead, the Yang family’s revenge will have a bottom line, and will not hold the mortal heart of going to Huangquan together. Lehman is still within the acceptance range even if there is a loss. The target at the beginning was not us, but that his father was also one of the murderers who indirectly killed his biological mother, Paul Lehman!"

   "You mean that Louis Lehman used our hand to help him deal with Paul Lehman, and he took the opportunity to take the lead while taking revenge?" Yang Yuanshan summarized Yang Cheng\'s analysis.

   Yang Cheng just nodded, was silent for half a minute, and sighed, "Well, if I guess right, Louis will take the next step soon."

"That said, it\'s just a guess." Yang Yuanshan didn\'t have any disagreement when he said that. It\'s just that the older he gets, the more afraid he gets. He lacks the spirit of adventurousness. When he was young, he was impatient. Yes, he founded Yuanshan Real Estate. It\'s also the energy to fight and fight, but being anxious doesn\'t mean being in anxious, anxious is the anxiousness that doesn\'t waste time after he has thought about it.

   "Do you want your dad to stop?" Yang Cheng\'s guess convinced Liu Yun that she wanted to know what Yang Cheng had planned.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t answer directly, but she turned her arms on the bed slightly, adjusted her posture and asked listlessly, "Someone should be sweeping goods today, right? A lot of Hershey\'s stocks are being collected."

   "Yes, you guessed it right. In one day, the other party won more than 4 million outstanding shares regardless of cost, accounting for about 2% of the total equity, and costing more than 500 million US dollars."

   Liu Yun turned back to the sound. It turned out that it was Yang Sen who came in and instructed the bodyguard to move a few boxes of water and place them, and said with relief, looking at the sickly Yang Cheng.

  A patrolling nurse also came in, looking at a room of Chinese, and reminding him, "The patient needs to rest, let him talk less!"

"Okay, thank you for your reminder, we know." Liu Yun stood up and thanked the nurse, and politely sent the nurse out of the ward. Just now, Yang Cheng quietly patted her hand and signaled that she was okay. Orange wanted to say something important, so she took the nurse away with her heart.

   "Dad, can you tell me about the situation today?" Yang Cheng raised his hand to block Yang Sen who wanted to talk about caring, and asked shortly.

   Yang Sen hesitated for a few seconds, confirming that Yang Cheng was only in a weak state, and then he spoke about his plan and his actions today. This ward has been checked by bodyguards, and there is no possibility of being tapped.

"Sure enough, Louis wanted to use AB InBev to hold the main funds of Yuanshan, so that we had no time to take care of Hershey\'s side. He would fish in troubled waters. Once he finally became the owner of 3G capital, with the power brought by the acquisition of Hershey, both It can stabilize the hidden dangers caused by internal turbulence, and can also stimulate the confidence of investors to pull back the stock price of Anheuser-Busch InBev. One bird-double-fly, this is."

   Yang Cheng said as she twitched her head, it might be that the stamina of the narcotics blinded her brain, her mouth was bald, and she opened an H cavity. What\'s more, Liu Yun grabbed a straight after sending the nurse back.

  Good, he doesn\'t respond slowly, he doesn\'t have to pretend he is sick, and he works pitifully with his eyes open to let him go.

   Liu Yun is not good at caring about patients, but his dad who laughs at Yang Cheng carelessly is not so lucky. She picks up a trace of fine meat between her neck and waist with her nails, and pulls it hard!

   Women\'s general killer trick Yang Sen repeatedly begged for mercy. If Liu Yun hadn\'t looked at Yang Yuanshan\'s face, Yang Sen\'s piece of meat was guaranteed to be necrotic.

He smiled at his wife wistfully, and after returning to a sanitary ball, Yang Sen rubbed his old waist and asked seriously, "Okay, if you are right, why is Paul Lehman motionless? Except for a press conference. , And there is no further action. If it weren’t for Wells Fargo’s sudden entry, AB InBev’s share price could fall into the Mariana Trench today."

“Don’t forget the other two partners of 3G Capital. This is a good opportunity to bring down Paul Lehman. Will they easily let it go? The stock price will rise tomorrow if it falls today, although those two are not as capable as Paul Lehman. , But they are also experts. They will not be confused about the paper wealth and the actual ownership of 3G capital ~ ~ The harder an AB InBev falls, the more they will earn in the future."

   Yang Cheng\'s words are reasonable, and it seems that only this explanation can make the whole thing clear. Yang Sen can\'t pick bones in the egg, as if Yang Cheng was injured, his thoughts became more mature and profound.

   In that case, Yang Sen did not feel embarrassed when discussing the problem with his son, and said the question in his heart, "Then what is the purpose of Wells Fargo Bank? Was it from Warren?"

   Yang Cheng closed his eyes and substituting himself into the position of Warren Buffett for a long time, but he couldn\'t figure out why. He still couldn\'t reach the height of a stock god, and couldn\'t push himself at all.

   But he remembers that Warren Buffett once said a famous saying, "I am afraid when others are greedy, and I am greedy when others are afraid."

This sentence is easy to understand. If it is changed to a more straightforward one, it means buying at low prices and selling at high prices. When everyone is greedy, it means that the market has come to an end and it is time to withdraw; and the market continues to be sluggish and everyone is greedy. When you have lingering fears and dare not enter the market rashly, you should bravely enter and get the highest profit.

   told Yang Sen his thoughts. From this point of view, the father and son came to a unified conclusion that the old fox just wanted to make money. It was irresistible and talented was nonsense!

Or else they are the stock gods, that is, if Yang Cheng is not dead, Yuanshan will not be desperate. A company such as Anheuser-Busch InBev cannot be destroyed by smashing it, and there will be no shortage of money in the food consumption field as long as there are people on the earth Earn, take this opportunity to buy Anheuser-Busch InBev stocks, it is a steady profit without losing trade.

   But why not wait for the stock price to reach a low point before starting? Do you still want to gain a good reputation for loyalty? Isn\'t it? This is because I don’t want to buy a ticket when I get on the bus.