Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 638: NBA regular season end

There is one more thing worthy of Yang Cheng’s attention. He remembered that the most important member of Mrs. Zipperton’s team was her campaign manager. He clicked on the wrong email at the wrong time. A phishing email sent to him by a hacker accidentally leaked his password. As a result, his own mailbox was quickly turned over by the hacker. After that, the hacker quickly handed over all the results to WikiLeaks.

Immediately, WikiLeaks gradually released the campaign manager’s emails, which is the "Mailgate" version 2.0. Seeing the new round of exposed emails, the American people couldn\'t sit still. In these emails, the American people found:

It turns out that Mrs. Zipden has long known that Qatar and Saudi Arabia have been funding the I~S organization. As early as 2014, Mrs. Zipton’s email to the campaign manager admitted that Qatar and Saudi Arabia are for the I~S and other Sunnis in the region. A big benefactor who sends radical organizations to provide financial and logistical support.

Not only did Mrs. Zipton know that Qatar and Saudi Arabia funded I~S behind the scenes, but she also received money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia!

One of the emails indicated that Qatar promised to "donate" 1 million to the Zipden Foundation. After the establishment of the Zipden Foundation, Saudi Arabia successively "donated" 10-25 million US dollars.

According to reports, 20% of the campaign funds came from Saudi Arabia.

Yang Cheng couldn\'t help smiling. He had the capital to negotiate with the Donkey Party again. God helped me.

. . .

At this time, Susu stepped in on high heels and exchanged another cup of coffee for Yang Cheng. By the way, he reported, "Mr. Max, general manager of the Brooklyn Nets, is here."

Yang Cheng took a sip of the coffee and raised her head in surprise, "Why is he here? Have an appointment?"

Susu shook his head, and the ponytail neatly tied behind his head shook with the relationship, "No, visit temporarily."

Yang Cheng nodded, "I see, let him come up."

A few minutes later, Sean Marx in a suit and leather shoes walked into the office under the leadership of Su Su. Before he stopped, he said with a smile of joy, "Boss, the regular season of the NBA 2014-15 season is over. We succeeded. Into the playoffs."

I was wondering if Sean Marx had come to the door directly, but I didn\'t expect that the season was over in a blink of an eye, and I really didn\'t have any sense of existence as the boss.

And judging from the expression of Sean Marx, the results are pretty good, put down the ipad, adjusted the sitting posture and signaled Sean to sit on the opposite side, "more specifically."

Sean Marx came to Announce the good news. He was ready long ago and said without hesitation, "Thanks to the joining of Chris Paul, our results in the second half of the season were very good. After the regular season, we got 41 wins and 41 losses. Record, 50% win rate ranked sixth in the Eastern Conference. According to the playoffs, we will face the Chicago Bulls in the rear round. According to the comparison of our strengths, there is still considerable hope that the counterattack will succeed and enter the second round. , The premise is that Paul can reach the peak level. After all, this Bull now has no super scorer."

Yang Cheng didn’t know much, but he was quite satisfied when he heard this result, and he thought it would be another round of playoffs this time, because whether it’s facing the Cavaliers or the eagles that have emerged this season, Brooklyn Basketball The net doesn\'t take much advantage. I didn\'t expect it to be against the Bulls in the end. This is different, at least I can fight.

And after he took over the team, the overall improvement is what makes Yang Cheng most gratified. Coupled with the existence of Chris Paul, Yang Cheng has no worries about the absence of super giants when facing strong teams in the playoffs. He came out to score, but still cared, "Who is the head of the Bulls now?"

Sean Marx seemed quite disdainful, "Since Derrick Rose’s knee was scrapped, he has never been able to beat the elephant again. Pau Gasol is old and tough, but we are not left behind in the internal competition. , As for the Bulls’ chief scorer Jimmy Butler this season, the average points per game will reach 20. In my opinion, the strength is average and it is more than enough to be a second-in-chief, but it is questionable to lead the team alone. He traded to help Paul."

In this way, Yang Cheng\'s heart is completely let go. By the time the playoffs are super-giant, the strength of the team determines how far the team can go. This is confirmed by both basketball and football. A superstar has a superstar. The team can always kill opponents at critical moments.

Therefore, Yang Orange is more and more looking forward to the Nets entering the second round, "When the playoffs start at home, I will be there to watch the game and leave me a front row position."

Sean Marx smiled even better, "Boss, I am here today to discuss this with you. Since you took over the team, you haven\'t shown up at home once. Our fans are complaining that you don\'t care about the team."

Yang Cheng smiled and admitted his mistake frankly, "I am to blame for this. I am really busy at work and did not spare time, but I must not miss the playoffs."

In order to prove that what he said was true, Susu was specifically called in and the schedule of going to the home court to watch the game was added to the schedule.

"There is another thing I want to discuss with the This playoffs is of great significance to us. I think this is an excellent opportunity to build a team culture. I am going to make the Barclays Center into a league. The first devil is at home. This may require a lot of money to be used to order uniform T-shirts that are given to fans for free, as well as support sticks and other things."

Sean Marx’s proposal was in line with Yang Cheng’s appetite. In this regard, he never spared money and waved his hand. “Although do it, money is not a problem. In addition, publicity must keep up. The Knicks have not occupied New York for so many years. It is really shameful to win the O\'Brien Cup. This time we must at least let the New York fans see the hope of winning the championship, and urge the team to play bloody, and it is best to grab all the Knicks fans."

After being ordered by Yang Cheng, Sean Marx immediately became excited. This is the boss who is doing the big business. He nodded and replied, "No problem, leave it to me."

Yang Cheng seemed to feel that it was not enjoyable enough, and continued to advocate, "We must let the New Yorkers go to the scene to watch the game, even if they can\'t enter the stadium, let the fans gather outside the arena to cheer for the team."

Sean Marx immediately had an idea, "Then we will simply hold a series of home carnival activities, so that the whole family can have fun on and off the stadium. Although our team has a relatively short history and just moved here, the fan base is not strong enough, but I am confident that the Barclays Center will become the focal point of New York that day."

"Yes, but the first two games of the playoffs are away games. You must not lose the chain. If you lose a zero to two, you won\'t mention anything to attract the fans. I know these two games will be extremely difficult, but at least they have to win. To a total score of 1:1, this is my requirement for the team!" (https://)

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