Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 620: 1 Cut to make money!

Yang Cheng hesitated about whether to make a fact directly, and finally buy the shares held by the Trust and Investment Bureau, forcing them to sell if they didn\'t sell it, which seemed more secure.

But how to sit down the facts is another problem. For a while, he had no good solution. He sighed and decided to let Ryze try it out. He said, "Go ahead, I hope you can give I bring good news, and you may also need to visit Banyan Tree."

Ryze was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "Is there any news?"

Yang Cheng nodded, "I called my grandpa and asked him to help bring a sentence to the other party, but the other party insisted that he would not accept a wholly-owned acquisition."

"What do you mean? They can accept shares? But they don\'t accept being controlled?" Ryze asked, not sure.

"Probably that means."

"So, they want to introduce our strategic investment to expand the territory?" Ryze can see through the other party\'s purpose.

Yang Cheng didn\'t speak, she didn\'t know what she was thinking.

Ryze hesitated for a while and asked, "So boss, why did you let me fly to Singapore?"

Yang Cheng was silent for a long while before gritting his teeth and said, "You go and express our sincerity. If the other party still refuses to sell Banyan Tree, then take a stake first, talk as much as possible, and get as many shares as possible. , And then we are in the picture slowly."

Ryze stopped talking. He didn\'t understand why Yang Cheng was staring at Banyan Tree. After all, there are many boutique hotels around the world for Yang Cheng to choose from. There are even several brands that are more successful than Banyan Tree. Just give up the holding, what\'s the use of just buying shares?

Yang Cheng seemed to see Ryze’s doubts, threw away his cigarette butts, and patted Ryze’s shoulder, “I value Banyan Tree’s share of the Asian market and the purpose they are pursuing. Most of the customers are high-end consumers. They are professionals who travel around the world every year. They are always devoted to work, pursuing novelty, rich, but valuable time.

Most of them find it more and more difficult to have the opportunity to enjoy private life due to the pressure of travel and work. It is the emergence of these people and needs that more and more personalized hotels and boutique hotels are emerging.

Banyan Tree and Amman are among the best. They value the historical and cultural value carried by ancient buildings. They will also provide customers with special services, such as taking customers to a hotel to buy some expensive and limited wines. Teach them some knowledge about winemaking.

They will also cooperate with institutions in the fields of art, music, etc., and lead customers to visit. In the hotel, customers can also see artistic cups, fabrics, silk fabrics, etc., which are not available in supermarkets.

These high-end customized services are not only suitable for familiar European and American customers, but also attract users from emerging countries that have just developed. This is also the favorite customer group of boutique hotels. Of course, these emerging countries are mainly country Z.

As a personalized boutique hotel that entered the country Z market earlier, Banyan Tree has a history of nearly ten years in country Z. From 2006 on the Lijiang River, and then gradually and slowly settled in different cities, it has been nearly I have carefully studied the ten Banyan Tree openings and found changes in the customer base.

Compared with the first 5 to 6 years ago, there is a considerable difference between domestic and foreign customers in Country Z. When it first opened, only 50% to 60% of Banyan Tree Lijiang were domestic customers, and the rest were from abroad. ;

And now all Banyan Tree hotels, on the one hand because of global economic reasons, on the other hand, because of the gradual increase in the consumption power of country Z itself, about 75% to 80% are domestic customers of country Z.

Coupled with Banyan Tree’s ability to integrate into the local folk culture, Banyan Tree may be our only choice if we want to occupy this blue ocean market faster, even if it is positioned more high-end Amman, there is something in this regard. Not as good.

In our big cultural tourism plan, we need the Banyan Tree brand to make up for our shortcomings. "

Ritz has been listening and thinking carefully. At the beginning, Yang Cheng proposed the cultural tourism group plan. He supported it with both hands. Any fool can see that the tourism market has unlimited potential in the next ten years, even twenty or thirty years. For the CEO who is in charge of tens of billions of dollars in assets, how can he not see it?

Therefore, he stood firmly behind Yang Cheng and charged for his plan. Whether it was Club Med or a stake in an airline company, Ryze thought he had a clear vision of Yang Cheng’s overall plan for Banyan Tree’s ambition. But until now, he didn\'t realize how naive he was.

He originally thought that Yang Cheng\'s goal was to position the Cultural Tourism Group to target the luxury group, but Yang Cheng\'s remarks just now showed strong ambitions, which is to wipe out the entire mid-to-high-end market.

In this case, it is not difficult for Yang Cheng to value Banyan Tree.

Ryze sighed secretly, and after finishing his emotions, he solemnly said I will try my best to take down this difficult bone. "

Yang Cheng laughed silently and said in a self-deprecating tone, "Don\'t be so serious, and don\'t think of me as great, my ultimate goal is just to make money!"

Ryze laughed, "Yes, to make money!"

. . .

Let alone Yang Cheng\'s mood here, Xu Lingyue, who received her best friend at the airport, blushed because of her girlfriend\'s molesting.

In the morning, after Yang Cheng went out, Xu Lingyue also went out to the airport. Her two best girlfriends, one is a junior high school classmate, and the other is a good friend whom she knew when she was a model in the early days. After being alone for a long time, she was so excited that she directly rejected the driver arranged by Anna, and drove an S600 to the airport by herself.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two girlfriends got on the car and looked at the brand-new S600, they started a 360-degree round of ridicule with no dead ends, "Oh, are we more and more big money on the list? Big Ben is on it?"

"Look at this famous brand? Wow, it\'s a limited edition, the more you develop!"

"Tsk tusk~, Yue Yue, didn\'t you become a junior for someone, right? Haha, why don\'t you call us for such a good thing?"

"That\'s right, it seems we can follow you in the future and drink spicy food?"

That classmate is okay. It seems that he is sincerely happier for Xu Ling, and the ridicule is also for the purpose of making fun.

Even the model friend looked quite jealous, and his words were sour.

It\'s just that Xu Ling didn\'t realize that she was still excited about the arrival of her best friend. Although she was completely blushed by these "virulent" language attacks, her face was flushed with shame, but she did not dare to refute, for fear of attracting a larger scale of ridicule. (https://)

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