Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 617: Dissatisfied interview (1)

Yang Cheng, shot by runningman, is no longer cautious when facing the camera again. After all, this Forbes interview is mainly presented in text form. Of course, the video version will be posted on the headline app for the first time after editing.

Speaking of runningman\'s shooting, Yang Cheng didn\'t pay much attention afterwards, but Liu Jianjun made a special call to report that the effect was very good.

Because of Yang Cheng’s chic demeanor in front of the camera, he completely fascinated a South Korean nymphomaniac, and at the same time presented his relationship with a few women just right, including his inadvertent physical contact with Taeyeon, and full of The tender eyes, guided by the later effects of the program group, successfully diverted the public\'s attention. If the program group’s usual routine is followed, it must be a heart-shaped special effect to create a pink effect.

However, Yang Cheng\'s purpose for participating in the show is very clear. It is to whitewash both parties, so there is no pink, and some are just brother and sister.

Yang Cheng’s status is destined to the general public not daring to treat it with ordinary eyes, but also to give more tolerance. Originally, Yang Cheng’s continuous tricks have made the Korean people believe in the existence of conspiracy theories. Afterwards, there was a generous appearance on TV, and they did not shy away from the relationship between each other. This is a complete confirmation that there is no dirty relationship between the two parties.

Girls’ Generation is still the existence of the Empress. This exposure has also succeeded in creating momentum for the new album. Members including Taeyeon and Sunny benefited from this. As soon as the show was on, the host was immediately caught by the host and asked about Yang Cheng’s Getting along with the details, there is no need to say more about Bangzi\'s gossip. I can\'t even wait for what color underwear Yang Orange wears.

Anyway, Yang Cheng, a Chinese rich man from the United States, is a small hit in South Korea. Fan clubs have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Liu Jianjun also specifically asked Yang Cheng if CY Entertainment should come forward for unified management.

Yang Cheng\'s response was: It is necessary. This is related to the maintenance of his image and must be taken seriously.

He will be a fan in Korea from now on!

. . .

Looking back to the office, Forbes sent a strong interview team this time, led by a vice president of the magazine, mainly coordinating the entire interview process. After greeting Yang Cheng, he stood quietly on the side. Supervise it.

The one who is really responsible for the interview is Forbes Magazine’s ace reporter Jimmy Rohanton, a veteran industry reporter who often faces world-class rich people. His pen is an important basis for his status and status, so when facing Yang Cheng, he also appears Neither overbearing nor overbearing.

A total of five cameras were set up around, three were directly opposite, and the other two were behind Yang Cheng and Jimmy Rohanton, capturing their front faces.

The interview was conducted in the salon area of ​​the office. Two sofa chairs were placed in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The interview with skyscrapers as the background officially began.

"Mr. Yang, first of all, please allow me to represent Forbes magazine to express my sincere thanks to you, and I am willing to spend an hour in my busy schedule to accept our interview." Jimmy Rohanton held a notebook in his hand and put it on his lap. , The above is the record of the entire interview process. As soon as he opens his mouth, he shows a very strong affinity. Even some Yang Cheng who is dealing with errands does not consciously respond with a sincere smile.

"This is also my honour. To be honest, I have a good relationship with your president, and have drunk together. If I don\'t agree, he will get me drunk next time." Yang Cheng joked about Forbes magazine as his family. Full of humor, Jimmy Rohanton was really surprised, not that he could not ridicule, but surprised Yang Cheng\'s sense of humor.

In fact, Yang Cheng’s image in front of the public has always been young and energetic, humorous and courteous, but Jimmy Lohanton, who had only heard of it before, only thought it was a rumor. When he saw it with his own eyes, he was so surprised.

"You are very humorous, Mr. Yang. I believe that Mr. President will not begrudge a meal. Before the interview officially starts, please allow me to introduce some basic information to audience friends and future readers, although these information may be clearer than me. ." Jimmy Rohanton also began to show his own humor, although not funny.

Then he faced the camera and said, "Jason Yang, a Chinese born in Manhattan, New York, is just 27 years old this year. It is the golden age in life. He has created countless people while his peers are still running for life. Unattainable fortune is in Forbes\' latest 2015 Global Billionaires List, ranking 171th in the world with a net worth of 7.8 billion US dollars; 59th in the US 100 richest people; and third in the world under 35. ..."

After reading this, Jimmy Lohanton couldn’t help but stammered, spreading his hands exaggeratedly, “Wow~ **** Christ, this is a crazy figure, it’s hard to imagine. It’s all Mr. Yang’s work in just one year. Created in time."

Yang Cheng shrugged and said disapprovingly, "It\'s nothing. When you have the same family environment as mine, you may do better than me."

Although he didn\'t think so in his heart, he still had to pretend to be 13, otherwise life wouldn\'t be too boring?

Sure enough, Jimmy Rohanton\'s mouth twitched. This person pretended to hear the thunder in a silent place, but he had to admit that even he was moved by Yang Cheng\'s calmness. It is difficult for ordinary people to own for several lifetimes.

He cleared his throat and continued to ask, "Well, I admit that I am very vulgar. I want to ask a very tacky question on behalf of myself and the general public. What is it like to have so much money?"

Yang Cheng laughed and organized some words in her mind before she said, "In fact, I don\'t know how much money I have."

Under the wide-eyed gaze of Jimmy Rohanton and the staff present, Yang Cheng repeated very sincerely, "Really, I\'m telling the truth. I\'m not interested in money. It\'s just a tool for my purpose, so I don’t pay attention to how much money I have. Compared to wealth growth, I pay more attention to where the company has grown."

Everyone was dumbfounded by this sentence. Can it still be done like this?

Yang Cheng looked at the expressions of the people present, and her heart was secretly refreshed. In previous lives, I heard rich people say that they don’t like how speechless money is. Today, after he said these words, his heart is so happy. An entire highway was thrown out of America’s rich.

Jimmy Rohanton hurriedly agreed, "I can only say that at this age, your mind has been sublimated to a considerable height. I admire it."

"So, Mr. Yang, can you tell me where the idea of ​​Toutiao app came from? I think many loyal users of Toutiao app, including me, really want to know how this genius idea was born."

The previous foreshadowing is over and the interview officially begins. After all, Forbes is still a business magazine. The content of the interview can\'t be all nonsense pretending to be bi, but it is still necessary to talk about something nutritious.

The correct answer to this answer should be plagiarism, but I certainly can’t say that. Fortunately, Yang Cheng had already written a confession, "In fact, I was bored. Before I had this idea, I had never been interested in browsing news through newspapers. Without him, the content in the newspaper is not all I like. Every time I search for the content I like, it takes a lot of effort."

After a pause, the audience was given a time to digest, and continued, “So I tried to find a software in the Apple Store that can help me understand real-time news, but I was disappointed. I browse news software at will, even Yahoo at that time can’t. Yahoo at that time only developed a mobile version according to the fixed model of the website. So I thought, since there is no software on the market, why don’t I make one that conforms to Is the app I requested coming out?"

Spread out, "This is the origin of the Toutiao app. It is not complicated and not for making money. After all, before I started my business, I had a net worth of more than one billion US dollars."

Well, pretending to be bi is easily addictive. Yang Cheng finally understands what it feels like for those rich people who say amazing things from time to really not deliberately!

The staff have become accustomed to the appearance of Yang Cheng\'s light dress 13, and finally did not put on a embarrassing expression.

"It turned out to be like this. I developed this app that benefits the world just to satisfy my reading habits. It\'s really amazing. What then? As we all know, New Era Media has risen rapidly at a miraculous financing speed. Wall Street pays so much attention to it? You must know that in the first round of financing, Toutiao did not generate revenue."

Jimmy Lohanton controls the rhythm of the questioning very well, and does not disgust Yang Cheng. Some reporters interview one question after another, making it like being interrogated. The experience is too bad, which is why he does not like to accept it. The reason for the interview.

Yang Orange rationalized his thoughts, "Before answering your question, I will explain the reason for the growth of the media in the new era. It is still because of the Toutiao app, because when I started to form a team to develop this app, I found out that the news resources Dependence, if you want to satisfy the reading experience of all users, you must have a very powerful news resource library. It is not enough to collect it by ourselves. That\'s why the self-media industry is developing rapidly.

Including the acquisition of forum companies, the New York Times and other traditional newspaper media, in fact, they are essentially to expand the resource library, so that every user can find their favorite content on the Toutiao app, and the quantity should be abundant, just a few minutes. Over time, users will lose patience over time.

With the addition of these traditional paper media, the volume of media in the new era is getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, the clear headline profit model allows Wall Street investment banks to see a bright road to make money. This is the answer. "


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