Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 609: DC trip (2)

Yang Cheng\'s purpose is of course not to visit the castle. Richard Debin will not be a full-time tour guide. So neither of them stayed too much on the first floor of the castle. They just passed the living room and dining room. Debin introduced a few words in passing.

The whole castle, as Richard Debin said, is full of primitive charm, dark red solid wood furniture and gorgeous wall flower ceilings, all showing the brilliance of the Renaissance era, and with the precipitation of time, Today, more than a hundred years later, I will appreciate this kind of architecture again, and I am all overwhelmed by it, and I am deeply impressed by the great artists of that era.

On the second floor, the stairs are opposite to an outdoor garden. Outside the terrace is the winding Potomac River. It is the spring when everything is resurrected. The frozen river has already melted, clear, green and tranquil.

Yang Cheng sighed that the donkey party members would enjoy it, but Richard Debin had already walked to the corner room and made an invitation gesture.

"This castle is so beautiful. I didn\'t expect there to be such a beautiful castle in DC." Yang Cheng entered the room with pleasure and praised casually.

This room should be Richard Debin\'s office. It is hundreds of square meters. The decoration is the same as the rest of the castle. After Yang Cheng entered, he closed the door smoothly.

Inviting him to sit on the sofa, Richard Debin personally brought two cups of coffee, Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but ask strangely, "You are the only one in the castle? Why didn\'t you see it alone?"

Yang Cheng also just realized that since getting off the car, let alone the servants, there is no security, so donkey party is so relieved? Besides, it is impossible for Richard Debin to be accompanied by security personnel.

Richard smiled, picked up the coffee cup and asked about the aroma gently, and took a sip to explain, "In order to keep it secret, I sent everyone away. No one but me knows that you have been here. "

Yang Cheng\'s heart was raised immediately, waiting for the following.

"Bank of California, United Community Bank, Legendary Texas Financial Bank, Old National Bank, Columbia Banking System, Penn National Bank, Boston Private Finance, Glacier Bank, Home Bank, nbt Union Bank... this is yours The list handed to me again."

Richard put on reading glasses, took out a note from the inner pocket of his suit, said a name and a name, and looked at Yang Cheng with a smile, and asked, "How is it? That\'s right? "

Yang Cheng nodded, "Yes, did you tell me on the phone that you have successfully contacted?"

Richard Debin shook his right hand, and the note was held into a group. "To be precise, I persuaded the internal parties to agree to sell these banks as long as you can get the money!"

Yang Cheng was overjoyed and couldn\'t bother to think about it, "That\'s great, don\'t worry about money, we can take a loan."

Richard Debin took off his glasses and waved his hand, "I am not worried about money, but I hope you can agree to a few requests."

With a tight heart, Yang Cheng knew that Richard Debin would not help in vain. He only heard, "First, after the establishment of the new bank, you have to take out 40% of the shares to us for distribution!"

As soon as he heard this first article, Yang Cheng frowned. Without him, this was not in line with the conditions promised at the time. You must know that Yang Cheng offered only 30% of the shares.

But he was not in a hurry to refuse, and waited until Richard Debin\'s conditions were finished before making a decision.

Seeing that Yang Cheng frowned but did not refuse, Richard Debin had no choice but to continue, "Secondly, the general election is about to begin. The voices in the Dang faction hope that the Yang family can stand on our side without reservation."

Yang Cheng\'s expression was cold. Although he was ready for the other lion to open his mouth, he did not expect their demands to be so high.

But he still didn\'t say a word.

"Third, we want one of the two positions of Chairman of the Board and CEO."


Before Richard Debin said the fourth article, he was interrupted by Yang Cheng coldly, "Richard, you are not afraid of our family immigrating to the UK? You should know my relationship with Prince William, I think he must Don’t mind if we move our family."

Richard Debin smiled and appeared calm, as if he didn\'t understand the hidden irony, "Jason, calm down, if it is enforced, I won\'t be the one talking to you."

Yang Cheng smiled contemptuously, "In fact, you don\'t dare to force me to enforce it."

"Let’s put it this way, your conditions are not difficult. If it’s just one of them, I think I’m willing to take a step back and strengthen cooperation with your donkey party. Unfortunately, your appetite is too big. Fourth and fifth, I don\'t want to do this bank at all. After you Richard retires, you can live with the ZF pension."

His words are even more of Chi Guoguo’s warning. At the beginning, he promised to allocate shares to Richard Debin, which was the condition to entice him to help contact him. If the bank fails to do so, naturally there will be no compensation. After retirement, he is Life or death, eating bread or beef, has nothing to do with Yang Cheng\'s half a dime.

Richard Debin also raised his eyebrows, "Jason, don\'t be arrogant. Your family\'s purpose of intervening in the banking industry is clear. I don\'t need to emphasize the importance. If you give up this acquisition opportunity, there will never be a second chance. Two times, and will offend our donkey party, is it worth your careful analysis?"

"It\'s not worth it!" Yang Cheng replied very bluntly, but followed closely, "But, I don\'t want the bank group that has worked so hard to set up all the money to become your puppet. Not only that, but it may also catch up. The lives of our family, so you don’t have to repeat these conditions again. My answer will never be possible!"

Richard Debin really did not expect Yang Cheng to be so tough, and several senior donkey party leaders, including him, did not expect Yang Cheng\'s refusal to be so sharp.

Richard Debin couldn\'t make up his mind for a while, looked at Yang Cheng, lowered his head and thought for a while, stood up and apologized, "Allow me to be rude for a while, I\'ll go make a call."

Yang Cheng raised his right hand and gestured to please. Anyway, even if Richard made 10,000 calls, he would not influence his decision.

Ignoring Richard, who was going out, stood by the window and watched the river flow quietly, leisurely and contented.

But he didn’t know that Richard Debin didn’t make a phone call after he went out. Instead, he walked towards a room on the third floor. In this castle, there was not one other than them, as Richard Debin said. No one.

There were three grand old people gathered inside, plus Richard Debin who had just entered the door, and four high-ranking people who were over 250 years old together, causing the air to be extraordinarily dignified. They pretended to sit down and feel relaxed. The three said, "What am I talking about? This kid is not so nice."

One of them, a white-haired old man with a hooked nose and sharp eyes, snorted coldly, "I admit that we made a mistake. We miscalculated the character of this young man and thought he inherited the old-school Chinese indecision and tolerance. "

A fat old man on the opposite side touched his bare head, smiled and said with a knife in his smile, "It\'s normal, young people have a bit of personality and it is not difficult to understand, but there is an old Chinese saying that people who know the current affairs are Junjie, I believe this jason kid does not I won\'t know."

The last one, the thin old man who was also sitting facing the main position in the direction of the door, finally said, "I think this little guy is a bit interesting."

Yang Cheng didn’t know that there were four old men talking about him right on top of his head. Of course, if he saw it, he would definitely drop his jaw, because these four were almost the four at the top of the Donkey Party’s power pyramid. It is no exaggeration to say that once the power in the hands of these four people is brought together and exerted recklessly, almost any power in the United States can be overturned.

Before introducing their specific identities, we must first explain some situations. Someone always asks which of the two houses of the U.S. Congress has more power. The answer is also mentioned in the previous article, so I won’t repeat them. Focus on the people with power in the two houses. In fact, the House of Representatives has three important positions: Speaker of the House of Representatives, Majority Party Leader, and Majority Party Whip; while the Senate has two more important positions: Majority Party Leader and Majority Party Whip.

Why emphasize the majority party? Because as long as the party whip is capable and each congressman votes according to his party’s will, there is nothing to do with the minority party at all, so usually the leader of the minority party and the party whip are not important. These positions are almost the United States. Peak of power.

Someone asked, the speaker is important in the House of Representatives, but there is no speaker in the Senate. Why?

This is because the senators come from state representatives, and the number of seats is allocated according to an average of 2 people per state, representing state power, so the Federal ZF as a "manager" comes to the prime minister with equal power So in the Senate, the speaker is this The position is generally held by the vice president, but it should be noted that the president of the Senate does not have any actual authority. Major bills need to be passed by 2/3 of the senators. Only when extremely unimportant bills happen to be tied, the senator’s speaker can play a role. The role of little bit to control the situation.

And although the senators are also changed, it is no different from whether they are not changed. They are all senior people of the two dangs. They don’t care about the people’s votes at all, because they have little influence on them, and members of the House of Representatives have to be very careful. Deal with voters, otherwise the chances of stepping down are great.

In the House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is the highest actual power position in the two houses of Congress. The majority party in the House of Representatives holds the position. Together with the majority leader and the majority party whip, the power is extremely consolidated. It can be said that the United States is the invisible leader!

As I said before, the minority leader and party whip in the House of Representatives have very little power, but there are always exceptions. Although the Donkey Party is now in power and has great power, the majority party in the House of Representatives is still an elephant party, and there are few ruling parties in history. At the same time, the control of the House of Representatives happened.

However, it is worth mentioning that the elephant party’s ability in this session of the House of Representatives leader can be described as the worst in history. Not only did it fail to expand the majority of the majority party’s votes, it was pressed by the Donkey Party step by step, with two proposals each time. The dang faction is fighting hard, and the donkey party\'s leader and party whip in the House of Representatives are even more powerful. With a gap of only a dozen votes, they can almost fight against the elephant party.

For this reason, the Elephant Party has changed three speakers in the past four years, but they have not changed this shameful situation!

With that said, the identities of the above four are ready to be revealed.


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