Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 598: Divide the cake (2)

Only half an hour later, the news of Park Donghae’s arrest on major Korean news websites hit the headlines.

Thanks to the live broadcast on a KBS channel, many people who learned the news for the first time notified their relatives and friends and paid attention to the progress of the incident.

Without him, the reason for the enthusiasm is because of what He Dacheng said in the live interview that the conspiracy of the Longshan tragedy has surfaced.

For ordinary people, it is not their turn to care about matters at the national level, but they will empathize with those who have their own vital interests.

Especially the Longshan tragedy a few years ago, it was almost a true portrayal of the tragic fate of the people. That tragedy also made the people\'s inaction against ZF and the resentment of the powerful class rise to the climax.

Although over time, the common people did not put too much attention on it, but the kind of skin pain, as long as it is mentioned slightly, it will immediately ignite a small flame of inner irritability.

In particular, rumors about conspiracies were spreading at that time. It was only because the spreading channels were not as extensive as today, and ZF deliberately guided through public opinion, and this matter would not stop.

But now someone raises the matter again and lifts the cover of the conspiracy in one fell swoop. Can the people not be excited?

The comment section below the headlines of NAVER website is refreshing almost at a rate of dozens of articles per second.

"What am I talking about? The Longshan massacre is definitely a conspiracy, and our relatives have been invaded by the power of the organization in those days!"

"Sure enough, there is a conspiracy, ZF must give us an explanation!"

"It seems that the mastermind is Tairong Real Estate. It is correct that even the president has been taken away!"

"It\'s definitely more than that, maybe Tairong Real Estate is just a scapegoat~"

"On the top floor, Tairong Real Estate is a guise, and the real man behind the scenes is absolutely hidden deep~"

"Like our most handsome prosecutor in the Republic of Korea, and bow your heads without fear of evil!"

"Like +1"

"Poor people who suffered in the Longshan tragedy at the time, but no one has redressed them until today."

"Hehe, if I see it, it must be the uneven distribution of benefits, and Tai Rong has been rectified."

. . .

Numerous comments almost squeezed Naver\'s server. Everyone\'s emotions about this matter are unified, that is, anger. The anger that has been concealed and manipulated has nowhere to vent, and all poured on the Internet!

The Korean version of the headline app that has just emerged in South Korea has also become another gathering place for young netizens to vent their indignation.

Thanks to Yang Cheng’s dominance of the incident, the report on Toutiao’s app was more detailed, and even revealed many unknown secrets in advance, including how the senior leaders of Tairong Real Estate, headed by Park Donghai, bought out the social forces, and Part of the speculation evidence.

In addition, the report also made a cryptic sentence. There was no in-depth discussion on the topic of political-business collusion, which justly reminded netizens that there is a deeper conspiracy behind it.

This is also one of Yang Cheng’s arrangements. Once the forces behind Tai Rong go back, don’t blame Yang Cheng for lifting the table. If you don’t let me get the benefit, then everyone don’t want to get it. After playing together, Yang Cheng will do it anyway. Nothing to lose!

In the coffee shop, Yang Cheng calmly watched a few second-generation chattering around the computer for non-stop discussions. These young people really have no determination. All this has just begun.

After drinking the second cup of coffee, most of the reporters around Tairong Real Estate had dispersed. Only a few of them did not give up, leaving the newcomers waiting here, trying to pick up an unexpected surprise. Going back for business, publishing reports as quickly as possible, attracting social attention, this is what the media and newspapers are most concerned about. As for Tairong? Who cares about his life and death!

Yang Cheng cocked the corner of her mouth, Zhizhu holding an expression, and exhaled, "Zhiyu, it\'s time for you to be on the court. Any changes in the board meeting should be notified to me as soon as possible. As of now, no accidents are allowed! "

Li Zhiyu is in a good mood at this time. It is the first time that he has done such an important task when he grows up. Excitement is inevitable, but it is more of a sense of accomplishment.

He stood up and nodded heavily, revealed a bloodthirsty smile, and said, "Brother Yang, don\'t worry, leave it to me. If those old guys dare to repent, I will definitely let them go around. After all, these people\'s black material, I have control A lot of it!"

Yang Cheng raised her head and laughed, "Haha~ Good job, go back and let your aunt reward you."

Li Zhiyu hurriedly walked to the side entrance of Tairong Real Estate, avoiding the reporter\'s sight as much as possible, and entering the company from there. It is conceivable what the internal chaos of Tairong Real Estate looks like today.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Yang Cheng. Anyway, these large numbers of employees will not be unemployed collectively. After the assets are divided, the relevant personnel of various departments must go with them, otherwise it will be in vain to buy a machine and no one will operate it!

As soon as Yang Cheng took action, it ignited the enthusiasm of Korean The Longshan massacre was so violent that everyone in the country knew about it. Now Yang Cheng has opened up for the people in the dark. At the tip of the iceberg, they should thank themselves.

After thinking about it narcissistically for a while, the classic marimba sound of the kidney machine rang quickly.

The originally noisy cafe quieted down for a moment.

Yang Cheng smiled and motioned for a few second generations to continue talking, and then walked to a corner of the coffee shop, trying to be as quiet as possible, and took out the phone channel, "What? Worried about me?"

The caller was Li Fu~ Zhen, Yang Cheng went out early in the morning, Li Fu~ Because of his age, the recovery is always slower. I just woke up, and when I turned on the TV, I saw the raging news. I quickly called Yang Cheng~

"I\'m not worried, I didn\'t expect you to do it so soon!" Li Fu~ His tone was very calm, but Yang Cheng still heard the news on the TV over there through the microphone.

Yang Cheng sat down, raised Erlang\'s legs, fiddled with her hairstyle, and smiled lightly, "I just want to hit them by surprise, and everything is ready, so there is no point in waiting!"

Li Fu~ It was really silent for a while, and Yoyo said, "That\'s good, I just don\'t worry about Zhiyu, he represents the Li family, no matter what the result, the Li family was taken on the thief ship by you."

Yang Cheng shook his legs and disagreed. This was originally the effect he wanted. Of course, he certainly couldn’t say directly, “Don’t worry, as I watched, nothing could happen. Besides, Li Zhiyu is just a sideman of your Li family, as long as there is no core interest involved. The above will not point the finger at your Li family!"

Li Fu~ Really hum, "It\'s good if you know it in your heart. I\'ll go home later. I guess my father needs me to comfort him!"

Yang Cheng\'s heart was warm, this woman really meant enough to herself, she couldn\'t help but said softly, "Thanks for your hard work~"