Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 592: Father and daughter fighting for power?

"Okay, don\'t make the eldest lady\'s temper in front of me, it\'s useless, sit down and say something, before I can remain patient!"

After all, Yang Cheng\'s identity was a mountain that lay in front of Zhao Xian\'e. Just after the fire, it was considered to have lost Yang Cheng\'s face and reached the extreme.

She is not stupid. She still made irrational actions under Yang Cheng\'s ‘good words to persuade’, that is, completely enmity with Yang Cheng, and she cannot afford the consequences temporarily.

Angrily flicked Kun Bao, came to open the chair and sat down, and looked at Kim Tae-hee with disdain. Obviously, this Korea\'s first beauty could not be on the table in front of the real princess.

Yang Cheng\'s eyes motioned Hansen, who was blocking the door, to close the door, and the box returned to quiet.

"Tell me about your intentions, but don\'t talk about revenge. I didn\'t scold your sister or beat your dad. Don\'t blame me if you make trouble."

Zhao Xian\'e glanced at Li Zhiyu and then stared at Kim Tae-hee. It was obvious that it was not convenient for outsiders to talk.

He grabbed Jin Tae-hee who was about to get up and left, and Yang Cheng laughed, but he didn\'t want Li Zhiyu to know too many details, so he said to Jin Tae-hee, "Go outside, we\'ll finish the discussion in a while!"

Then he told Li Zhiyu, "Take care of Tae Hee!"

The intimate address made Jin Tae-hee very awkward and smiled bitterly, but unable to save Yang Cheng\'s face, he had to leave the box in silence.

Li Zhiyu stayed behind and took a deep look at Zhao Xian\'e, and finally closed the door and went out.

"Let\'s talk about it~ Why did you come here with great fanfare."

Zhao Xian\'e\'s attitude changed. There was no such thing as the dark cloud just now, and she said with a smile, "In fact, I heard the conversation you had with my father in the morning!"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, did not answer, and secretly analyzed what the woman was going to do.

"Based on what I know about my father, my father was very moved by your proposal in the morning. If I were to change it to me, he would definitely take it. With the cooperation of Delta Air Lines, Korean Air\'s international status will rise to the next level! "Zhao Xian\'e\'s expression was slightly agitated, it shouldn\'t be pretended.

"Unfortunately, my father is getting older and has no motivation anymore. He has to look forward and backward when he is doing things. He has to worry about the attitude of ZF and the position of the family. There is no way. This is the stubbornness of the older generation, but as a new generation of entrepreneurs, you should Put the company\'s interests in place!"

Zhao Xian\'e\'s remarks made Yang Cheng feel a little bit about it. The big trouble just now should be shown to her father and family members. Is the real purpose of cooperating with herself in the dark?

"After you left, I also looked at the analysis chart you brought. If Korean Air and Delta Air Lines will become each other\'s airline joint venture partners in the trans-Pacific market.

The business integration of the two parties will benefit the two in some common market areas, including the six major market areas, connecting flights around North America and Asia, points of sale outside the local market, and business volume in the corporate travel market.

From a network point of view, Delta Air Lines will inevitably gain more than Korean Air Lines. This is also a major drawback of our two-way joint operation. Delta Air Lines’ gains in cooperation are the huge scale of Korean Air. This is what my father is most worried about, not wanting to make wedding dresses for others!

However, in my opinion, this will bring a very huge risk, because Korean Air expands too much, it is easy to lose sight of the other in the face of competition, and joint sales with Delta Air Lines can help reduce Such a risk! "

Zhao Xian\'e\'s performance really exceeded Yang Cheng\'s expectations. Was it analyzed by someone who could do the ridiculous smuggling of luxury goods on his own flight?

Regardless of Zhao Xian\'e\'s purpose, Yang Cheng had to look at her with admiration, and fully affirmed her words, "Yes, before that, Korean Air and Delta Air Lines were the biggest companies in the trans-Pacific market that did not have in-depth cooperation. For aviation companies, this seems to me incredible.

You know, you and we each account for about 8% of the available seats in this market, and the only one with more capacity than our two is United Airlines, which accounts for 13%.

I am afraid that in the eyes of American Airlines, United Airlines and other airlines in Asia, our two airlines, ranked second and third in size in the trans-Pacific market, not only did not exhibit in-depth partnerships, but are still competing with each other. This incident is definitely a big joke

But if you and me become partners, take advantage of Delta\'s domestic market in North America and its position in rb, combined with Korean Air\'s domestic market and extensive resource network in Asia, the energy that bursts out is absolutely earth-shattering. of! "

Zhao Xian\'e believes deeply, "That’s why I hope that Mr. Yang will not lose the confidence in cooperation between you and me because of his father’s rejection. Within the company, as the vice president, I still have a certain right to speak. I will try my best to promote this matter!"

Yang Cheng smiled I don’t understand, Miss Zhao’s appearance today is really elusive. If you hear the conversation between me and your father this morning, you should understand his concerns and how I am. Believe that Miss Zhao can convince Chairman Zhao? "

"I know that Mr. Yang\'s purpose is to control Korean Air, which is equivalent to finding a bridgehead for Delta Air Lines in Asia. My father is naturally unwilling to be a courtier, but I am different. I only have interests in my eyes. The benefits that American Airlines’ global network can bring to Korean Air are beyond our ability to accumulate for many years on our own. Besides, Mr. Yang promised not to interfere with our right to operate, right?

We can continue to manage the company, exert influence, and have greater benefits. Why should we refuse? "

Zhao Xian\'e showed the profit-making side of capital to the fullest, Yang Cheng smiled very happily, happy for the Zhao family to have such an\'excellent\' daughter, she is indeed the best player in South Korea, and it is not too much to call it a model!

If Zhao Lianghao knew that he was sternly rejected in the morning and was sold out by his daughter in the afternoon, how would he feel?

However, these have nothing to do with Yang Cheng. He smiled very brightly and asked, "I have no objection. As long as Miss Zhao can convince your father, I am very willing to see the successful cooperation between the two sides. However, Miss Zhao can really do the best. ?"

Zhao Xian\'e smiled strangely, "Of course, how dare I come to see you in person if I\'m not sure?"

After a pause, Zhao Xian\'e lowered her voice, "However, I hope Mr. Yang will promise me one condition."

Yang Cheng\'s eyelids twitched, "Oh? What conditions?"

"I hope Mr. Yang promises me and will help me become the president of Korean Air after the event is completed!"

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