Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 587: Untitled

Although Korean Air\'s profitability is not very good, it is an airline that occupies more than half of the market share of a developed country. It plays a vital role in its own aviation landscape. Therefore, it is worth paying more for it!

Zhao Xianwen is 33 years old this year. In the first half of his life, he spent two thirds of his childhood, wasting time. The first thing he thinks about every morning is what to buy today. Spending money has become a habit, Miss Temper is spontaneous regardless of time and place. The two sisters and their mothers, the favorite thing in their lives is to watch those powerless and powerless people shivering and kneeling in front of them.

However, Zhao Xianwen never thought that one day, she would have such a weak day.

In front of Yang Cheng, she seemed to feel the feelings of those employees who were usually trembling with scared eyes.

She didn\'t know how she got out of the ward and came home. She was so confused and dizzy all the way, her head was filled with Yang Cheng\'s expression on her. The analysis of Hanjin Shipping was like a magic sound. Resounded in the middle, and kept asking myself in my heart, "Is the company going bankrupt? What will I do in the future?"

So that when she got home, she didn\'t eat or drink. She was bored in the room for a day. She didn\'t notice the same until her parents came home from get off work and heard the report from the servant.

Zhao Lianghao pushed open the door of his daughter\'s room, found the daughter who was lying on the sofa, frowning and asked, "What\'s wrong with you? Are you sick?"

Zhao Liangho doesn’t know the usual domineering behavior of the two daughters, but because he was busy with work in the past and neglected to care for the two daughters, he felt that it was his problem that the daughter became what she is now, so spoiling is inevitable. No matter what misfortune the daughter causes, he always cleans up the mess for her daughter with a\'benevolent father\' heart.

Although their Zhao family\'s reputation is not good, Zhao Lianghao doesn\'t care. In this country controlled by the chaebol, the Zhao family has enough capital and willfulness.

But today\'s daughter\'s strangeness still caused Zhao Liangho\'s suspicion. You must know that under the protection of the Zhao family, no one in South Korea would deliberately have trouble with his daughter, let alone being angry shouldn\'t be the appearance of being unlovable?

"Father~Is our family going bankrupt?" Finally, Zhao Xianwen said, with a cried voice, with anticipation in his eyes, looking forward to hearing the most resolute denial from his father!

Zhao Lianghao\'s pupils shrank, "Who told you?"

Zhao Xianwen usually doesn\'t like to use her brain, and everything depends on her temperament, but it doesn\'t mean she is stupid. Her father did not immediately deny it, which proves that the group\'s situation is indeed not good.

He muttered in a daze, "What he said is true!"

Zhao Lianghao no longer cared about comforting her daughter, and grabbed her daughter\'s arm, "Who is he? Who told you that our family is going bankrupt?"

No one knows the internal and external troubles of Hanjin Shipping better than Zhao Liangho. The interior is completely devastated. It is not near or far from bankruptcy, but few people know this situation, and it is impossible for a daughter who is not in business to know. Yes, which link is wrong? A traitor from within?

Zhao Xianwen settled his mind and retelled the conversation with Yang Cheng in the ward during the day as much as possible.

"You mean that Jason is going to negotiate a deal with us?"

After listening to his daughter\'s retelling process, Zhao Lianghao fell into deep thought and asked for a while.

Zhao Xianwen nodded repeatedly, "That\'s what he said."

Zhao Lianghao\'s tone was frozen, "His purpose is not so simple! No matter, I personally meet this little guy to see what storms he can make!"

Hanjin Shipping has become a heart disease of Zhao Liangho. It is like the cancer cells of the Hanjin Group, which are constantly spreading. If you continue to let it go, it will endanger the life of the group sooner or later, but in the face of the global environment, he has nothing to do. The method, no matter what you do, is a drop in the bucket.

However, although it is an indisputable fact that trade shrinks, global trade began to recover in 2010. From 2011 to 2014, global trade volume exceeded the 2008 level. In 2012, Hanjin Shipping became the first South Korean company to achieve total sales10 The shipping company with trillion won, the global shipping market share reached 3.5% in 2013.

It’s strange here that Hanjin Shipping is still losing money. The net profit losses from 2011 to 2014 were 8354, 6505, 7066 and 447.7 billion won. It can be seen that there are deeper reasons for its losses. This is why Zhao Lianghao is puzzled. .

As far as the shipping industry is concerned, the main revenue is freight. Hanjin Shipping’s losses and the decline in freight rates are directly due to the direct reason. The golden period of shipping before 2008 caused many shipping companies to rapidly expand and seize the market, which directly led to excess capacity after 2008. Many shipping companies have been induced to reorganize and merge to enhance their competitiveness. Advances in technology have further reduced the cost of shipping, so that freight rates did not follow inflation, instead of rising instead of falling.

The large-scale drop in freight rates is indeed one of the important factors affecting Hanjin Shipping\'s profits, but the high to abnormal charter fees are also to blame.

One of the manifestations of the shipping capacity of shipping companies is the number of ships. At present, about 90 of the more than 100 ships of various types owned by Hanjin Shipping are leased. This is a disastrous ratio.

When the maritime industry is booming, charter fees are at a very high level, especially in 2008 and 2009 when Cui Yinying was the chairman of the board, leading many 10-year charter contracts.

The chartering costs of these contracts are quite high compared to the current ones. For example, Seaspan, one of the owners of Hanjin Shipping, has a 10-year contract, and each Hanjin Shipping is provided by Seaspan for 4.3 per day. Million US dollars, and now the charter price fluctuates around 25,000 US dollars a day.

This year Hanjin Shipping\'s revenue is expected to be close to 80 billion won, and the charter fee will reach 110 billion won, and it is estimated that from 2017 to 2020, the charter fee will be as high as 300 billion won. These figures make Zhao Lianghao helpless. On paper.

In fact, the difficult situation since 2008 has not defeated Hanjin Shipping. Shareholders such as Cui Yinying, Zhao Lianghao and other creditors have been working hard to improve the difficult situation of the company and have also achieved certain results. For example, the debt ratio has increased from 1462.5 in 2013. % Decreased to 847.8% in 2015.

Although it was difficult to negotiate with the owner to reduce the charter fee, it still reduced the charter fee to a certain extent. There is also the reduction of liabilities through the sale of some old ships and other assets. Starting at the beginning of this year, in order to solve the funding problem and improve the liquidity of funds, Hanjin Shipping sold some of its office buildings, docks and equity.

In January, Zhao Lianghao sold the office building of Hanjin Shipping in London for US$57 million to a British real estate investment company;

In February, Hanjin Shipping sold the remaining shares of a previously invested company to obtain 30 million US dollars of funds;

Next, Zhao Lianghao is also preparing to sell the equity of the international terminal in Yuenan Vung Tau Province, etc., and is estimated to raise 100 million US dollars for Hanjin Shipping.

But he also realized that although this series of financial measures had a certain effect, they could not stop Hanjin Shipping’s fate.

Now, the news from his daughter gave him another blow. Foreign forces have already focused on the scarred lion of Hanjin Shipping, waiting to die of exhaustion and rushing to drink blood and eat meat.

. . . . . .

"Brother Yang~ I\'ve stopped that kid!"

Yang Cheng was blocked by Li Zhiyu at the entrance of the hotel, yelling through the car window.

"You get in the car first." Yang Cheng couldn\'t shame him, lowered the window and beckoned him to get in the car.

"Brother Yang, don\'t you know, that kid was frightened by the position I put on, and honestly agreed to use it for us." Li Zhiyu said with a stiff neck.

Obviously, he is very satisfied with his performance today.

"He Dacheng has no doubt?" Yang Cheng asked him with a glance.

"Doubt? It doesn\'t matter, as long as he can be obedient." People like Li Zhiyu have unique insights into controlling people\'s hearts.

Fearing that Yang Cheng would not understand, he explained, "He Dacheng has been blinded by anger and hatred, and he has convicted Pu Donghai with all his heart. As for the source of the evidence, he would not want to know."

Yang Cheng frowned, "In the tragedy, although he witnessed the tragic death of his neighbor, he was not his relatives after all. I am afraid that the hatred is not as deep as you think?

There may also be anger, because the upper-level leaders pressured him indiscriminately, which aroused his rebellious psychology. "

Li Zhiyu smiled meaningfully, "Brother Yang, you don’t know that the neighbor who died at that time watched him grow His parents were busy with work, and he spent almost his entire childhood with the lead parent. The memory of childhood is very deep. The relationship between the two families is very good. How can He Dacheng not be angry before the tragic death of the neighbor? The seeds of hatred have been buried for more than ten years, and we have successfully ignited it. Once it erupts, it must be shocking!"

Yang Cheng waved his hand and warned, "Keep watching, I don\'t want him to get out of our control!"

Li Zhiyu replied, "No problem, with the evidence in our hands and Ha Dacheng\'s determination, it is not a big problem to get Park Donghai in. The key is how we can get the equity of Tairong Real Estate from him!"

Yang Cheng is confident about this, "Don\'t worry, you will stop Tairong\'s pressure this time. They will find out soon. By then, they will definitely come forward to negotiate with you. Isn\'t the right to speak in your hands? "

Li Zhiyu wanted to understand the relationship between the left and right, and nodded to comprehend, "Well, I will go back and stare at Ha Dacheng, and I can\'t let him cause other things."

"Yeah~ Until you find out Tai Rong\'s relationship with the organization, don\'t dig up anymore." Yang Cheng reminded.

"I understand that if you get involved too deeply, you will end up revenge completely, which is not consistent with our plan.

After passing through with Yang Chenggou, Li Zhiyu got out of the car and went back to be busy. This guy has recently found the joy of life. He doesn’t go to many nightclubs. He goes out early and returns late every day. His family is very happy to see this change, naturally. \'S have a good impression of Yang Cheng.

Although he is only a collateral line of the Li family, he is considered to be a relatively core branch among the collateral lines. He still has a certain right to speak within the Li family. It is precisely because of this that the cooperation between Li Jian~xi and Yang Cheng caused the whole family Because of the opposition, Li Zhiyu\'s parents stood firmly on Li Jian~xi\'s side regardless of the strange eyes of others.


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