Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 545: Closer and closer

"Brother Yang, I\'ll order you, just tell me if you have anything!"

Yang Cheng didn\'t talk nonsense. It was expected that Li Zhiyu\'s straightforwardness, "find a way to create some trouble for Park Donghai and let him take care of himself, so that we can surprise him and give him a fatal blow."

He is planning to learn from Gu Su Murong and return to his body in the same way. Didn\'t you trouble me? Now the retribution is coming.

Li Zhiyu nodded heavily, "I understand, but to what extent?"

"Do your best. In short, you are not afraid of small troubles, but you can\'t stop, and you can\'t let him relax." Yang Cheng said with a smile.

"I see, Brother Yang, just take a look!"

. . .

Li Zhiyu went to work on the task assigned by Yang Cheng. Before leaving, he specifically asked the nightclub manager to treat Yang Cheng as a god, and threatened him if he dared to make Yang Cheng suffer half-heartedness, he would just smash your shop. Up!

Yang Cheng looked at the respectful nightclub manager in front of him, and said helplessly, "Okay, don\'t be here, arrange a stand for me, wine and various snacks, just don\'t let people come to disturb me. ."

"Yes, yes, I\'ll make arrangements." The manager wiped away his cold sweat and hurried to make arrangements. There was no way, Li Zhiyu put too much pressure on him, and he couldn\'t tolerate him being sloppy!

Yang Cheng was also in a bad mood and was not planning to go back too early. After the manager had arranged, he shook the bottle and went down to the second floor. The deck in the center was emptied, waiting for Yang Cheng to arrive.

The scale of this nightclub is much larger than that of yesterday, but it is similar to that of yesterday. There is no difference. At most, there are more people. In addition, the fried fish sticks taste good, which should be fried by the British.

A deck that can accommodate more than 2o people, only Yang Cheng sits there to drink, and there are two door gods, one black and one white, guarding each other, just like the ancient king sitting on a dragon chair and overlooking the officials. The scene also made those beautiful women who came up to look for pleasure discouraged. At first glance, they were not ordinary people. It is better to stay away.

Yang Cheng was eating Zhenghuan alone, suddenly frowning, and carrying a wine bottle to the railing, condescendingly watching a scene on the dance floor, after watching it for a while, he hovered around the deck, waiting for the call at any time. The experience beckoned.

Pointing to the two girls who were entangled below and shouted, "Go, bring those two girls up."

If he reads it right, the two girls who are being pulled by the arms should be Sunny’s teammates Taeyeon and Tiffany. Although they don’t know them, they also know that Tiffany is a typical American pie, clubbing and the like. It\'s normal, but Taeyeon is a real housemaid, why is she here too?

I lit a cigar in his hand and watched the exhibition below. The man who seemed to be dragging Taeyeon was also a celebrity, and I knew them.

After a while, I saw the manager hurriedly downstairs, explaining something to a few people, and then raised his head and pointed to Yang Cheng, who was lying on the railing and looking down. Several people raised their heads. Taeyeon was short-sighted. The light was dim again, and it took a long time to recognize Yang Cheng. I don’t know what else was said. The male star looked very excited, but there was no follow-up action and let Taeyeon and the others leave.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Yang Cheng stopped watching and returned to the deck to continue drinking.

A few minutes later, the manager brought Taeyeon and the others over, "Young Master, fortunately not insulting my life~"

Yang Cheng rolled his eyes, daring to take credit for something big, waved his hand to let him leave, patted the seat next to him, and said to the two extremely well-dressed young members, "Sit, are you not injured?"

Tiffany\'s face was a bit ugly, but Taeyeon seemed very calm, seemingly accustomed to it.

Pulled Tiffany\'s arm, sat down, and thanked Yang Cheng, "In the afternoon, I heard Yoona said that you came to Korea and there was no time to say hello. Thank you."

Yang Cheng poured a glass of wine for each of them, dangling a cigar and dang his legs on the table, "Everyone knows, I naturally can\'t see you being bullied. What are the men? Do you want me to help you solve it? ?"

Taeyeon shook her head again and again, and said embarrassedly, "It\'s okay, they may be drinking too much. They are all seniors in the entertainment industry, so it\'s not easy to be held accountable."

Tiffany is not so magnanimous, "Taigu, you are too soft-hearted. That guy has entangled you not once or twice because of his senior status. I blame me and shouldn\'t bring you to the nightclub."

The two came to the nightclub with heavy makeup, **** semi-perspective dresses and high heels, don\'t you wait to be teased?

Yang Cheng shook his head speechlessly, "Suppress you with a drink. If you need it, just speak up. I can help as much as possible."

Tiffany was about to speak immediately, but Taeyeon pulled her a glass of wine and gestured to Yang Cheng, “Mr. Yang, I really don’t bother you anymore. Thank you for the matter just now.”

After finishing talking, I raised my head and killed the whiskey, but I forgot the reality that I was a drunkard. The hot alcohol on my stomach and the blushing little face could not cover the blush from deep in the skin, and the little head couldn’t. Swinging consciously, he smirked, "Hey~ this wine is so strong!"

Tiffany clutched his forehead and couldn\'t bear to look directly, and smiled at Yang Cheng in kind, "Tai Gu doesn\'t drink well."

Yang Cheng suffocated a smile, "I can see it~" pushed the snack tray on the table let her eat something to press! "

When Taeyeon was drunk, she acted like a child. She acted like a baby in Tiffany\'s arms, but she was obedient. She handed her French fries and took them to eat.

"Do you often come to nightclubs?" Yang Cheng was boring drinking alone. At this moment, someone accompanied to speak, just to open the chattering box.

Tiffany fed her good girlfriend something to eat, gently leaned Taeyeon on the sand, and gestured to Yang Cheng with a wine glass, and squinted her crescent eyes with a sweet smile, "I come often, Taigu Taizhai I only came out occasionally when I was dragged by me. I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing today."

Taeyeon is already drowsy, the full glass just now is her usual night\'s measure, not to mention that she drank some red wine before.

No one stopped this one, Tiffany can finally vomit quickly, "Taigu is very popular among seniors in the circle. From debut to now, I don’t know how many seniors have shown love to her in secret, and even some use their senior status. Fortunately, the beasts that are trying to force the company are fairly well protected, and nothing terrible happens..."

Yang Cheng was quietly in front of the tree hole, tiffany told stories and all sorts of complaints, clinking glasses from time to time, unknowingly, two bottles of Hennessy xo were solved, not to mention tiffany, even Yang Cheng began to dizzy.

The more Tiffany talked, the happier he was. Finally seized an opportunity to confide all the grievances he had suffered over the years. Yang Cheng was also happy to listen. The gossip of the entertainment industry is the most interesting gossip in the world.

The girl became more excited as she talked about it. Later, for convenience, she simply sat next to Yang Cheng. The light dress was completely unobstructed. Under the stimulation of alcohol, the two got closer and closer. . .

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