Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 537: Physical hazard

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"Jason, welcome to South Korea. We had a fate at a cocktail party in New York. I wonder if you still have an impression?"

Li Zairong’s reminder made Yang Cheng’s mind a picture immediately appeared. That was when the first Galaxy smartphone from San~Star was launched in the United States. During a promotion meeting held by San~Star in the United States, Yang Cheng did have a relationship with Li Zairong, but it was just a few words of politeness, and there was not much chatting. That time, Yang Cheng was too bored to eat and drink.

"Yes, in Brother Rong, I didn\'t expect you to have such a good memory. If you don\'t remind me, you will forget it." Yang Cheng said with a little shame.

Li Jae Rong didn’t care. He ordered Yang Cheng in the void and joked, “I have a good memory because you behaved too differently at the time. The dignified Young Master Yang actually ran to our San~Star banquet. I still don’t believe the people who report to me."

As soon as these words came out, regardless of whether it was Li Jian~ Hee or Li Fu~ Really, they all laughed. Even the juniors behind were holding back and did not dare to laugh, but they were also very uncomfortable. It shivered like a floating device.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "Brother Rong, this is not good. I haven\'t seen him for many years. I teased me as soon as I met. It\'s easy to lose friends."

Lee Jae-yong laughed again, but it was enough, "Haha~, you are still so funny, if you are not in a hurry to leave Korea, wait for me to sit down, I believe it is a very pleasant thing to chat with you."

Yang Cheng certainly wouldn\'t refuse, "Of course it\'s good, I\'ll make an appointment another day."

"Let\'s go, the greeting ends here. Let\'s go in and have a chat while eating." Li Fu~ As Yang Cheng\'s most familiar person here, he took the initiative to terminate the unnutritious courtesy and led everyone into the main building in front.

From the perspective of the interior decoration style of the main building, like many elderly people in Z country, Li Jian~xi also loves the simple style, a large number of log decorations, antique, solemn but without losing the warmth of home.

Without staying in the living room, everyone went straight to the dining room. There were three long tables in the huge dining room with a dish of side dishes. Even the rich family couldn\'t do without all kinds of kimchi.

After a little scrutiny, it was discovered that this restaurant is so big that it can even hold a small banquet, but from the perspective of the decoration, even the Li family themselves do not use it often. Today, it is considered to be open to welcome Yang Cheng.

Of course, there were a lot of people attending this family banquet. There were only four or five younger generations from the Li family, as well as some middle-aged people. There was no need to know Yang Cheng one by one.

After everyone was seated, Li Jian~xi, as the head of the family, expressed a warm welcome to Yang Cheng, without much nonsense, just started the meal. Yang Cheng also knew that important things could not be discussed now, so he didn\'t think much, and opened his belly. Eat, it just so happened that the porridge he drank in the morning was almost digested, and only after filling his stomach can he fight the old fox.

Don\'t think that the kindness just now is what Li Jian ~ Hee is. Think about it, 7 or 8o-year-olds are still in their prestige. How about going out to spend money on prostitution? Can such a person be simple?

At the end of a relaxed and lively lunch, the juniors moved around the house under Li Zayong’s arrangement, and left first if they had something to do. Yang Chengye followed Li Jian~xi to the study on the second floor, and Li was also with him. Rich~ Really.

Yang Cheng was puzzled, could it really have something to do with Li Fu~? Otherwise, he would not bring his son, but his daughter, which would not be in line with Yang Cheng\'s inherent impression of the old fox.

The study has nothing to introduce. It is similar to the study of many rich people. The two walls are full of books. As for how many books I have read, I don’t know how many books I have read. But judging from the ashes accumulated in the incense burner in the corner of the desk, Li Jian~xi is at home. Most of the time is spent in the study.

Pointing to the sandalwood group and instructing Yang Cheng to do it casually, he walked slowly to the desk, took a copy from the pile of documents, walked back and handed it to Yang Cheng, sat opposite Yang Cheng, and asked with a smile. "I heard that you have a good relationship with my daughter?"

Yang Cheng didn\'t know. So, what, do you still want to marry a divorced old woman? Li Jian~Hee won\'t be so whimsical even if he gets lost.

After dispelling his random thoughts, he smiled really at Li Fu, nodded and said, "It\'s really good, we can talk very well."

Li Jianxi exclaimed, "That\'s good, let Fu~ really cooperate with you this time, I\'m relieved."

Before opening the folder that I just took over, Yang Cheng still doesn\'t know what Li Jian ~ Hee is going to say, but it\'s definitely not easy.

"You can take the documents back and read them slowly. It\'s just some information, but I want to say below, I hope you listen carefully." At this time, Li Jian ~ Hee Cai had the style of a Korean hegemon.

Yang Orange put down the folder and said respectfully, "I listen to it with all ears."

"After the new zf came to power, it has increased the monitoring of various consortia, and has repeatedly forced us to be transparent about the group, but this is not something that can be easily achieved, and I don\'t want to see it, otherwise I will not It will take 10 years to strengthen control through mutual shareholding between Jian~Hee\'s face suddenly turned pale after these words, which surprised Yang Cheng. , I was fine just now, why did I suddenly become weak, isn\'t it?

He had a faint guess, but he was not sure, and he glanced at Li Fu~zhen with his light. Seeing her nervous expression flashed by, the suspicion in his heart was even stronger.

Li Jian~Hee is not a mortal, so he adjusted his state immediately, and then said, "This time I specially let rich~I really invited you to Korea, just to find a powerful helper for San~Star outside of Korea, no! It is a partner to resist the pressure of zf."

Yang Cheng thoughtfully, after the prostitutes came to power, they repeatedly suppressed the chaebols, completely forgetting how she was pushed to the highest throne by the chaebols. However, her real purpose is to bankrupt these chaebols? Of course not. No one knows better than her that South Korea’s chaebol is the pillar of the country. Once the pillar becomes ruined, the country will be over.

So while she was only gaining popular support by suppressing the chaebols, she took the opportunity to smash a fortune, and strengthened her deterrence against the chaebols with three birds with one stone. This abacus is so loud, it can be honest, so naive Means, in the eyes of Li Jian~xi, who has been playing for a lifetime, he can\'t keep it for long. If he is 10 years younger, he won\'t even take this kind of deterrence seriously.

However, now, he has traveled far and wide to relocate soldiers to the United States. In addition to feeling the great pressure of ZF, he probably has no confidence in his body. He is afraid that if he falls, the century-old consortium built by the two generations of father and son will be destroyed. Once it becomes the wool harvested by the country!

The hidden dangers of the body are irresistible to manpower, otherwise it would not be so urgent, right? It seems that I don\'t hesitate to take advantage of myself!

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