Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 534: 1.5 million in half an hour

CY Entertainment’s two short legs, one is the TV station, and the other is the lack of power in the music industry. Although it holds shares in S~M and has a certain right to speak on the board of directors, it is not its own company after all, only to cultivate oneself My idol group is the kingly way. If you are lucky enough to grow into a group like Girls’ Generation, wouldn’t the money be rolling in? 30 billion a year is no joke.

However, in the Korean entertainment industry, the status of the music industry is slightly higher than that of the entertainment industry. It is always inferior to the film and television actors. Therefore, SBS TV is still the top priority, at least through the TV station, directly or indirectly controlling some small Entertainment companies are also good.

At this time, the silence of the rest time in the arena slowly reignited the boiling momentum. Two boxers in red and blue shirts, one left and one right, separated the crowd with the help of their assistants and stepped onto the ring. In a high tone, the information of the two was introduced. Of course, the facts about the fight were not known to outsiders.

"Brother Yang~ The game is about to begin." Li Zhiyu stood up excitedly and reminded.

Yang Cheng tasted the red wine and looked at Yan Zhengxun with a smile, "Mr. Yan Zhengxun, is it a bit boring to just bet on money? How about adding some condiments on top of the 500,000 US dollars?"

Yan Zhengxun\'s eyes were full of vigilance. After the impulse just passed, he already regretted it. Knowing that Yang Cheng was agitating him, he stupidly charged upwards. At this moment, Yang Cheng didn\'t know what moth he was thinking of.

"What do you want to add?"

Yang Cheng\'s eyes flickered to the beautiful woman next to him, Yan Zhengxun\'s heart tightened, and when he was about to say no, Yang Cheng preemptively said, "Plus that role, if you win, not only will you get 50 for nothing." Ten thousand dollars can also allow your wife to act as the female No. 1 of the big production as you wish. On the contrary, you will not only lose half a million dollars, but also completely cut off your wife’s hope of coming back."

Han Jiaren’s apricot eyes stared at Yan Zhengxun nervously, and she spoke intentionally, but she didn’t know what she should say. It would be too arbitrary to say yes, but disagree. Her husband’s face was greatly insulted. It was a dilemma. Of course, from the bottom of my heart, she is faintly looking forward to Yeon Jeong-hoon\'s agreement. There is at least a 50% chance, isn\'t it? Better than the one who sent yourself to Yang Cheng, right?

"I agree~"

Yang Cheng couldn\'t help being surprised. He thought that Yan Zhengxun would agree, but he didn\'t expect that he would agree so simply and quickly. Is this guy\'s brain circuit abnormal? Don\'t you need to discuss with his wife?

But this was just what he wanted, so he settled the matter without much thought, "Okay, that\'s it, we will decide the outcome of the game!"

In the arena, the red side is the boxer that Yeon Jung-hoon made bets. He is a professional black boxer and has rich experience in various small moves. The blue side is a special soldier that Hansen is optimistic about. Although he is a Korean, he is trained on the battlefield by the army. Experience is not comparable to a few black fists, and Yang Cheng also agrees with this analysis.

At this time, the blue special forces are taking a relatively conservative attitude, calmly coping with the opponent\'s fierce offensive. It looks like a violent storm, but in fact, there are few killer moves that hit the special forces. When they came out, they only knew that the red side had an advantage as soon as they came on the court, and launched a crazy attack. The blue side could not breathe under pressure. Obviously, it would take a few minutes to PK off the opponent with absolute strength.

Yeon Jung Hoon is obviously one of the people who don\'t know how to do it. Seeing him standing in front of the glass window dancing and dancing, people who don\'t know think he gave birth to a son.

Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head. What does that sentence say, winning first is not a win, but the last one is the king!

What\'s more, as the game progressed, Hansen also stood behind him with a smile, obviously knowing the result of the game.

"Ding~" The referee rang the bell and ended the first round of the game. The two had no winners or losers for the time being, but the red side was obviously more dominant, but in fact it did not cause any actual damage to the special soldier.

"Congratulations, Mr. Yan Zhengxun, it seems that you are one step closer to 500,000 US dollars." Yang Cheng seemed to sincerely raised the wine glass and rushed to Yan Zhengxun to signal, as if he didn\'t care about winning or losing.

This made Yan Zhengxun a little depressed, and he pinched his nose and said, "Thanks to Mr. Yang, luck is better."

Yang Cheng smirked, "Luck is also part of strength."

After all, it is not a regular game. The rules of black boxing are not so strict. It is said that it is a one-minute rest. In less than 30 seconds, the referee called the two back to Taichung, and quickly issued instructions to continue the game.

This time the special forces were not conservative anymore. They seemed to have figured out the opponent’s way. As soon as they shot, they went straight to the opposite side. They were caught off guard and won’t be forgiving. When the opponent was panicking, the special forces made a casual note. Yan Zhengxun lay down on the window anxiously as he watched Hong Fang\'s stumbling steps on the court, and he wanted to take a sneak attack.

Seeing this, Yang Cheng looked back at Hansen and smiled. They knew that this game was over. As a special soldier, the empiricist mistake of killing snakes would never be made.

Sure enough, the raindrops of the special soldier’s fists accurately landed on the vital parts of the red boxer, and he was very experienced in blocking the opponent in the corner of the ring, unable to escape, and even had no room to faint. , Until completely lost consciousness, the game finally ended.

Yan Zhengxun, whose faces were ashen ashes, and the desperate Han Jiaren, were not willing to turn their heads to face Yang Cheng easily, for fear of being ridiculed by the 360-degree blind spot.

However, after they think too much, Yang Cheng is not so naive. It is never a gentleman\'s behavior to mock his opponent, not to mention the presence of a beauty.

Yang Cheng put down the wine glass, very calm, but with a dark belly, learning what Yan Zhengxun said just now, "Oh~ things are fickle, let\'s take over Mr. Yan Zhengxun."

I picked up the check on the table and tore it out and threw it into the trash can, while the bank card was stuffed directly into Hansen\'s hands. "It just so happens that I earned the money from the dinner party today."

Yan Zhengxun clenched his fists tightly, his joints were pinched white, and his eyes were cracked. It was a pity that Yang Cheng couldn\'t see enough of this way.

"Oh, by the way, Miss Han Jiaren, I can only say sorry for your role. It seems that you have no relationship with this role, but it doesn\'t matter, there will be opportunities in the future."

Yang Cheng didn\'t know that his indifferent tone was the greatest mockery, and the most invisible killing was the most harmful.

"Brother Yang, there are two more games next. Why don\'t you give Mr. Yan Zhengxun a chance?" Li Zhiyu provided assists in a timely manner. Du disciple knew that he couldn\'t understand more in his heart, always thinking about rewriting, it was they who fell step by step. The biggest cause of the abyss.

Yang Cheng looked at Mr. Yan Zhengxun playfully, "How about it? I don\'t mind playing with you if you want to. Money is a small matter, and happiness is the most important thing."

Yan Zhengxun was indeed uninspired, but Han Jiaren was already sober. This is the set set by Yang Cheng, waiting for the couple to drill in, hurriedly pulling Yan Zhengxun, and whispered in his ear, "husband, Calm down, you can\'t beat him."

To say that this man, the most uncomfortable thing is that he is inferior to other men in the eyes of his wife. Obviously, Han Jiaren has shown such thoughts several times tonight, so that he, who was jealous of him, did not expect his wife to do it for Hello, I coldly glanced at the extremely proud face of the past, and said in a hoarse voice, "Mr. Yang, I am very happy tonight. Of course I can\'t be disappointed. Let\'s have another game?"

Han Jiaren wanted to pull, but Yan Zhengxun threw it away, picked up the iPad, and checked the information of both sides in the next match.

Li Zhiyu smiled triumphantly at Yang Cheng, meaning that my little brother is doing this beautifully, right?

Yang Cheng didn\'t speak, and gave a thumbs up.

How much can you buy for half a million dollars? In the United States, you can buy a Rolls Royce, you can buy a very good house, you can take a walk-in trip, and even the living expenses of most families for many years.

But in the eyes of Yang Cheng, this 500,000 US dollars is just a tool he used to tease his sister, not to mention that he also earned another 500,000 US dollars with this 500,000 US As for Yan Zhengxun? He is not in the mood to understand what 500,000 US dollars means to him. He knows that he has a breath in his heart. If he doesn’t send it out, he will easily suffer internal injuries. It’s only 500,000 US dollars. The big deal is that he will make a few more plays and make money soon. come back.

The two people started the next gambling game with different minds. In front of Korea\'s top son, Yang Cheng continued to work hard, just like the special forces in the ring that solved all opponents cleanly and swiftly. Within hours, he made 1.5 million US dollars, which came much faster than robbing the bank.

Looking at Yeon Jung Hoon at this time, how can he still have the strength to get angry? His eyes looked hollow. Although the $1.5 million loss would not make him bankrupt, it hurt his muscles and bones more or less. At least before he received a new play, they might have been in a pinch for a while.

Han Jiaren\'s heart also stopped watering, and even a chill rose from the soles of her feet. Her eyes were full of fear when she looked at Yang Cheng. This young man was talking and laughing like this, playing with her husband and herself, even both. I have never shown muscles once, and crushed by hard power is completely suppressed by IQ. This is the most terrifying.

Seeing him clinking glasses with Li Zhiyu to celebrate, Han Jiaren suddenly had the urge to completely withdraw from the entertainment circle. This dense circle of werewolves is not something a little white rabbit like her can afford.

"Okay, let\'s be here tonight. Thank you for hosting Zhiyu. I will see your aunt tomorrow and I will say something to her." Yang Cheng stood up and patted Li Zhiyu on the shoulder. So far, He was in a very happy mood. Not only did he cheat on Yan Zhengxun to make some pocket money, he also attracted a few strong little brothers, not to mention that there are more wonderful things waiting for him!

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