Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 5: Mom Liu Yun

"Hiss..." Sitting in the driver\'s seat of the sports car, Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but frowned and took a breath.

   The excitement of seeing this white Ferrari F12 has long since disappeared, replaced by the soreness of the waist and the pain from time to time.

   "Damn..." Yang Cheng cursed in a low voice.

Megan Williams, the co-pilot, didn\'t pay attention to Yang Cheng\'s abnormality at all. He tilted his head and big eyes and turned around, looking at this, touching that. The best car she had ever rode in the past was a taxi driven by her boyfriend. , What brand is it? Can\'t remember.

It’s not that she looks like she’s never seen the world. If it weren’t for someone else, Yang Cheng would have to fiddle with this coveted sports car in her previous life even if she was suffering. Laferrari is already on the market, I don’t know if it’s too late to order.

   Once again, with such good conditions, it shouldn\'t be difficult to gather the three great cars, Yang Cheng set a small goal for himself in his heart.

Started the engine, nodded to express gratitude to the parking brother who helped him to channel the traffic in front of him, and clicked the accelerator. The roaring 12-cylinder engine immediately responded, but Yang Cheng did not dare to drive fast. First, the traffic flow on Park Avenue was compared. Density, second, he was afraid that the fierce push back would cut off his fragile waist.

   "Jason, this car is great." Megan finally satisfied her curiosity, her beautiful eyes gleaming with golden light, and with a hint of anger, she shouted to Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng forced a whistle without responding.

   The destination of the two is Fifth Avenue, which is only one street away, not far away.

Yang Cheng driving a Ferrari always has a sense of powerlessness. He is very familiar with the car, but his consciousness is a little bit unable to keep up. How can I put it to say, it is like driving a supercar in a Santana way. It is very awkward. When something goes wrong, it seems that the American people and the people of Country Z are very similar in one respect. They hide away from luxury cars.

   This is the conclusion reached by Yang Cheng through the rearview mirror and seeing a blank space within 10 meters of his car.

   F12 steadily stopped outside a building covered by a white foggy glass curtain. From a distance, it was cold, refined, modern, and artistic.

   This is the world\'s largest LV flagship store, with 4 floors and an area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters.

   "hey, goodafternoon, jason." After struggling to stand up from Ferrari\'s low car, Yang Cheng heard someone greet him from behind.

Good manners do not need to go through the brain, subconsciously turned and smiled, looking at the fat white man wearing casual jeans and shirt in front of him, he was shocked and hugged, "Wow, kimi, when did you come to New York? Why not? give me a call?"

   The man named Kimi also hugged Yang Cheng, patted Yang Cheng\'s back with his big hand, and replied with a happy face, "I just arrived last night, and the group arranged a designer tour, and it was my turn to come to New York."

After a pause, he saw Megan Williams walk around the front of the car and walk to Yang Cheng, naturally holding Yang Cheng\'s arm, Kimi\'s eyes lit up, and he continued slyly, "Damn, I envy you. Hire a **** that women love."

   Yang Cheng laughed with joy, turned his head, winked at Kimi and said softly, "They love my money more than I am."

   "Haha, that\'s right, okay, I won\'t talk to you anymore, I\'m still going to have something to do, and we will have a carnival the other day." Kimi laughed and banged his fist with Yang Cheng, making a wink that a man understands, and left.

   Megan was a little dissatisfied that Yang Cheng didn\'t introduce her, but was quickly pressed to the bottom of his heart, pretending to look at Kimi\'s back naturally and asked, "Jason, who is he? It seems to have a good relationship with you."

Yang Cheng understood Megan’s careful thoughts when he thought about it. He took pleasure in his heart, but said calmly, "LV\'s menswear design director, more than 70% of my suits are customized by him. ,is my good friend."

After saying that, without giving Megan a chance to continue inquiries, she took her hand and walked towards the flagship store. The welcoming staff at the door had already noticed them, not mentioning Kimijones, or his mother Liu Yun, or the face of Yang Cheng. Far away dare not say that only the clerk of the major luxury stores on Fifth Avenue does not know him, and there will never be a **** face attack.

People who work here will get a super vip list the first time they go to work, and they will be asked by the leader to memorize every face on the list, and their corresponding names, preferences, and habits. Yang Cheng is definitely from each family. One of the top five or even the top three on the brand list.

Nonsense, anyone who spends tens of millions of dollars a year to buy luxury goods can get this kind of treatment. However, they will spend no less money. Anyway, lv has never been a habit of discounting, and no one can do it. The arrogant French would never allow discounts to increase sales. That would be an insult to them, and the Gallic rooster would not bow his head.

   "Welcome, good afternoon, Mr. Yang." The beauty service shopping guide opened the door with Yang Cheng\'s steps and greeted respectfully.

   Yang Cheng glanced at the other party\'s badge and smiled, "Hello, Emily, if I remember correctly, you should be a newcomer, right?"

   Although the beauty shopping guide named Emily was a little surprised, she didn\'t dare to neglect, "Yessir, you remember correctly, I joined the day before yesterday."

   "Take this lady around on the first floor, and wrap up the bags you like. I\'ll come down to check out in a while." Yang Cheng ordered.

People who can work in the lv flagship store, even the lowest level shopping guide, are not ordinary people. If they are not good, they graduated from a prestigious university. Why can’t Yang Cheng say the meaning in his words, but only allow Megan to buy The products on the first floor, the first floor are mostly mass production models, the price will not exceed 50,000 US dollars.

   Megan dazzled as soon as he entered here. He didn\'t hear what Yang Cheng said to Emily, otherwise he would hate Yang Cheng even more.

   Yang Cheng originally wanted to experience the feeling of spending money in person, but it was too much to say hello to his mother\'s site.

   So he handed Megan to Emily in charge, and he moved his long legs, said hello to the smiles of the shopping guides, and took the elevator to the 4th floor.

Mother Liu Yun is the global vice president of the lvmh group, not the vice president of the lv brand. LVMH owns more than 50 brands. LV is just one of the most famous. Others include Moët Hennessy, Dom Perignon, Givenchy, Fendi, etc. Wait.

In theory, Liu Yun has jurisdiction over these brands, but there are as many as 4 senior vice presidents in the entire lvmh group. Liu Yun is mainly responsible for the clothing and perfume fields because of her keen fashion vision and ability to predict trends. The first vice president recognized internally, second only to CEO and group CFO in the senior management team.

   As the elevator door slowly opened to both sides, stepped on the carpet printed with the LV logo and walked forward.

   The entire 4th floor, in addition to my mom’s office, there are also designer’s workshops and modeling rooms to meet the top VIP customization needs.

When Yang Cheng walked in, a staff member came in and out from the room on the right. It was estimated that they were doing styling for the client. Yang Cheng glanced at it, turned to the left, and walked along the corridor full of photos of LV classic products. In front of the slightly heavy door, he pushed the door and walked in without knocking.

The huge office area is nearly 200 square meters. The office with noble purple as the main color is full of luxury. In the middle of the office, a huge tropical fish tank with a length of more than 3 meters separates the rest area, the reception area and the office area, no matter where it is. From the angle, you can admire the colorful tropical fishes and play among the cabbage coral polyps.

   "Mom..." Yang Cheng simply surveyed this expensive office, ran to the irregular black desk, and shouted to his mother who was bowing her head at work.

   Liu Yun was not surprised by Yang Cheng\'s sudden visit. In fact, he had an assistant call to inform him before he even entered.

   Yang Cheng felt a little frustrated when the prank hadn\'t worked, and couldn\'t help but wonder, "Did I imitate it wrong?"

   After waiting for dozens of seconds, Liu Yun finished signing the documents on the table, and then raised her head with an abusive expression, her face with elegant makeup, as if she had never been eroded by the years.

   When Liu Yun gave birth to Yang Cheng, she was less than 20 years old. She and her father, Yang Sen, completely got on the bus first and then made up for the fare. So don’t look at Yang Cheng both 26. By the end of this year, it will be her mother’s 46th birthday.

The petite figure is disproportionately behind this large desk, but the powerful aura envelopes the entire room. The black wavy hair is casually draped on one side, which is full of charm, but if anyone thinks Liu Yun’s temper is similar to her The body formation is proportional, and it must be deadly ugly.

"Yeah, isn\'t this our Young Master Yang? Which wind blows Young Master Yang to the flat-headed people? The sun hasn\'t come out from the west, right?" Liu Yun\'s Beijing film hurts people but is merciless. My son is useless.

Grandfather Liu Muqian grew up in Beijing Hutong, and only went abroad in his 20s. Later, he immigrated to the United States. Although Liu Yun was born in the United States, but under the influence of his grandfather since childhood, UU reading speaks Mandarin with a strong Beijing flavor. It is not difficult to understand.

Yang Cheng walked around the desk with a smile, came behind his mother, gave her a cheeky kiss on her left cheek, then put her arms around her and said affectionately, "Hey, look at what you said, I am not here to come. Are you here?"

This trick was unpleasant to my mother. Liu Yun pretended to be disgusted and raised her hand to wipe the saliva on her face. She turned her head, hating iron and steel, and stretched out Qianqianyu\'s finger, and hit Yang Cheng\'s forehead hard, "You Every time you say you come to this set with me, have you eaten?"

   My mother is impatient, and her temper comes and goes quickly. As soon as her son expresses his feelings to her, the previous uncomfortableness vanishes in a blink of an eye and she turns to care about her son\'s appetite.

   Yang Cheng felt a warm current flowing across his heart. He was an orphan in his previous life and had never experienced family affection. Suddenly there was a mother who cared about him all the time, just like a long drought in the rain, holding back tears without crying.

   "Eat, don\'t worry Mom, how about you? Don\'t always be busy with work, rest when you need to rest..."

   Liu Yun rolled her eyes and shook her goosebumps. She spit out, "You kid won\'t cause me any trouble, right? You said such nasty things."

   Yes, this one doesn\'t have to bear or tears.

   Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "No, really no, I just miss you, stop by and take a look at you."

   Liu Yun muttered something dullly, but Yang Cheng didn\'t hear it. Anyway, he just expressed his unbelief, nothing good.

   Although my mother has some weird attributes, Yang Cheng still feels unprecedented warmth. This is family affection, no matter how hard you work and how much money you can’t buy.

   "By the way, mom, I\'m going home for dinner tonight. I asked White to inform the house, and you should go home early." Yang Cheng said, picking up the jade decorations on the table and playing with it.