Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 486: Yukata mold

Lying in the garden room, the natural sea breeze is blowing, the sea breeze is mixed with the fragrance of the garden, and the moonlight gently spills into the room. Xu Ling plays for a day, and his physical strength is completely dry, getting rid of the initial embarrassment and entanglement. Sleeping with Yang Cheng and Chuang, leaning on Yang Cheng\'s shoulder, sleeping soundly, everything is so peaceful and peaceful.

Yang Cheng couldn\'t sleep, she was checking emails with her mobile phone. It was Hawaiian Airlines\' data compiled by Susu. Skip its financial report. Yang Cheng focused on Hawaiian Airlines\' strategic planning and layout in the past two years.

Because this is related to the world’s largest consumer market, he cannot afford to ignore it. In fact, Yang Cheng’s reason for encouraging his father to acquire Delta Air Lines is that, in addition to the consideration of strengthening the family’s strength, his pockets will increase in the coming years. The people of the z country became greedy.

At this point, Hawaiian Airlines’ management and Yang Cheng’s ideas coincided with each other. Since last year, Hawaiian Airlines has been trying to enter the Z country market and spread the brand “Hawaiian Airlines” to consumers in the country Z. Of course, the ultimate goal of all this is to attract tourists from Country Z to the tourist destination of the Hawaiian Islands.

And if Yang Cheng can acquire Lanai Island, together with the resort projects invested by him, Situ Yanran, and David Ellison and Paris Hilton on the Big Island, it will initially form a simple tourism industry chain. Acquiring an international travel agency, attracting tourists, and then taking tourists to their own tourist attractions through their own airlines for holiday consumption, this is likely to become another industry pillar under the name of Yangcheng.

All this is not fantastic. Based on the huge population of country Z and the growing consumer group, once the industrial chain is formed, Yang Cheng is very confident that he can occupy a big piece of the cake!

Statistics show that with the improvement of family economic conditions and changes in the demographic structure, country z is increasingly showing its strong strength as a source country of outbound tourists. Data from the National Tourism Administration of country z shows that the number of outbound tourists in the country is expected to increase in 2015. With 120 million person-times, the outbound tourism shopping market is approaching 700 billion yuan, of which more than 80% are consumed by self-guided tourists. With such a huge market scale, will local tourism bureaus and airlines just miss it? The saying that tourists from country Z win the world is not for nothing!

Among the many popular tourist attractions in the world, Hawaii is undoubtedly one of the hottest attractions. In 2014, the number of tourists to Hawaii from the Z mainland increased by 29.1%, and contributed more than approximately US$420 million in annual tourist spending. In 2015 This momentum must grow. According to the National Tourism Administration’s forecast, this proportion will continue for several years at a growth rate of 10%.

Last year was the first year that Hawaiian Airlines opened a direct flight between Beijing and Honolulu. Although the current data is not amazing, with only tens of millions of dollars in direct passenger consumption, Hawaiian Airlines is full of confidence in the Z country market. Accidentally, this number is simply easy and enjoyable.

At present, the Hawaiian Airlines Z country branch is actively conveying the passion of Hawaii to the Z country market. Of course, this is also part of the brand marketing. The main method is to invite well-known travel experts from the country Z to Hawaii to explore and experience the purest Hawaiian customs. , I hope that through their words and lenses, they will convey the beauty to more potential consumers in country Z.

Travel professionals will complete a series of challenges in Hawaii, such as learning hula dancing, playing ukuleles, and making innovative dishes inspired by Hawaiian Airlines’ meals under the guidance of Hawaiian Airlines’ executive chefs.

The data intercepted several travellers’ comments on the trip to Hawaii: "From the moment I set foot on Hawaiian Airlines, I felt a strong Hawaiian style. Through the experience of Hawaii’s iconic hula dance and the natural and healthy ocean Ecological and Hawaiian Airlines’ unique hospitality philosophy and flight attendant services, I have a deeper understanding of Hawaiian Airlines’ aloha spirit, that is, people’s heartfelt passion, kindness and care for others and the world."

Another travel writer shared his feelings with everyone on social media: “Under the blue sea and blue sky, I learn to mix wine, roast coffee, play ukulele, and even cook with Mr. Hawaiian Airlines. During this trip, I remembered more than that, but also the ubiquitous aloha spirit in Hawaii. Hawaiian Airlines incorporated this aloha spirit that represents warmth, friendliness and caring into the corporate culture and service, let us as guests, Feeling attentive all the time during the journey."

Seeing this, Yang Orange curled his lips silently, and sneered, "How much public relations fees these unscrupulous guys actually charge!"

In fact, if Yang Cheng is the CEO of Hawaiian Airlines, this kind of brainwashing cultural propaganda is very necessary. What is the essence of viral marketing? It is constantly through various methods to make the things you want to convey appear in the eyes, ears and minds of consumers!

When all this forms a lingering impression, it is possible to transform this impression into a substantial consumption motivation, and this will achieve the effect of viral marketing!

For example, Hawaiian Airlines. In the past, consumers in country Z recognized this brand as "friendly, enthusiastic, and cost-effective for leisure travelers"-just cheap!

And with time and time again, tireless marketing activities, and Hawaiian Airlines\' continuous launch of new products, such as equipped with 180-degree flat seats on the plane, let customers experience a high-end experience with a higher cost performance. The inherent impression of cheapness is gradually being reversed!

Yang Cheng put down his phone, sorted out his thoughts, digested the content he had just accepted, and after a few moments of thought, he made a decision. Hawaiian Airlines wants it! He also wants Hawaiian Island Air! The most important thing is Lanai, he also decided to take it, not only to sell the favor of the Ellison family, but also to his overall plan, has a vital role!

Thinking of this, he couldn\'t sleep even more, his eyes widened, he carefully pulled out his shoulders and arms from under Xu Lingyue\'s small head, tiptoed down Chuang, took off the bathrobe on the hanger, and quietly left the room.

"Hey, where are you?" Yang Cheng asked hurriedly when he called David Ellison at the door of the room.

"Um~ I\'m in the manor, what\'s the matter?" David Ellison is a complete night owl. It is less than 10 o\'clock. Yang Cheng is not worried about disturbing his deep sleep. Sure enough, his voice sounded very energetic.

"Manor? Call the hotel and ask them to send a car to take me there!" Yang Cheng had planned to forget it and wait until tomorrow, but after another thought, everything came out, so let\'s go.

David Ellison might have guessed the hidden meaning behind Yang Cheng\'s anxiety, and answered without hesitation, "Well, you go directly to the hotel lobby, I\'ll call!"

Soon, Yang Cheng didn\'t wait long, and an employee led Yang Cheng into a Mercedes-Benz car. After it started, it disappeared into the night.

Originally there was no traffic jam on the island. I couldn’t see a few cars during the day, and there was not even a car at night, and the distance between the street lights was very long, bright and dark. Uncomfortable, this is the only place he feels dissatisfied since he went to the island. Of course, this is not a big problem and will not affect his decision to acquire!

Ellison\'s manor on Lanai Island is located in the northeast, and it is about 20 minutes\' drive from the hotel under the condition of smooth traffic. Yang Cheng\'s complaint did not last long, and the brightly lit manor came into view.

What made Yang Cheng complain again is that Larry Ellison is indeed a senior fan of rb culture. It is not enough to build a Japanese-style manor in Malibu, and another one in Lanai!

The guards of the manor had been notified long ago that there was no possibility of being sneaked in on the island, so the Mercedes-Benz was not stopped for inspection, and passed the gate smoothly and entered the internal road of the manor.

Covered with ink, Yang Cheng couldn’t see how big the manor was, and he didn’t have much interest. After acquiring the Lanai Island shares, he would find another piece of land to rebuild the manor with his own mark, which must be left to the Ellison family. After all, he will not take all 98% of the shares. Besides, even if they do take them all, he cannot push Ellison’s manor. This is a matter of love!

Just when he was thinking about it, the speed of the car slowly slowed down. After stopping, the door was opened for the first time. Yang Cheng thought it was a housekeeper, but it turned out to be David Ellison!

This guy can\'t wait.

But before he could vomit, David Ellison said, "My God, you just came out in a bathrobe?"

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes and shot back angrily, "Why, I have to wear a suit and tie and submit an official greeting?"

David Ellison held back a smile, "Well, I hope you will see my father later, his tone is still so disdainful!"

Yang Cheng was shocked and instantly sluggish, looking at David Ellison incredible, swallowing and confirming, "That, Uncle Larry is there?"

David Ellison laughed arrogantly and laughed unabashedly, in exchange for a violent Yang Cheng.

He put his arm around the neck of the pit, raised his left index finger, and pressed hard bones on David Ellison\'s head crazily, while pressing it back and turning in circles, if it was sharper, it would go straight into the skull!

"Your uncle, you cheated me again. Uncle Larry said before you? Send me back to change clothes quickly!"

Of course Yang Cheng is not afraid to see Larry Ellison, mainly because of the current image. It is a bit impolite to visit someone else\'s house. If only David Ellison is there, he certainly doesn\'t need to pay much attention to it.

David Ellison patted Yang Cheng\'s arm repeatedly to beg for mercy, and finally pulled his head from Yang Cheng\'s imprisoned armpit, and grinned, "Fuck, it hurts me so much. What clothes should I change? Larry is with you. Modeling, you each other each other!"

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