Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 468: Desperate veteran

Yes, it is decadent. Whether it is the main player or the bench player on the bench, they all look down at the floor with dull eyes, and they are completely opposite to the vigorous Clippers on the other side.

Also found this situation is Konrad Koch, as the owners of the Nets, the two naturally pay more attention to their own team, I did not expect to see such a scene.

The hot-tempered Konrad Koch immediately stood up and prepared to give a lecture. Yang Cheng grabbed him and solemnly reminded him, "Conrad, if you have anything to say after the game is over, this is not appropriate."

While the two were talking, the DJ on the scene was reporting the guests to the audience, and the director tacitly presented the captured images on the big screen overhead.

"Let\'s welcome the boss, respectable Mr. Steve Ballmer, it is because of his joining that our Clippers set sail again and make an impact towards the O\'Brien Cup." DJ\'s passionate tone instantly aroused the fans. Passion.

Steve Ballmer stood up, smiled and waved to the surroundings. Then, he pointed to the camera to the side and motioned to the DJ to introduce other guests.

"Next, let us use the warmest applause to welcome the new NBA family. The two owners of the Brooklyn Nets, Jason Young and Konrad Koch, let them experience the horror atmosphere of the Clippers\' home court."


Thunderous applause struck in an instant, wrapping Yang and Orange, of course, followed by a well-meaning "boo", the old and the United States is very entertaining, there is no deadly enmity between the two teams, as for New York and The Los Angeles dispute is a problem between the Knicks and the Lakers. After the boos expressed the majesty of the home court, they once again offered applause and expressed their welcome to the opponent boss.

Steve Ballmer happily smiled and shook hands with Yang Cheng under the introduction of Konrad Koch, "Jason, welcome to Staples."

"Thank you Steve, I can clearly feel the hospitality from the home fans." Yang Orange pretended to be angry and joked.

"Haha, that\'s a must, I hope you and Conrad have a nice evening."

After a few simple polite words, the two sat down to wait for the start of the game. Now is not the time to talk.

And just when DJ introduced Yang Cheng and Konrad Koch, the Brooklyn Nets players got rid of the previous depression and looked in the direction of Yang Cheng with surprise. It was the first time for Yang Cheng. Seeing them, why didn’t they see the true face of the new boss with their own eyes? Regarding the wealth background of the new oss of the Nets, this group of multi-millionaires has no idea about the wealthy, real-life rich men who squeezed out the son-in-law of the Wal-Mart family. , Is also the boss of Arsenal in the Premier League, Stanley Kroenke, who has leapt to fifth place in the ranking of owners of American sports clubs, with a net worth of US$6.7 billion.

Above this number, there are Steve Ballmer\'s 23.7 billion U.S. dollars; Blazers owner Paul Allen’s 17.5 billion U.S. dollars; NHL Los Angeles Kings and Los Angeles Galaxy boss Philip Ann Schutz’s 9.9 billion U.S. dollars; Miami Heat’s boss Mitch Allison\'s 7.7 billion US dollars.

Of course, this is only temporary. After taking a full estimate of Yang Cheng’s net worth, it has been slightly increased compared to last year’s list. Of course, the new Billionaire Billionaire list has been updated. , Will not be officially released until the next month. At that time, Fu Fu will use the most authoritative stance to update the wealth of global billionaires, and Yang Orange\'s mysterious wealth will also be finalized.

In short, when they learned that the big boss came to watch the game, the main players of the Brooklyn Nets all secretly encouraged and decided to show their best and prove their strength. The reason why they had a frustrated performance was also because Before I came, I heard that the big boss has plans to clean up the team. Anyway, he has to change the court. Naturally, he doesn\'t have the mood to concentrate on playing. But the boss will be here to watch it. It will be different if you let the boss see that you are not playing hard. , Isn\'t that the first to be liquidated? After all, it is every player\'s dream to stay in a big city to play.

Therefore, after the start of the game, several veterans of the Brooklyn Nets went to the inside with the ball without hesitation, frequently causing damage to the Clippers inside, especially Joe Johnson, as the Nets’ main shooting guard, although His age is old and he is no longer what he used to be. With his superb physical fitness, he constantly stops jump shots and makes quick breakthroughs, but his back-to-back stunt is not inferior to Kobe Bryant in the league.

And this trick is getting older and more demon, I saw him frequently asking for the ball on the court, taking the ball at 45 degrees left and right, or turning over to make a jump shot, or turning around to make a breakthrough. 8 minutes before the first quarter, he hit directly. The opposing shooting guard made 6 of 9 shots, made two free throws, and scored 14 points efficiently. After helping the team to establish a lead, he came out panting and rested. This wave of explosion seems to have dried up the entire field.

Yang Cheng turned a blind eye to all this. Of course, there were still some disturbances in his heart, but the NBA is a business league and it is not a place to mention emotions at all. Although he was a little touched by Joe Johnson\'s brave performance, the heart of cleaning the team is resolute. Changeless.

This game was not only the outbreak of Joe Johnson. The 31-year-old Deron Williams seemed to feel the pressure and dreamed of returning to the peak overnight. The small tank of the year came back and found it hard to kill Paul when he was young. After Joe Johnson was off the court, he took over the weapon and took advantage of his height to beat Chris Paul again and again. This made Paul miserable. He bit his braces and kept spraying trash, but he was dead. The goal was not lost. In the first half, the Nets opened the score in one fell swoop, 69:52, 17 points lead is not easy to catch up.

If the development continues in this way, the second half will probably become garbage time.

Yang Cheng and Conrad happily went down to the top box at the invitation of Steve Ballmer, each plunged into the large leather sofa with red wine glasses, and talked.

Originally, Yang Orange was not prepared to mention Microsoft and Bill Gates, but who would have thought that Steve Ballmer would take the initiative to pull Conrad Koch to breathe out bitterness while chatting, Ballmer said frankly, "I It must be said that Microsoft entered the smartphone market too late. I regret that it did not adhere to this strategy at the beginning and did not take the lead as soon as possible. If I was given another chance, I would resist the pressure of the board of directors, a few days earlier than the actual situation. Leading Microsoft into the mobile market in 2012."

Yang Cheng took a sip of the red wine and talked about his own views, "Steve, Microsoft is no longer the original Microsoft, and now Microsoft is completely a Wall Street cash machine. The new strategy you have formulated for Microsoft can indeed bring More revenue and profits, but Microsoft\'s stock price has not risen as expected, which is the least acceptable to Wall Street.

Take your most important surface business as an example. Since its birth in 2012, the sales of this product have not been good, so that Microsoft subsidies are needed to clean up the inventory. Of course, now, the profitability of the Surface product line has greatly improved. I am afraid that the sales in the past year have reached 4 billion US dollars, right? "

Steve Ballmer nodded, indicating that Yang Cheng\'s estimate was accurate.

Yang Cheng continued, "But in fact, Microsoft did not start to make a profit due to surface products, which caused the stock price to rise sharply. I heard rumors on Wall Street more than once: Microsoft does not need to transform, they only want Microsoft to focus on the software business, and the stock price is rising steadily. It is enough to bring them a steady stream of profits, and Wall Street is unwilling to bear the pain of transformation. So you withdrew from Microsoft not because of a strategic error, but external factors accounted for a large proportion.

Of course, from a personal point of view, I think your strategy is very feasible, but the time to enter the market is too late, or you did not understand the sales model of mobile products earlier, just like Apple’s iPhone, they Through the operator\'s subsidy strategy, the iPhone, which has been priced beyond the sky, has sold amazing sales.

If you realize this routine early, I think Microsoft today will become a super giant that is twice that of Apple. The two strong legs of software and mobile hardware are enough to ensure that Microsoft is invincible within 50 years. "

Hearing Yang Cheng’s analysis, Ballmer nodded repeatedly, and couldn’t help but sighed, “You’re right Jason. I had asserted in the early years that the iPhone was too expensive and no one would buy Used as a laughing stock by countless people.

But time has passed, and now, looking at it the other way around, if I, like you said, figured out this kind of carrier-subsidized sales model earlier, and cleverly allocated the price to the monthly phone bill, maybe Surface could be very popular with the ipad. Fire, if enough profits are made, the stock price will naturally be reflected, and as long as the stock price rises, Wall Street will naturally be happy to see it happen and will definitely support the acquisition of Nokia, and Microsoft will return to glory under my leadership! "

Yang Cheng curled his lips. Although he was not flattering, he was just speaking in a fair manner. If he were to lead Microsoft, he would definitely formulate a strategy like this. However, Steve Ballmer said that under his leadership, Microsoft will emphasize Back to the top, Yang Cheng\'s belly was slandered, too lazy to talk to this narcissistic old guy.

Today’s purpose is not to argue about right and wrong. The conversation changed, “Steve, let him pass the past. We should focus on the future. Now that you and I are in the NBA, should we help each other and work together? To defend against foreign enemies, after all, you and my team are one side each other and there is no direct competition."

Just now, Yang Cheng’s words were in Ballmer’s heart. He almost regarded Yang Cheng as a confidant. Hearing Yang Cheng’s proposal, he agreed without saying anything, "This is natural, to be honest, last year The decision to acquire the Clippers is mostly a matter of anger, but as most of the season has gone down, I really love basketball, and I am determined to work hard. It would be better to have you together!"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, this was not what he wanted to hear, and his eyes met Konrad Koch, implicitly meaning, "You didn\'t reveal the style in advance?"

Konrad Koch also returned a helpless look, "Say it!"

Yes, the two realized in an instant that they had been shaved by the old fox Steve Ballmer!