Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 413: The Sunday Times

In Sky Broadcasting Company, Murdoch’s chairman’s office, Yang Cheng stood by the window with a cold face and a cup of black tea in his hand. He was steaming. The white mist blurred his vision, but his eyes were still sharp. The smoke, God was in Lao Mo after looking straight at the desk, and the needle dropped in the office.

"Jason, you have been staring at me for almost 5 minutes." Old Mo reminded him, taking off his glasses and wiping them with a smile.

Yang Cheng put the tea cup on the window sill and walked to the desk with his hands in pockets. He looked down at the media tycoon condescendingly, and snorted, "Rupert, this person can\'t be too bad, or he will go after death. There is no heaven."

Lao Mo looked at the lens carefully, and after confirming that it was clean, he put it on again, interlaced his hands and ten fingers on the desk, playing with the taste, "Is the proposal made on the board of directors a temporary idea?"

Yang Cheng curled his lips. This old guy was like a loach, slipping without leaving his hands. "So what?"

Lao Mo didn\'t care about Yang Cheng\'s tone, and sighed, "It\'s better to be young. I have the same quick thinking when you are your age."

"Yet you are getting old!" Yang Cheng didn\'t show any mercy. The salt on the wound was not enough, she had to add some cumin and chili noodles!

Old Mo admitted very frankly, "Yes, I am old, this is the world of your young people."

Yang Cheng frowned. He didn\'t have the time to sigh with the old fox about his life. When he was willing to calm down and listen to Lao Mo\'s nonsense, it would be 60 years later, at that time Lao Mo would have already turned to ashes.

"You didn\'t call me because you asked me to accompany you to talk about time and quiet, okay? I don\'t have time!" Yang Cheng vomited.

The old smiled silently, "Thank you for Wendy\'s matter."

Yang Cheng knew that he was referring to the fact that he hadn\'t joined their clan for the time being, so he pursed his lips and didn\'t answer, wanting to see what the old guy was selling.

"In addition, you are already the second largest shareholder of Sky Broadcasting. I hope you will not increase your shareholding. Believe me, as long as you and I work together, the future of Sky Broadcasting is not only the largest pay TV station in Europe, but also The world’s largest and most influential pay TV station, your 13% of the shares will bring you more than 10 times the investment income.” Although Lao Mo is publishing his declaration of the future, how does Yang Cheng sound like Threatened.

Said coldly, "Really? I think Rupert, you are getting older, you may have symptoms of memory loss, you have to go to the hospital for treatment quickly."

He sarcastically said, “It’s okay, I remind you. Our agreement expresses very clearly that I want to get 38% of the shares second only to News Corporation. 15 years after the agreement, I will pay the market price. All the shares are transferred to News Corp. Why? Rupert, you want to default?"

Lao Mo was silent for a moment, and said calmly, "You know that Sky Broadcasting Company is my most valued asset and will not allow any threat to exist."

Yang Cheng is not afraid of this, "You know, Sky Broadcasting is related to my global layout, and I will not retreat half a step."

The old and the young are tit-for-tat in this old office. The powerful aura of the two makes the air pressure in the room drop to zero. If ordinary people are in this office, they might not even feel comfortable breathing.

The confrontation lasted for a few minutes, and Lao Mo suddenly lowered his head and suggested in a languid manner, "It\'s better for us to take a step back. I allow you to hold 20%, and other conditions remain unchanged."

Yang Cheng knew that if he held 38% of the shares, Lao Mo would completely lose the remaining little sense of security, and an insecure Lao Mo might do something crazy.

Just spare him his life, but he has to find it from another place, after all, he hasn\'t retaliated against the old guy who scammed himself at the board meeting before.

"30%, there is no room for negotiation." Yang Orange bargained.

"25%" The old meditation didn\'t even think about it, and replied after Yang Cheng\'s voice.

"25% plus "Sunday Times""


Yang Cheng\'s reaction speed almost made Lao silent.

Yang Cheng repeated torturously, "My shareholding in Sky Broadcasting Company must reach 25%. In addition, I want to acquire the Sunday Times."

The Sunday Times is a newspaper published every week. The content mainly covers current affairs, politics, business, sports, entertainment, finance and Sunday news reviews. Of course, what Yang Cheng values ​​most is its location in the British Isles. Distribution capacity, "The Sunday Times" itself has always been regarded as the leading major newspaper in the UK, known as the "faithful recorder of British society", and has a good influence all over the world.

If he can win the "Sunday Times", not only will Yang Cheng get his revenge, it will also become the first nail laid by the new era media in the UK, and he will have his own voice channel in the UK in the future.

However, "The Times" and "Sunday Times" have always been center-right in the ZZ position in the United Kingdom, but with News Corporation\'s entry into the power, they have intensified and tilted to the right. She once enthusiastically supported the Conservative Prime Minister, Mrs. Thatcher, the Iron Lady .

But when the Labor Party Blair came to power, because Murdoch was friendly with Blair, The Times and other Murdoch newspapers also became supporters of the Labor Party ZF. This bad tendency will inevitably be changed. Of course, these are still not It\'s too early. Looking at the extremely distorted expression on Lao Mo\'s face, you can tell where Yang Cheng has been stabbed.

"If you don\'t want me to hold 38% of the shares, or you can sell me the Sunday Times, choose one of the two, don\'t want me to lose out!" Yang Cheng added another fire.

In fact, Murdoch also owns the more influential "The Times". The loss of a weekly magazine will not have much impact on him, but will help him reduce the burden. Today, the "Sunday Times" loses thousands of dollars every year. Ten thousand pounds, even when the mobile version and web version were launched, only slowed down the speed of the fall.

What\'s more, it is more important to maintain your supreme authority in Sky Broadcasting Company than a newspaper.

The decisive Lao Mo, who has been killing all his life, didn\'t struggle with this matter for too long, and simply agreed, "Yes, according to you, Sky Broadcasting Corporation\'s shareholding increased to 25%, and the "Sunday Times" is yours. Yes, I put a price of 20 million pounds for it, no problem, right?"

Yang Cheng was not wordy, "20 million is no problem, wait for me to send someone over to hand it over."

. . .

Leaving the Sky Broadcasting Corporation headquarters building, looking at the still gloomy sky and the drizzle, Yang Cheng\'s mood is exceptionally good. This life has to be ups and downs to be wonderful!

After spending the whole morning, Yang Cheng did not stop for a while, but drove straight to the Royal Yacht Club on the Thames River. Danny Levy’s work efficiency made Yang Cheng very satisfied. Under the matchmaking bridge, it didn\'t take much effort to make an appointment with Joe Lewis on his yacht.

Yang Cheng himself is also full of expectations for this meeting. To be honest, Joe Lewis, a typical Jewish businessman, is very different from the Jewish people Yang Cheng has contacted in the United States. He is more like an old-fashioned British nobleman, without the United States at all. The Jewish sleek style of dealing with things, like his team, compared to Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal and other foreign-controlled Premier League clubs, Tottenham is more like one of the few traditional British football clubs.

Of course, it is not that Spurs is unwilling to participate in this wave of overseas capital pursuits. As early as 2007, after missed the acquisition by the US consortium by mistake, Tottenham began to pursue the arduous path of being independent among overseas consortia. All this It is inseparable from the close friends of Joe Lewis and Danny Levy.

Joe Lewis paid for it and Danny Levy contributed. This rather classical model of cooperation has produced an indescribable charm in the current Premier League.

Levi made three promises when he became the chairman of Tottenham; to build Tottenham into a team capable of challenging the local and European highest glory; a brand new training center; and expand the capacity of the home court.

So far, these three promises have been close to fulfillment, and I have to admire his superb skills. If it were not for the relationship between Joe Lewis and Levi, Yang Orange would be ready to dig.

As well as Levy’s management ability, Joe Lewis’ ability to make money, not to mention, in just two years from 2013 to now, Joe Lewis’ wealth has risen from 2.9 billion pounds to 4.9 billion pounds, not only in the UK The top 10 of the rich list is also ranked in the Premier League owner’s net worth course, this was before Yang Cheng entered the Premier League.

Judging from the information Ian Al has collected for Yang Cheng, Joe Lewis is definitely a phenomenal figure in the international financial world. He dropped out of high school at the age of 15 and did not get any degree in finance or economics. He is among the top foreign exchange traders. , He is a very inspirational case.

After dropping out of high school, Lewis initially ran his father’s catering company, which earned him the first pot of money in his life. In 1992, Lewis began to get involved in foreign exchange transactions and participated in the financial crocodile Soros\'s attack on the British pound. After reaping huge trophies from the "Black Wednesday" event when the British pound plummeted, he quietly retreated. Then he followed in the footsteps of Soros. In the Mexican financial crisis in 1995, the assets were once again shorted by shorting the peso. Surge.

Today, as the founder and main investor of the Tavistock Group, a world-renowned private investment company, Lewis has more than 200 global holding companies, sitting on 135 restaurants and multiple resorts around the world, and even owns one in Lake Nona near Orlando Medical city.

Moreover, the information displayed by the data is similar to what Abramovich revealed to Yang Cheng. Joe Lewis is extremely fond of collecting art. It is said that the art collection is worth $1 billion, including works by Picasso, Paul Cezanne and Lucian Freud. works.

He is also passionate about yachts. His mobile office is built on a yacht under his name. Doing business is as good as traveling around the world. He also brings many of his most treasured works of art to enjoy at any time, even When the sky met a storm, I was buried under the sea with yachts and artworks.

Anyway, for Yang Cheng who is also insecure, the sea and sky will never be safe from land!

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