Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 41: Knight fifteenth

The fundamental issue is that the Chinese do not fight. This does not mean that the Chinese do not fight, but they do not know how to fight.

Of course, there are many people who say that the Chinese are not united. This is a fact, but the root cause is that the Chinese do not want to be the first bird, and they do not want to be shot to death, so they do not fight for it. Since they do not fight for it, then naturally it will not be discussed. Unity.

To put it bluntly, the United States is a country built on the corpses of Chinese people. In 1869, the Pacific Railway, known as the "Miracle of Railway Construction in the World in the 19th Century", was driven by more than 12,000 Chinese workers driving wooden stakes on the ground. The one-meter-one-meter-long repairs resulted in the world’s first transcontinental railway with a total length of more than 3,000 kilometers across the North American continent.

   But what did the Chinese get?

   Chinese Exclusion Act!

   I don’t know how many anonymous Chinese died under the tracks for American railroads. They didn’t earn money or the opportunity to stay in the US, but got a piece of Chinese Exclusion Act that would exclude them from the American continent.

   Why? It\'s not because the US government is worried that hardworking Chinese rob whites of jobs.

The other major reason for this half-century humiliating bill is that the Chinese have never worked hard for their own rights. They would rather indulge in internal friction than fight, and even many second-generation Chinese I don’t even know that the United States ever had such a bill. They firmly believe that they are Americans and a member of the world’s most powerful country. They chanted freedom and democracy every day, and they complained about the human rights issues in Country Z with white people. .

Look at other ethnic groups. In the history of the United States, after Japanese Americans were released from concentration camps, with the support of civil rights groups and through various channels, they pressured Congress to apologize, and only then received the apology and compensation. .

  The same is true for African Americans, Native Hawaiians and Native Americans, and their efforts to fight for their rights have continued to this day.

   Facts have proved that if you don\'t fight for it, you won\'t get anything.

Of course, after the rise of a new generation of Chinese elites, they have gradually realized this problem. Various Chinese organizations and rights protection groups have sprung up, but there are very few groups that are really struggling to fight for the status and rights of the Chinese. Most of them are to satisfy their own interests, not only do not think for their own people, but also constantly squeeze the hard-earned money of their ethnic people.

   As for 2012, the U.S. Congress issued an official apology for the Chinese Exclusion Act. Many Chinese jumped out and said that this was a victory for Chinese Americans, which marked the rise of Chinese American social status and political power.

   Ha ha, I can only say who believes and who is stupid.

   In 2012, the U.S. had just experienced the subprime mortgage crisis not long after it had not yet come out of the painful period. Wall Street was **** and messy. The number of employed people fell precipitously, while the number of unemployed people rose. What should we do? Pulling down his face and begging for Country Z, the entire galaxy knows that the people of Country Z are rich.

  In order to sell U.S. Treasury bonds to country Z, of course you have to show your favor to the people of country Z. If you want the horse to run fast, you have to let the horse eat enough grass. A formal apology for the Chinese Exclusion Act is only the first step.

In this year, country Z increased its holdings of US$18.2 billion in US Treasury bonds, holding a total of US$1,170.1 billion (this is still obvious), ranking top spot, MMP, as of 2012, the total number of US Treasury bonds was 16.4 In the trillions of dollars, country Z accounts for almost 10%. Do you still expect the United States to pay back this money? It is not as good as looking forward to the Z football winning the World Cup, at least there is a 0.001% possibility!

   pulled away again. Once I talked about this topic, I couldn\'t hold the brakes. I quickly pulled my eyes back into the car.

(Little Pang used to stay abroad for many years. He has personally experienced many things, and even dare not write about many more cruel things. Of course, the above points are purely a family statement, don’t like it, this is just a web novel. No need to go online.)

  . . . . . . . . .

   "By the way, what car do you want to change?"

Yang Cheng chatted with the salesman for a while, and then asked him to follow. After a while, the promotion of buying a car will be counted on him. This is also a disguised form of blocking his mouth. After taking the commission, I will forget about it today. .

   There are too many hypocrites who stabbed you behind the back with a smile on the surface.

   "Here, just this one." Allen stopped suddenly and slammed at the black reflective behemoth in front of him.

   Yang Cheng stared at the monster that was more than 6 meters long, more than 2 meters high and square just like an armored car, and asked, "Is this the fifteenth knight?"

This is the first time he has seen this sturdy SUV that is a lap bigger than Hummer. In his previous life, he had only seen it from the photos circulated in movies and on the Internet. I have to say that it is absolutely impossible not to see it with his own eyes. To that kind of violent visual impact.

   Mighty and masculine are synonymous with this car. The strong military style is more likely to arouse the adrenaline of men. I can’t wait to drive this car to step on the wilderness immediately.

   "Haha, that\'s right, how is it? I have a good vision?" Allen patted the car body and yelled at Yang Cheng proudly.

   For this car, Yang Cheng had to give it a thumbs up willingly. It was a good choice!

   But he was reluctant to let Alan off easily, "The car is a good car, but where do you go out to park? New York, at least Manhattan, there is absolutely not that much space."

   With a body over 6 meters long, it is harder to find a spacious parking space in congested New York than to find one.

   "Fuck, how did I forget this problem." Allen grabbed his hair hard, trying to figure out a solution.

After spinning around the body twice, the more I look at it, the more I like it, Yang Cheng is also a little excited, but he knows that because this car is produced by hand, the production time of each car exceeds 1500 hours, so each batch only produces about 100. After a batch of orders is completed, new orders will be accepted.

   While Alan was frowning and thinking, Yang Cheng pulled the salesman and raised his chin at the XV Cavaliers, "Hey, buddy, do you still have an order for this car?"

   The little brother shook his head regretfully. He also wanted to have it. The commission for selling one car was enough for him to be chic for a year.

   "Sorry, this is the only one that was ordered by Mr. Allen, but I can still place a new order for you."

Some regrets nodded to express understanding, but he was not ready to place a new order. First, he didn’t like to wait. Second, he didn’t like it to the point where he had to. If there is an existing car, he would buy it on impulse. It doesn\'t matter, Alan buys it back anyway, he can borrow it anytime he wants to open it.

"Don\'t think about it, you don\'t go out every day. Sometimes you come out in the early hours of the morning. You will always find a space." Yang Cheng silently kicked the pensive Allen awake. The brain of this guy is really weird. It seems that besides numbers, there are others. Everything is paste, I don\'t know how he lived till now.

   "Yes, haha, thanks buddy." Allen clapped his hands suddenly.

   Yang Cheng curled his lips and was too lazy to be familiar with these two people, so he quickly went through the formalities of picking up the car, and he himself wandered around the exhibition hall casually.

   This is a luxury car dealer. No cars sold from here are less than $150,000. Mercedes-Benz AMG, Audi S and BMW M series cars can only be placed in the corners here.

After turning around, I didn’t find my favorite car. I was a bit disappointed. But it’s not surprising. With Ferrari’s urinary properties, Laferari, the new flagship, was probably sold out before it went on sale. If I want to buy it now, I can only pick up what others don’t want. Order, or buy a used car that people can play with.

   It\'s normal. Not every car owner who buys a Ferrari is a loyal fan of Ferrari. Many people take this as an opportunity to make money. For example, if you get an order from Rafa for $1.3 million, you can sell it for $2 million without any effort.

   Yang Cheng does not buy second-hand cars, so people can only pay attention to see which car owner who has an order can not pick up the car, and then take it down as quickly as possible.

   Back to the rest area, Allen is signing the contract. The car has been moved to the delivery area by the staff, and the final clean-up inspection is done. After Allen signs and pays, he can drive away.

   "How much is it?" Yang Cheng sat on the sofa, tilted Erlang\'s legs all around, took a sip of coffee that other sales girls handed over, and asked with a smack.

   Allen did not lift his head, "1.5 million..."

   "It\'s not cheap. It is said that country Z has already fetched almost 3 million."

   "Z people are really rich." Allen said sincerely with envy.

Buying this car is equivalent to almost one-third of his annual income, but he has no other expenses, does not buy famous brands, rarely picks up girls, and the pressure is not too big. Besides, he is not particular about eating and drinking. He can eat hamburgers to death. How much money to spend?

   20 minutes later. . . . . .

   Accompanied by the exhaust sound of "Da Da Da", the dark knight XV rushed to the street, and the winking taxis evaded one after another, for fear of being crushed to pieces by this big guy.

In the carriage, even if Allen, who weighed 300 kg, was sitting in the driving seat, there was still room for it. He turned the steering wheel with both hands, screamed "Wow" in his mouth, and stomped on the accelerator and galloped towards the vehicle management station. .

"Fucku Allen, are you TM crazy? Don\'t drag me to bury me if you want to die." Yang Cheng fastened on the seat belt and stubbornly pulled the handle of the co-pilot, the whole person involuntarily leaned back and roared like riding a roller coaster. .

"Haha, easy brother, happy, so cool, that\'s why it\'s called a car." Alan comforted Yang Cheng unnourished, and from time to time he held out his hand out of the window and raised his **** at the passing cars, meaning it was self-evident. You are all scum."

All the way to the vehicle management station, Allen was addicted, but the consequence of doing this was that he followed a row of police cars behind him. Allen didn’t talk nonsense. He threw out a wad of cash, removed the fine, and asked the police. Drinking coffee, anyway, it is a new car without a license. People have such a good attitude and take the initiative to pay the fine. The NYPDs who think they are reasonable turned one eye and closed one, got in the car and left.

"Alan, I\'m **** your uncle, you tm are a lunatic, and I will never ride your car again." Yang Cheng was excited to speak Chinese, and when the car stopped, he jumped off and held the bonnet Bent over and retched, I was getting but I got fever after such a toss.

After coming out of the vehicle management station, Yang Cheng and Allen found a restaurant. Allen ordered a steak and burger set meal forever. Yang Cheng still had no appetite, so he ordered seafood pasta and ate a few bites. Started to talk, "How about the oil market?"

"As you might expect, it fell in June. We are already profitable. Looking at this situation, it is not far from your expected closing line of $58. Should we increase leverage?" Allen used Dashu The high-calorie eating method dipped in milkshake, whispered excitedly.

   Yang Cheng pondered for a while, the oil price really fell like memory in previous lives, but whether the magnitude of the drop will change due to the butterfly effect, he can no longer care, lack of money!

   gritted his posterior molars and said fiercely, "Plus, I need money everywhere now, and it would be good to earn 1 million more."

   Allen looked unsurprisingly, the two smelled like each other, and they didn\'t ask Yang Cheng why he needed money, "No problem, I will stare to death!"

   Alan’s income is completely tied to Yang Cheng. The more Yang Cheng earns, the more dividends he will pay out, so don’t worry about this guy being careless.

After lunch, after bidding farewell to Allen, Yang Cheng asked Hansen to go to the Yuanshan headquarters. When she came back yesterday, she fell ill. He forgot to tell Yang Sen about Lehman, which happened to be closer to Wall Street. By the way, discuss with Yang Sen. How to develop the three pieces of land obtained by Donghai, this time he is not going to divide the cake out.

   The problem is that he has no one in his hands, so he can\'t let him build the building by himself.

Get in the car again, open the skylight, the sky above your head is like a blue silk, a few thin white clouds, as if they were baked by the sun, as the breeze slowly floats, the tourists on Wall Street gradually increase Get up, Big Apple City once again shows its unique appeal.