Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 401: Premier League Joint Conference

"I\'m pretty sure about this. Although Danny Levy is responsible for the club\'s major events and minor affairs, including the transfer, he can make decisions, but as long as Joe Lewis speaks, he will never refute. In fact, all the important things Tottenham have in the past few years The pound transfer was proposed by Joe Lewis. This is a businessman in an absolute sense. He doesn\'t love football at all, and he doesn\'t even know the basic rules."

Yang Cheng can hear Ian Al’s faint disdain for Joe Lewis. For a person who loves football, how can he like a businessman who does football as a business?

"I see. Call me if you have any news."

Hanging up the phone, the good mood of wanting to eat a big meal disappeared, but he didn\'t want to scan the vegetarian interest, and found a Chinese restaurant at home, especially instructing the back chef to cook an authentic Chinese meal, and he was immediately satisfied with it. Susu went back to the hotel to play a game of "hot waters". Playing games after meals not only burns calories, but also helps to eliminate depression and change mood.

. . .

The next morning, Yang Cheng, dressed in a boring beige plaid suit with a navy blue long trench coat, appeared in an ordinary gray four-story building where the famous Premier League headquarters is located.

Every quarter, the Premier League Committee’s joint meeting composed of the owners or chairman of the 20 Premier League clubs is held here. Of course, the general meeting is attended by the executive chairman or CEO of the club instead of the boss. After all, the rich and powerful people, how can there be Sora personally attends meetings with little influence, and the club is just a toy in the hands of the rich.

But today is different, because it involves the sale of the Premier League live broadcast copyright contract in the new cycle, and the important issue of the distribution of broadcast income of the clubs, the Premier League specially sent a letter to request the owners of the clubs to attend in person.

Therefore, in front of this ordinary four-story building, there are rare luxury cars parked. Considering the age of the Premier League club owners, these luxury cars are generally Rolls Royces, and occasionally one or two Bentleys are mixed in among them. A little green, it looks particularly conspicuous.

Yang Cheng’s Khaki Rolls Royce Phantom steadily stopped in front of the door, and Premier League CEO Richard Skudarmore personally waited at the door to greet every Premier League committee shareholder—the club owner’s arrival.

"Mr. Yang, in your Chinese words, I have been admiring you for a long time."

Seeing Yang Cheng bend and get out of the car, a silver-haired Richard Skodamore smiled forward and shook hands with Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng shook his hand firmly, "This should be right for me. The acquisition of Liverpool was thanks to Prince William\'s help. It\'s a shame not to meet you."

Skodamore seems to be very proficient in dealing with Chinese people, and he doesn\'t feel jerky when it comes to polite words, "This is what we should do, there is no regret, we will communicate more in the future."

Seeing that Rolls-Royce came up again behind Yang Cheng, she didn\'t want to delay other people\'s time, and took the lead to end the courtesy, "You are still busy, I won\'t disturb you, and we will talk in a while."

"Of course, I\'ll let you go up." Skodamore understood Yang Cheng\'s feelings, smiled brighter, and beckoned to a female employee to show Yang Cheng the way. After watching Yang Cheng go upstairs, he smiled again. The next guest.

When I came to the large conference room on the third floor, Yang Cheng, who thought he had come very early, suddenly found that the boss of the 20 clubs had been there seven or eight, but he was the last few to come and talked to the female staff who led the way. Thanks, and asked her to take good care of Susu, and entered the large conference room alone.

Following his footsteps, the already lively atmosphere in the conference room suddenly shook out, making Yang Cheng a little dazed. Is his influence so powerful?

Fortunately, as the person present here who is most familiar with Yang Cheng, Abu became the landlord and stood up to ease the embarrassment. At the same time, he took Yang Cheng’s arm to introduce everyone present, "Let’s welcome new friends to join, Chairman of Liverpool Club. , Heir to Wall Street Yuanshan Capital and founder of New Times Media, Jason Yang, a very outstanding young man."

Abu introduced that Yang Cheng’s order of the first names is particular. First of all, attending the Premier League meeting, so naturally, the identity of his club owner should be put first; secondly, he pointed out his identity as the heir of Yuanshan Capital to remind those For people unfamiliar with him, this is a second generation with a background, not a nouveau riche, and should be careful to deal with it; the last mention of New Era Media emphasizes that Yang Cheng\'s own abilities are good, everyone should not underestimate it.

They are all human beings, and no idiot will come out to embarrass Yang Cheng. Let’s not talk about whether there is capital to provoke Yang Cheng. Just from the point that Abu takes the initiative to stand for Yang Cheng platform, everyone will sell this face, this Russian oligarch. Although life has not been easy in the near future, it is always the only one with a wealth of wealth and the existence of the local tyrants in the Middle East. If there are no two or three, it is better not to try to challenge the majesty of the polar bear.

Just as Yang Cheng was about to say hello to say some kind words, there was a rush of footsteps behind him, and he turned his head inexplicably, and happened to see a crowd of people coming in. The boss of Manchester City, the big Middle Eastern tyrant, and the second man of the UAE chief\'s family happened to be the leader. The son and the younger brother of the current president-Sheikh Mansour.

Compared to other handsome princes in the Middle East, Mansour\'s appearance is a bit shameful, but his aristocracy is enough to make up for his lack of appearance, at least I have not heard of anyone who dislikes him for looking like a donkey.

"Jason, it\'s been a long time." As soon as Mansour entered the door, he saw Yang Cheng standing at the door of the conference room at first glance, spreading his arms and offering a warm hug.

Yang Cheng smiled and hugged Mansour, "Mansour, it\'s been a long time since I saw you, how are you?"

Speaking of which, Mansour is a dozen years older than Yang Cheng. The two have nothing to do with each other. It’s just that Mansour studied in the United States. At a party, he met Yang Cheng under the introduction of a friend. At that time, Yang Cheng was still The minor second generation, with nostrils facing the sky, is quite a kind of "vigour" that no one knows the king.

As a foreigner, although Mansour is a noble prince of the UAE chieftain family, he has no friends in the United States. At the party, he was just drinking alcohol alone, sitting next to Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng could not drink at that time. The wine in Suer\'s hand was eager to pierce his eyes, and he tried every way to cheat and drink from him. Mansour found it interesting, so he amused with Yang Cheng. They went back and forth, because of a bottle of wine, the two had a good relationship. .

It is worth mentioning that although there is a prohibition on alcohol in the Middle East and Arabia, in the eyes of these wealthy princes and wealthy local tyrants, it is only a regulation that needs to be observed at home. How to play and how to play abroad is called help. The idea of ​​integrating myself better into local life coincides with the idea of ​​some second-generation foreign students in country Z.

This is not just a sentence, Mansour used wine to tease Yang Cheng again, "I am very good, but now you shouldn\'t cheat from me to drink anymore, right?"

Yang Cheng smiled helplessly, "What a story, Mansour, are you too vengeful?"

"Haha~ It\'s not that I hold a grudge, it\'s you who cheated me too hard, which makes my memory fresh." It doesn\'t matter if Mansour joked, but the servants behind him were scared and trembling. When were they the number two in the UAE Character, isn\'t it so serious?

Abu couldn\'t stand it anymore and reminded him aloud, "Jason, Mansour, this is not your two old-fashioned convention."

Yang Cheng quickly smiled apologetically, "Sorry, my mistake."

After speaking, he invited Mansour to find two adjacent vacancies to sit down. This office has a large area. There is no standard conference table. Instead, a circle of single sofas is placed in an oval shape, between each sofa. There is a coffee table partitioned, and drinks and snacks are placed on it, creating a sense of casualness of a tea party.

With the arrival of Mansour, all the participants arrived. Anthony Fry, the chairman of the Premier League Committee, who was nearly 60 years old, walked into the large conference room accompanied by Richard Skudarmore and said hello to the club owners. In the end, he sat on the sofa in the center on the side facing the door, and Richard Skodamore sat in the empty seat next to Yang Cheng, and the meeting officially began.

"First of all, let’s inform you about the Regarding the Premier League live broadcast copyright negotiations for the three seasons of 2016-2019, preliminary agreements have been reached with several TV stations. In the contention of local live broadcast copyrights, Sky Sports and BT Sports teamed up to win the local live broadcast rights for the next three seasons, and the final transaction price is expected to exceed 5 billion pounds." As a capable man who has led the development of the Premier League and 6 live broadcast rights negotiations in the past 20 years, Richard Skudarmore once again offered An amazing result.

There was an uproar in the conference room, because this number was 70% higher than the previous contract of more than 3 billion pounds. This is an amazing number. Yang Cheng, who is used to big scenes, couldn\'t help but slap his tongue.

The surprise is not over yet, Richard Skudarmore continued, "And the negotiation of overseas copyright is also nearing completion. According to our estimation, it is not a problem for the final transaction price to exceed 2 billion pounds, and 3 billion pounds is not unattained. Opportunity, in other words, our total broadcasting revenue in the next three years will exceed the £7 billion mark and sprint towards 8 billion. This is a miracle created by all of us. I propose that we help the Premier League. A toast to Dingsheng Development."

Seeing that Richard Skodamore took the lead in raising the wine glass, everyone would not be disappointed. They picked up the red wine glasses and drank them in one go. This is indeed good news.

However, Yang Cheng feels a little depressed because he is about to join the board of Sky TV. As the second largest shareholder, he also has a share of the seven or eight billion pounds. Although he can earn some back from Liverpool, he is always in the mood. Not beautiful, of course, he also knows that the Premier League and TV stations have always complemented each other. If Sky Sports can spend such a large price to grab the Premier League live broadcast rights, it must have an expectation of revenue, and no one will do a loss-making deal.

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